Inside the Vault: Joe Sanabria

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
BethBlog interviews a new face, Obsidian's Senior Artist on Fallout: New Vegas, Joe Sanabria.<blockquote>What games have you worked on?

The first game I worked on was called the Neverhood Chronicles, a cool little PC title done entirely in clay. After that I worked on Skullmonkeys, which was a side scrolling platform game on the PS1. In addition to being one of the level designers, I was also a level boss named Joe Head Joe.

From design and art I moved into a Producer role and worked on Boombots. After that I worked on some more main stream titles, Test Drive Off-Road and Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, in which I got to create the some of the in-game characters including the Governator himself.

And now I’m working on this game called Fallout: New Vegas!</blockquote>
I am sure he's happy working on new Fallout :P

Neverhood and Skullmonkeys were amazing, no doubt about that
The Neverhood was AMAZING. If anyone wants a puzzle game that will quite literally make you insane, or just like to dwell a bit in a world with endless (albeit, pointless) lore, Neverhood is your game. I now expect some classy, high-brow art from F:NV.
Khan FurSainty said:
From The Neverhood to Terminator 3, to Fallout: New Vegas. A man can truly fall from great hights.
It's more like a fall, than slowly dragging himself up again with New Vegas.

Wasn't a big fan of The Neverhood simply because its puzzles were incredibly idiotic and didn't have much logic to them at all, you could say that of most videogames but The Neverhood was especially bad.

Skullmonkeys on the other hand was a very fun and challenging platformer with great level design, and its soundtrack is also much better, how can you not love a song about eating too much Mexican food?

Eyenixon said:
Skullmonkeys on the other hand was a very fun and challenging platformer with great level design, and its soundtrack is also much better
why do you lie

Tagaziel said:
He wasn't the gameplay or lead designer, you 'tards.

What he said.

Reading Comprehension F's for all you.

I was always intrigued by Those Clay Games but never got around to playing them.