In reply to Emil

I tend to agree with you, Sorrow.

Perhaps I'm just overly pessimistic, but it just seems like too huge a task for a group of modders to do on their own.

I'm looking forward to all of the neat Fallout/PA mods and fan games that are in the works now, but, honestly... I've seen a lot of proposed mods for a lot of proposed games, and, more often than not, it seems like they end up not getting done because of "real life" putting time constraints on the people who are working on them.

If some talented group of individuals can finish Van Buren - great. More power to them. But, I'm just not convinced it'll ever happen.
:shock: Either they're all retarded at Beth' or every Fallout fan in the world doesn't know what's good for him.

Is like, they know they've screwed up but they can't back down now or acknowledge it and they deny it instead and keep going trying to fool everyone along the way.

I know the game will suck and I won't buy it but I'm mesmerized how far they're willing to go to try and fool everybody that nothing's wrong, the game is a true sequel and everybody else is too stupid to realise it.

Beter just say: OK this is what it is, we screwed up but we'll try to make Fallout 4 a little better, a little more like Fallout. But really I wouldn't count on this to happen, they got their minds set and their eyes wide open :crazy: ready to play what they like best, Fallout3.
Mord_Sith said:
I'm sure others have posed this question in 8 years, but why doesn't someone pick up the pieces and try to build it themselves,

Why don't the people who keep asking why people who aren't them aren't putting together mods and games get together and put together a mod or a game themselves?

Mord_Sith said:
We have a road map, all we need to do is traverse it don't we

Sure! Do it.
Well Per, I shall raise your bitter comment with an attempt to look at potential game engines, I ain't promising anything 'cause I do have other things that occupy my time and adding this to my plate will likely fall of sooner than later, but I'll give it a go at least!


The jME (jMonkey Engine) looks quite promising as far as Java 3d engines are concerned, I'll look further into it...
Let me first say that I expect that replaying Fallout 2 as modded by Killap's wonderful restoration project will offer more joy to me, as a Fallout Fan, then I expect to ever get from Bethesda's Fallout 3.

What Bethesda has done is despicable. They've decided to create a genre game building on the hype of a classic CPRG, transform it into a FPS game that differs in most meaningful ways from the originals, and then seeks to profit off the hype of its predecessors.

They've pimped the franchise for their own material gain.

They could of, and should have, made their own post-apoc game. But that was too risky in terms of potential profits and the investment in the game.

This is a notable distinction to how FO1 was originally made- as a unique CPRG gaming experience that aimed to fit a nitch in the market. Instead, Bethesda seek to make a big splash and a big profit. That thinking has shaped their development decisions.

I expect the game to be little different from most FPS games. It will generate a momentary blip of interest from the gaming industry (which would prefer to suck its own cock than realize that its just masturbating itself) modest interest from consumers and then, in a relatively short time, be forgotten and placed in the sales bin.

I do not expect Bethesda to create a game that has the posterity or fame that was generated by Fallout 1 and 2 but rather a game that will be, at best, as interesting as tactics and better than FOBOS.

They had an opportunity to do something great and fucked it up. I would hope that Bethesda's parent company realizes the opportunity costs of Bethesda's decisions and appropriately punish those responsible.
welsh said:
Let me first say that I expect that replaying Fallout 2 as modded by Killap's wonderful restoration project will offer more joy to me, as a Fallout Fan, then I expect to ever get from Bethesda's Fallout 3.

Agreed. I've just started playing Killap's mod, but I'm already amazed by it. And, I haven't even hit any of the "entirely new" areas that have been added, like the Primitive Tribe and the EPA.

Personally, I don't plan on buying Fallout 3 upon release. I will probably eventually buy it. But, to register my disappointment with what they've done with it, I'll wait until I can pick up a used copy somewhere for cheap.

I will say this, though: I would be more likely to buy Fallout 3 if it were released as part of some sort of "collectors pack" that included Fallout 1 and 2, only revamped to install and run properly under more modern versions of Windows. I still get urges to play both of those games, but installing them under XP is a bit of a pain in the ass. The new laptop that I purchased, the one that I will be taking with me if/when I go back to school for my masters degree, runs Vista, and I have no idea if F1/F2 will run under that operating system at all.

Beth may not even have the legal "right" to release a collectors edition that includes revamped F1/F2, nor, for all I know, would they even want to be bothered doing that. Furthermore, I'd probably have to make a sacrifice in that Killap's mod might not work with the revamped version of F2. But, it might be worth it if it means being able to run Fallout without problem on "newer" operating systems.
runs Vista, and I have no idea if F1/F2 will run under that operating system at all.

I'm playing FO2 on Vista right now, no problem. If you get some weird colors then alt tab to the desktop, return, and everything should be fine. I still haven't tested the patch to play it in windowed mode, maybe someone else could help on that.
Yuk yuk, windows vista... yuk yuk... When I have that beast in front of me I feel like pulling my arm off, beat my head with it and stuck it down my throat so far I can touch my toes from inside...

Yuk yuk...

An untraditional ode brought to you by Tiago de Oliveira e Sá.

In reality, I was going to finish with "and stuck it up my ass so far I can push the boogies off my nose..."

And we have a weird moment brought to you by the same crazy guy... :dance: