Inside the Vault - Daniel Lee

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Another one, and they're looking for interns.<blockquote>How many games do you own, including game systems? What was the first system you ever owned?

I own 782 games, two NES’s, a Super NES, a Genesis with Sega CD and 32X attatchments, a Sega Nomad, a GameBoy Pocket, a Sega Saturn with VCD card, two Nintendo64s, five Dreamcasts, two PlayStation 2s, two Gamecubes (both with Broadband Adapters and one with a GameBoy Player, a GameBoyAdvance Sp, a Nintendo Ds, a Nintendo DS Lite, two Xbox 360s, a Wii, and a PC. I tried to put that in chronological order based on memory, apologize if I’m wrong. My first game console was the classic Nintendo Entertainment System.</blockquote>Still no more questions about the original games?

Link: Inside the Vault - Daniel Lee
Disappointed not to see a C64, Amiga, or Spectrum on that list.

Was it meant to be impressive, or something? :P
I had an 1985 Atari ST at home. It was a great machine, with a monster 8Mhz processor and an expanded memory of 1 MB ram. It could even play floppydiscs! That was one piece of equipment right there

I loved playing Terry's Big Adventure on it. Long game, 15 levels or so, and just one, 2-minute lasting tune. I haven't played it in 10 years, but I (and for that matter, my entire family) can still hum the tune flawlessly. It's like a permanent bit of our brains now.
Yes, I think the uplisting of the gaming systems was meant to be rather impressive. However, to have even owned a C64, a Spectrum or a Amiga gaming system you need to be of a certain age. And Daniel Lee looks like he's what 25 or 26? Thus being born in the beginning of the 1980's in which all these systems had their field day (they were popular). I'm much more worried about the fact that his two favorite games are Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man 2, though.

I don't think it is necesarry to ask everyone at Bethesda if they had played the previous Fallout games, though. An environment artist probably just get handed something to do by his manager (boss) and then he does it.
Nim82 said:
Disappointed not to see a C64, Amiga, or Spectrum on that list.

Was it meant to be impressive, or something? :P

yup I had a c64, not sure if I 'owned' any games for it, I had like 2 disk banks full of game, but I didn't own any. back in those days I didn't even know anyone who actually bought a game, though my friends cousin did own a couple, but I didn't know him so that doesn't count.

Just about everyone had a c64 and there must have been like one person in the country who bought games and the rest of us just copied them off him.

Of course there were the show offs with amiga 500s :crazy:
I had a C64 too with a floppy drive and Okidata II color printer! I also had a type of boost cartridge for it. I loved it and had it for years until wolfenstien 3d came out. Then it was time for the 386 DX 40 with two megs of ram. :wink:
aries369 said:
Yes, I think the uplisting of the gaming systems was meant to be rather impressive. However, to have even owned a C64, a Spectrum or a Amiga gaming system you need to be of a certain age. And Daniel Lee looks like he's what 25 or 26? Thus being born in the beginning of the 1980's in which all these systems had their field day (they were popular). I'm much more worried about the fact that his two favorite games are Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man 2, though.

I'm 24 and had a C64.
has anyone else noticed the heavily lopsided gaming platform preference towards consoles that seems to permeate every member of the bethesda team?

it almost seemed like he tacked on "and a PC" at the end of all that, just to make it seem like he's ever played a game on one.

the "chronological order' part, makes me even more sure that the newest addition to that arsenal of nerdyness was the aforementioned PC..

It wouldn't even have been worth asking him if he'd ever played fallout. The don't make it for a nintendo console.

BTW, I WOULD expect every artist on the development team for a Fallout sequel, to have at least SEEN what Fallout looked like, and possibly played a bit of it to absorb the setting.

Environmental artists can't exactly recreate an environment accurately if all they've ever known of that setting was what they were told by people who had almost no idea what it was about..
these "inside the vault" pieces were meant to spread misinformation about the staff at bethesda, in an attempt to generate an air of legitimacy around the developement team.

they want us to think that they know best, because they've already stated that they are making the game for themselves and that they don't give a flying fuck about the wants and needs of the people who are actually expected to buy the game.

they've found the best way to do that, is to give the public a bunch of PR-dept-slanted background on the devs to portray them as the TRUE gamers, all the while using 3rd party gaming media sources to portray us as crazy rabid fanatics who want nothing but a carbon copy of a 10 year old game that was in 2D!
Maybe they're attempting to quell the fears of rabid wombat attacks...
