Institute Power Armor(Cut Content)


Fallout Fan For Life!

Huh, you know I find some of the most obscure/interesting fun facts about the Fallout series in places that I usually wouldn't expect to see them. This right here is one of those examples via Twitter...

Scrapped Institute Power Armor, & quite frankly just by simply looking at both the Concept Art, & the in-game Fan Mod Recreation. I can see why it didn't get past the conceptual stage, I mean look at that, just... BRUH!

And NGL, it actually looks like something you'd see in a BioShock game, rather than anything from the Fallout series.

:rofl: :roll:
every power armor look uglier than the previous with less retrofuturism look well the institute is futuristic (i wish it had 70 or 80 90 aesthetic instead) i find it weird how the original game looks more retrofuturistic than the 3d games when bethesda is obsessed with 50s aesthetic like the combat armor from fallout 1 vs 3 or 4
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I actually think it looks fine (the concept art at least). Seems like it’s designed for industrial use. I imagine it would provide more protection but be slow to maneuver.
fallout 4 having 5 power armors everywhere with not much different state is already sucks everyone of them have bad damage resistance with rats hurts you breaks fast need fusion cores every hour so having one more armor is unnecessary
also we want cool armors that make you feel badass and that you earned it not miner armor that is useless and the only benefit of it is collectors wasting time to have every skin and power armor
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Reminds me of the Scorch titans from Titanfall 2.

While I'm not as critical of newer power armors (I don't mind some of them, others I dislike or think they were done poorly) this one is pretty bad. It looks very immobile and would have the most resistance of any armor due to that and its bulky design. Which I don't think makes a ton of sense as mobility would have to be a concern/priority for infantry "tank" armor and is even mentioned as a reason T-45d armor was replaced by later designs (alongside the fatal flaw in the chest plate).

It makes me wonder what the Institute would need these for. At best, the arguments I can think of are in the case of their base of operations being attacked mobility is not as high of a concern as is repelling the assault. The other is that it would be used for field researchers who lack combat experience therefore needing more protective measures but arguably it's better to nullify initial damage and escape in that case rather than take more hits than you'd want to risk.
I'm sure you could come up with other reasons they'd need something this bulky for armor like full on protection from radiation or something. It just doesn't seem necessary and the design doesn't fit the world in my opinion.
(alongside the fatal flaw in the chest plate).
Doesn't compare to the abject lunacy done (by Obsidian) to the Enclave ADV power armor design; that silly fan vent on the back, in lieu of Fallout 2's armored back-plate with the radiation symbol on it.

*But of course all of these problems with the series disappear when one simply discards any of the games made after Fallout 2. :smug:
It looks like something you would plant a synth brain inside, and not a humanoid. It lacks a separation of head and torso, severely limiting situational awareness; which might not be an issue for a machine, sentient or not, as it relies on sensors to locate threats.
A battle suit for the coursers.
Doesn't compare to the abject lunacy done (by Obsidian) to the Enclave ADV power armor design; that silly fan vent on the back, in lieu of Fallout 2's armored back-plate with the radiation symbol on it.

*But of course all of these problems with the series disappear when one simply discards any of the games made after Fallout 2. :smug:
13 iq enclave confirmed
It looks like something you would plant a synth brain inside, and not a humanoid. It lacks a separation of head and torso, severely limiting situational awareness; which might not be an issue for a machine, sentient or not, as it relies on sensors to locate threats.
A battle suit for the coursers.
so basically robobrain
View attachment 36158
Huh, you know I find some of the most obscure/interesting fun facts about the Fallout series in places that I usually wouldn't expect to see them. This right here is one of those examples via Twitter...

Scrapped Institute Power Armor, & quite frankly just by simply looking at both the Concept Art, & the in-game Fan Mod Recreation. I can see why it didn't get past the conceptual stage, I mean look at that, just... BRUH!

And NGL, it actually looks like something you'd see in a BioShock game, rather than anything from the Fallout series.

:rofl: :roll:

Anybody else remember Lost Planet?