Imagine a time when it all began...


It Wandered In From the Wastes
"gathered from accross the land to work in the secrecy of the desert sands"
Manhatttan Project by RUSH...

With the prospect of having a Fallout based in the deserts of Las Vegas, new or old, I can't help but notice an irony. The original Manhatten Project that included Albert Einstien working in Area 51 in the labs of Hangar 18 to split the first atom. I mean, what is the likelyhood of having referances to this in F:NV? And would this be the holding place for the Alien Blaster that has made it's apearance in all the FOs thus far, or have another encounter like that of Zeta in FO3?
Of course, there are questions I have about the expansiveness of the map... I mean the city itself is large enough to base a full map on but will the developers go as far as to take in natural landmarks? Or have add-ons to the map like what Point Lookout or Broken Steel's Enclave Base was to FO3, will Lake Mead/Hover Dam or Flagstaff/San Fransisc Peaks be to NV?
Please no more references to aliens, the whole encounter and the Alien Blaster were suppose to be a gag, a cultural thing not to take to seriously.

Bethesda went way beyond that, introducing tripe such as a real hostile alien civilization.

As for Hoover Dam, that is already in the main game, check the articles.
hadn't had too much of a chance to check the articles, Im at work for most of the day.
And I couldn't agree more, I hated Zeta and the stupid Blaster... when I found it in Fo3 I put in on the display shelf in my house and there it sits to this day... I don't know... I still like the idea of revisiting some if the old places in CA, but more in the Bethesda style...
I don’t think the people at Bethesda had any idea regarding the puns and jokes supplied in Fallout 1 + 2. They were never meant to be serous gaming concepts and how did Bethesda not realize this. Either had had no idea what to do with Fallout 3, or lacked common sense (Both). You stumble across a reference to the Roswell Alien incident in Fallout 1 and chuckle to yourself… Bethesda considers it a vital ingredient and builds some shit (Mothership Zeta).
“ Defy hostile alien abductors and fight your way off of the massive Mothership Zeta, orbiting Earth miles above the Capital Wasteland. Mothership Zeta takes Fallout 3 in an entirely new direction – outer space. Meet new characters and join with them in a desperate bid to escape the Aliens’ clutches. To do so, you’ll wield powerful new weapons, like the Alien Atomizer, Alien Disintegrator, and Drone Cannon, and deck yourself out in brand new outfits, like the Gemini-Era Spacesuit and even Samurai Armor. ”
It’s a case of greed and stupidly (sadly the story of most contemporary gaming companies). Now I wonder if NV will have Godzilla roaming the landscape in search of things to stomp on… :roll:
"Area 51 Would be so awesome!!!
Maybe We'll get Alien Tech without buying DLC. "

- A quote from another forum


What the fuck is wrong with these people? If you want to shoot aliens with alien guns, go play Resistance or Halo. I really hope that Obsidian un-canonises aliens and stuff. But I'd really like to see Area 51 in this, but don't put any aliens in there. It's ok if you put the alien blaster there, but that must be it. No fucking alien DLC.

But I got excited about this one fact about the Hoover Dam:


In the Rim, there seems to be some mutated fish-thingies... It would be somewhat fun to see some of those. But seriously, not a must-be.

Still waiting...
"Area 51 Would be so awesome!!!
Maybe We'll get Alien Tech without buying DLC. "

- A quote from another forum


What the fuck is wrong with these people? If you want to shoot aliens with alien guns, go play Resistance or Halo. I really hope that Obsidian un-canonises aliens and stuff. But I'd really like to see Area 51 in this, but don't put any aliens in there. It's ok if you put the alien blaster there, but that must be it. No fucking alien DLC.

But I got excited about this one fact about the Hoover Dam:


In the Rim, there seems to be some mutated fish-thingies... It would be somewhat fun to see some of those. But seriously, not a must-be.

Still waiting...
Pixote.... Perhaps Bethesda did get all the jokes and expanded on them as a further joke to the players that would read too much into small jokes...

But I have to agree... if they do put some alien in Hangar 18 have it some suspention chamber like was in the otiginal GLOW in Fo1. Nothing more...
I find it interesting that someone mentions Area 51 and everyone imediately thinks ALIENS! What about the technology that has been kept from the general public knowlegde or the rooms of secret records of what realy happened durring various wars or ancient arcane and cultural relics?
Nightling said:
--What about the technology that has been kept from the general public knowlegde or the rooms of secret records of what realy happened durring various wars or ancient arcane and cultural relics?

*X-files theme...*

I almost would prefer not putting area 51 into it... It has been seen so many times on pop culture. The glow did the trick imo.

oh, btw. Hi.
Yeah, you are probably right... there are too many possibilities that too much will be tried to be done with it and I don't know... but the Glow was freaking awesome... aside from the radiation probably my favorate place to explore in Fo1. I think the equivelent to the glow for Fo2 would have to be Sierra Army Depo. There really wasn't anything like that (to my memory) in Tactics. But there were like 3 forts in Fo3 plus the Army Reserve building in Fo3 that were deffinately worth spelunking in my oppinion.

I don't know... F:NV has alot of possibility and expectations. We'll see if it mesures up... I'm still exited though!
Nightling said:
I find it interesting that someone mentions Area 51 and everyone imediately thinks ALIENS! What about the technology that has been kept from the general public knowlegde or the rooms of secret records of what realy happened durring various wars or ancient arcane and cultural relics?

Yes. I'd be all for an Area 51, if it was just some kind of military base. No reason to make it all fantastical. Just make it a government facility that somehow fits into whatever blahblah the story. We don't need spaceships or alien blasters.