Insomniac's Spider-Man games

CT Phipps

Carbon Dated and Proud
Hey guys,

I was a huge Spider-Man fan when I was a child, covering my wall in comics and having bed sheets of it with my love of the character only getting hurt by the Clone Saga followed by quitting completely due to the events of One More Day. My love of the character came back with Insomniac's PS4 game and I really enjoyed that due to its excellent storytelling as well as (web)fluid-gameplay.

On November 12th we're getting SPIDER-MAN: MILES MORALES which will be a spin-off game starring Earth-Insomniac's version of Miles Morales. I felt that the version of Miles in the PS4verse wasn't my favorite of the characters, being a bit too earnest, but given his father got murdered by Mr. Negative--is still a dark enough origin to have serious dramatic weight.

I fully expect this to just be more of the same like the extended DLC of the main game but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Apparently, Spider-Man is going to Europe with Mary Jane for a working vacation (Sykaria--oh yeah, because a civil war is a great place to renew your relationship) so Miles is in charge of the city while he's gone. Roxxon Oil and a female Tinkerer are apparently the bad guys.


I should mention that I felt the three DLC of the Spider-Man (PS4) games kind of showed how far you can stretch the premise of the game without breaking. The Heist was incredibly fun and entertaining with the Black Cat being awesome plus I enjoyed the plotline with Hammerhead for the Second. However, it had completely run its course by the third DLC with repetition having made it less than enjoyable.

It didn't help that cyborg Hammerhead was completely one-dimensional and his return ruined the significant ending of the 2nd DLC. Silver Sable wasn't exactly helping matters since the version in the game was lacking in likability. I felt that it also lacked a definitive send off for Yuri Watanabe and they should have probably made the third DLC about her as the Wraith.
I really enjoyed the game back in 2018. Easily the best Spidey game and probably one of the most likeable portrayals of Spider-Man full stop. Also probably one of my favourite Spider-Man stories. I absolutely adored the version of Doctor Octopus. I never got around to the DLCs, though.

My only criticisms if any would be that the visual designs were too tacticool/MCU-ish and came off as boring. If everything looked more vibrant and silly/comic-book esque rather than the pseudo-sci-fi aesthetic, it'd be awesome. It also got a bit repetitive at times, although I remember briefly ramping up the difficulty and enjoying the game way more as I had to actually think about the combat rather than spamming acrobatic moves.

I'll likely give the full swing a replay on PS5 assuming it includes the DLC.
I thought Insomniac's Spider-Man made a lot of really good choices for a guy who used to live and breathe Spider-Man. Still, I had some complaints about whole thing too.

1. I really liked how they aged him up to being a grad student, which is a lot closer to the Spider-Man that I grew up with as opposed to the high schooler that they continually tried to reverse his age toward being. The Spider-Man I grew up with was married to Mary Jane and that was the 80s to the 90s.

2. I like the semi-realistic Marvel Cinematic Universe take on Spider-Man (just the ages being different). While I like the cartoon version, I feel like they really managed to make the Spider-man of this universe feel grounded enough to believe.

3. I can't say that I much cared for the Mary Jane of this game. Her design doesn't quite really work for me and I also don't feel much for her, "I want to be part of your quest despite having no superpowers" plotline. I mean, turning her into Lois Lane makes the fact he's also dating Catwoman all the sillier.

4. Doctor Octavius and Mister Negative were very solid villains. Hammerhead was overdone.

5. Big fan of Black Cat and Silver Sable so bofh of them showing up was very welcome. Unfortunately, because the game is so Mary Jane-centered, the Black Cat and she both don't get enough attention.

6. Loved Yuri Watanabe during the game but felt her transformation into Wraith should have deserved its own DLC or be part of the sequel.
I wasn't keen on MJ either. I thought the idea of them being really close teenage loves and then going through will-they-won't they seperation issues was really good and made it feel like an "older" spider-man in a very efficient way, and I liked the idea of her having an actual role in the storyline but the reporter thing is so massively overdone. I also thought the "I don't need your help" and "Wearing a mask makes you a coward stuff" just make her unlikeable. I get that she was sort of supposed to be wrong, but they don't really follow through on that conclusion.
I'm really enjoying the Miles Morales game so far but this is obviously an Expansion Pack that they've decided to sell as a standalone.

It is very-very short.

I'm a big fan of Miles Morales due to the Spider-Verse and the simple fact that he seems to be a fun character who nicely contrasts Peter. Peter was a jaded misanthrope as a teenager and outsider. Miles is a happy go-lucky kid. Peter is motivated by soul crushing guilt. Miles want to live up to his idol. Peter is the stereotypical 1960s nerd. Miles is a cool 21st century geek. Peter is so whitebread that he doesn't even have a cultural identity. Miles is biracial black and Hispanic. Yet both are heroic science heroes from New York that I love to follow the adventures of.

The Rhino delivers a serious beatdown.

I really loved Insomniac's Spider-Man game from last year, which I think was the second-best depiction of Spider-Man in decades. Basically, I grew up in the Eighties so the Peter Parker I was most familiar with was the adult man married to Mary Jane. As such, I tend to prefer an older Peter versus the attempts to de-age him to high school. Indeed, it was The Clone Saga followed by One More Day that put me off my favorite superhero for the better part of a a decade.

So, I was glad when they decided that the "teen hero" story of Spider-Man would be occupied by Miles in this spin-off game from the main title. While I'm very eager to see what happens in Spider-Man 2, I really was glad to see Miles get his own spin-off game. The one in the game is a bit of a mixture between the Spider-Verse and the comic book version but comes into his own quickly enough. This Miles lost his father to Mr. Negative in the previous game and is still suffering from both the financial as well as emotional turmoil losing a parent can do.

The premise is that Spider-Man (Peter Parker) is leaving for Symkaria to have a working vacation with Mary Jane. Given that they're having a civil war, I'm not sure how relaxing that would be but he leaves the city to the freshly trained Miles. Miles is a little rough around the edges despite a year of training under Peter as he crashes a Osprey Police helicopter and accidentally releases the Rhino during his first mission. Miles manages to put down the supervillain by himself, though, proving that he has the potential to equal Peter.

The Tinkerer is surprisingly good.

Much of the subsequent story deals with the sinister Roxxon Energy Corporation's attempt to build a clean energy reactor in the middle of Harlem. This being the Roxxon Corporation, there's something nasty afoot and Miles begins investigating it. He also has to fight off the Underground, a bunch of incredibly well-equipped juvenile delinquents that is led by a female version of the Tinkerer. Roxxon and the Underground are having an enemy civil war with Miles caught in the middle. No points for guessing that Miles super-genius best friend with a name suspiciously similar to the canon male Tinkerer's is wrapped up in all this.

For the most part, this game plays very close to Insomniac's Spider-Man but has some key differences. Miles feels like he hits softer than Peter, so he's forced to rely on his Venom blast powers to make up the difference. He's also facing a gang of miniature supervillain as Roxxon's heavily armed sci-fi PMC troopers. Miles is only "lucky" enough to face ordinary gangsters a few times in the game proper. He also later develops camouflage powers and these make the stealth segments of the game much smoother than the original ones. A typical "fortress" mission is sneaking around and eliminating rooms of bad guys without being discovered versus dealing with waves of identical foes.

The game in a nutshell.

Miles' supporting cast is well-developed with Ganke serving as his partner in crime. Well, crime-fighting. Ganke has created an app to help Spider-Man fight crime and the most unrealistic part of it is that it's not constantly being called by white women on people who look like Miles. Ooo, too topical? Well, there's also a BLM mural and it's beautiful. Rio Morales, Miles' mother, is also running for local government in order to oppose Roxxon's encroachment on Harlem. The main villain, Krieger, kind of just feels like a discount Dane Vogel. Which is a shame because Dane was a great corporate enemy. As for the Tinkerer? I really liked the build-up between her and Miles as archenemies.

I feel like this game manages to earn its identity by focusing on the colorful nature of the environments as well as bad guys. The individual missions are more personalized and have a lot more character to them. The Underground reminds me of the Deckers baddies in Saints Row III, which feel like good opponents for Miles versus Peter. The music is also much more varied than the instrumental score of the main game.

I love swinging around in the Spider-verse suit.

The architecture of the game deserves a few notes as it's clear that Sony had some issues getting the rights to certain buildings. The Chrysler Building, Trump Tower (now the Rand Corporation Building), and Freedom Tower are some recognizable landmarks that don't appear in the game. Personally, I would have gone all in on using fictional substitutes when I couldn't get the rights but it is kind of weird since most of these were in the main game.

If I had one complaint about the game, it's the length. If you do all of the side content, it'll be about twenty hours, which is about right but you can breeze right through the main story without difficulty. While I didn't expect this to be as long as the original game, I could have played a full price game without difficulty. Add some more supervillains as well as ordinary crooks to go along with Miles' supertech enemies and this would have been golden. As is, this is a very good but somewhat less filling game than it could have been.

I actually loved the 2018 Spider-Man game. I thought the game was much better then the new Marvel movies. It truly felt like a game made for fans of Spider-Man. I even like the story of how both Peter and Miles lost someone dear to them but ended up finding each other and forming a friendship through their loss. While the 2020 game isn't as good, I feel that it is still decent and enjoyable experience. Insominac has a real money maker on their hands. I hope the idiots at Marvel and Sony don't screw it up. Just like they did with the Avengers game.
My only criticism was that osxorp put their evil plan in a PowerPoint presentation with slides that basically said "this cant get put if it does oscorp fails" which is hilariously cartoonish in a game that went so far out of it's way to be down to earth at least character motivation wise. Also mary jane getting mad at spiderman for punching a guy who was holding her at gunpoint gave me sam raimi spiderman 3 flashbacks where mary jane is just an unreasonable bitch. Other than it was great even if the gameplay was meh.
Mary jane: Why can't I be your partner?

Spider-Man: Because I face gun toting lunatics a hundred times a day and if you're spotted in your stealth sections, you die horribly. Also, when did you become Lois Lane?
Theres literally no reason peter couldn't design tech for mary jane.

At that point it's a trust issue.
Theres literally no reason peter couldn't design tech for mary jane.

At that point it's a trust issue.

I don't actually hate the idea of wanting to involve Mary Jane more in Spiderman's cases but she's a beloved character to begin with and there's multiple ways to involve her that aren't so overused as reporter.

Mind you, Amazing Spider-Man originally was supposed to have her as Firestar.

So I'd love to see her get superpowers.