i'm a little bored by this game; i dont think i'll finish it. i think i'll return it (it's a rented copy which i got for 10 euro for a month, thats an offer from a console club here) after i see dogmeat, the brotherhood, the outcasts, and harold. i'm curious.
As to why i am bored: Writing people. Writing. All the dialogs and the quests and the lores feel so ...generic. Only exception so far was the Arefu quest, which i liked even though it was a ripoff of Fallout 2's
slugs quest The rest i've done so far is an endless repair-dress-kill-loot-barter-heal cycle that's interrupted by a minigame here and there, generic quotes like "good evening" or "get out and fight like a man", and stories that are so badly written that i have to force myself to read a whole sentence. without an interesting story, i just don't feel motivated to continue. I know it's a sandbox game and i'm supposed to write my own story and all that jazz, but honestly how am i supposed to write my own epic story with lines like :"Have you seen my dad? Middle aged guy"

Also, does anyone in this game have
anything to say about supermutants? or are they just as common as rats and noone gives a damn?
On the other hand, the hacking "Mastermind" clone minigame is fun. Lockpick is fun. Haircuts are fun. VATS is fun. The problem is there s no storytelling around them.
Also, let's go on with the previous list a little:
Why don't the stats do what they used to? Because bethesda think they know better. Why is there no damage threshold? Because bethesda think they know better. Why do i have so many skill points and hit points? Because beth... (*continues perpetually*)
-why don't i get double skill points for tagged skills? why don't drugs do what they did? why don't i get random encounters when fast travelling? why do most perks are just skill bonuses? why do i need a rock-it launcher to throw stuff, instead of a throwing skill? why can't i talk to any raiders / supermutants? why is killing raiders "good karma" and stealing kitchen equipment from The family (who technically are raiders too, just with a backstory) "bad karma"???
you already know the answer...