Interested in a real Underground Vault for Fallout LARP?


First time out of the vault
I have an idea to create a real life replica of a Vault-Tec Vault. With real i mean just that, REAL! Deep inside a montain with a long entrance tunnel into larger chambers containing large buildings. Protected by heavy blast doors.

I have found a property that would be perfect to retrofit as a full scale Vault. Can be used for LARP, The vault itself would make a perfect Fallout attraction.

The property is a former government nuclear hardened bunker. It would cost quite much to acquire it and then make it look like the Vault in Fallout. Total cost for the project could reach as high $1 Million USD. But if there are enough Fallout fans willing to crowd fund this project it wont cost very much per person!

Say the property alone will go for no more than $500k

If 1000 people was willing to contribute, that's only $500 per person!

2000 people and it's only $250 per person!

This forum have about 20k members. The Fallout 3 game have sold a minimum of 5 million copies. So the interest should be quite high globally.

What do you say guys? Do you like the concept of having a real Vault-Tec Vault that you can visit and explore, doing some LARP? Fallout theme dinners, parties, conferences and so on...

Give me your thoughts :)
I am extremely sceptical. It would cost a whole lot, for "reenactment"-type entertainment. One would be surrounded by nerds in cardboard power armors and home made filt vault suits.

As for anything more realistic, it becomes a contradiction, life in the vaults is depressive and potentially madenning.

But as for this, I am mostly left with an impression of a huge cost of money, for awkward reenactments.

It could potentially function as some sort of hardcore theme hotel tho, but then that would be up to you and your investors. It will cost much, much more than some one-time payment for the property itself, as you would have to maintain the whole thing, hire staff etc.
RealOverseer said:
...Say the property alone will go for no more than $500k...

If 1000 people was willing to contribute, that's only $500 per person!

Assuming that price (do you even know what the real one is? Have you asked?) - only $500 for a weird project is an insanely high amount of money. Put that money to better use, like a gym membership.
zegh8578 said:
I am extremely sceptical. It would cost a whole lot, for "reenactment"-type entertainment. One would be surrounded by nerds in cardboard power armors and home made filt vault suits.

But as for this, I am mostly left with an impression of a huge cost of money, for awkward reenactments.

I'm not sure this will work either, but first step is to see how many people out there would like to see a project like this become a reality. If i'm going do it then i'm going to do it right! No cheesy amateur horror show where people dress up in crappy zombie rubber masks and run around scaring visitors. Think Disney World Theme Park! OK maybe not with a Billion dollar budget but you get the idea ;)

zegh8578 said:
As for anything more realistic, it becomes a contradiction, life in the vaults is depressive and potentially madenning.

True, but i'm not asking visitors to spend several years in the vault! Not even a week! No evil social experiments here i promise! :whistle: Unless you pay me for the pleasure. :ok: More like a entertainment / Museum / Theme park venue. LARP would only be a part of the concept, not the entire concept. Simply put... To build a world famous Fallout attraction. A place where not only the local Fallout nerds visit, but Fallout fans from the entire world. So it needs to be more than just going inside a bunker and sit on a chair and stare on the walls! A genuine Fallout experience that will transport you into the Fallout universe :boy:

zegh8578 said:
But as for this, I am mostly left with an impression of a huge cost of money, for awkward reenactments.

It could potentially function as some sort of hardcore theme hotel tho, but then that would be up to you and your investors. It will cost much, much more than some one-time payment for the property itself, as you would have to maintain the whole thing, hire staff etc.

No doubt it will cost serious money! But i intend to do it in phases. Phase 1: Acquire the bunker. Phase 2: Build a Fallout attraction with a genuine Vault atmosphere. 3: Gather a core team of passionate co-owners that staff the facility, open up for visitors and generate revenue that will be shared with everyone that invested.

Best way to do it is by crowd funding. There are several sites that help you set this up. We will set up a company that will offer equity in exchange for money. You will buy a share of this company / venture. So when we open up for paying visitors you will get a share of the profit relative to your investment. Not everyone will afford to give/invest $500, so you give what you can! If you can only afford $10 then that's fine... If you want to give $10,000 that's fine to! If you are interested in becoming a partner or co-founder let me know. We will need lot's of help to make this happen!

There is a private bidding for this property at the moment. I expect the final price to land around $300 - $400k but likely not over $500k. It's in that ballpark figure.

So to repeat WillisPDunlevey's question...

How many people could/would:
A: Pay for this
B: Go to Sweden
C: How much are they willing to invest / donate?

If this idea goes viral then we will reach critical mass faster. Thus make the cost lower per person. I already have friends that are very interested in investing in this idea if the interest is big enough. Only problem is that we don't have enough money to fund this dream.

Everything in this universe starts with a dream, that sparks an idea. Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

Let's make it happen!
Hey, at least nobody can ever say anything about your sense of ambition!

RealOverseer said:
Phase 1: Acquire the bunker.
Phase 2: Build Vault 13
Phase 3: Gather staff.
Phase 4: ???
Phase 5: Profit!
Sorry, I couldn't help myself :D

Um, I really don't wanna pop your optimism here, but consider how difficult actual theme parks are to run, actual hotels. As many Fallout fans as there are in the world - remember to consider the 4th dimension in this: Timespan, how long will a "Fallout scene" stay strong? Is it even all that strong now?

Secondly, break down "fallout fans", how many are they in total? Then how many of them could afford to sponsor this? How many would realistically want to pay an airplane ticket, travel to another country, and pay for the stay, for a couple of days of atmosphere?

Also, you would need to really nail this atmosphere to make it attractive. When people go to live in a hotel, they usually don't do it for the hotel. They are going to the beach, or going shopping, or doing some other activity. The hotel is simply somewhere to sleep. Would this vault simply be a hotel inside the mountain?

Finally, you basically have nothing, and a rather dubious plan, while asking for quite a sizeable ammount of money. People are realistic, and won't be satisfied with ambition. For people to pay up, you need to show actual, believable projections of a year by year income, not simply "be positive". Investors must know - not hope - that they will get their money back, with a surplus.

It's totally awesome to have a dream, but... well...
You should consider this thread your first lesson in big business. It's gonna be difficult. Very, very difficult.
Ambitious? Who? Me? Nah! :whistle:

But before i commit to this enormous undertaking i first want to see what response this idea gets. I actually believe that the Fallout scene will stay strong for a very long time. For the same reason the James Bond franchise have stayed so strong the past 50 years. Same reason quality games like Civilization keeps going since 1991. Good games with good stories will always be popular.

There is a deeper reason why so many gets drawn into Fallout. It touches peoples fears, fascination, curiosity about the "Apocalypse" "Doomsday" end of the world. Fear of the unknown, the what if scenarios. For some of us that was born and grew up during the cold war, we remember the nightmares and fear of total annihilation by a global thermonuclear war! At school the teachers discussed nuclear war, the duck and cover drills... Fallout let's people explore that horrible, forbidden world that you hope you never will have to experience in reality. Stop me I'm getting to philosophical :)

I don't know how many would want to pay for a plane ticket to see this attraction yet. Probably enough "nerds" just in Scandinavia to generate significant revenue. I see it a bit like that place in northern Finland where the Santa lives. A tourist attraction that many adults take their kids when visiting Finland. So maybe not everyone will travel only because of this attraction. But for the tourists that visit Sweden, if they ever have played Fallout... This place will most likely be on their to do list once they get there.

But the proof is in the pudding, i still need to learn how much demand there is. So this is why i started this tread in a first step to investigate the market.

This wont be a hotel, more a mini theme park attraction with several other activity's connected to it. But you are absolutely right, i really need to nail the atmosphere!

I only have an idea at this point. If there is demand for this venue i will do a proper business plan, with projections of yearly revenue and the whole due diligence thing :)

I totally agree that this project will be very very hard. But then again, anything worth having in life is!
RealOverseer said:
I have an idea to create a real life replica of a Vault-Tec Vault. With real i mean just that, REAL! Deep inside a montain with a long entrance tunnel into larger chambers containing large buildings. Protected by heavy blast doors.

I have found a property that would be perfect to retrofit as a full scale Vault. Can be used for LARP, The vault itself would make a perfect Fallout attraction.

The property is a former government nuclear hardened bunker. It would cost quite much to acquire it and then make it look like the Vault in Fallout. Total cost for the project could reach as high $1 Million USD. But if there are enough Fallout fans willing to crowd fund this project it wont cost very much per person!

Say the property alone will go for no more than $500k

If 1000 people was willing to contribute, that's only $500 per person!

2000 people and it's only $250 per person!

This forum have about 20k members. The Fallout 3 game have sold a minimum of 5 million copies. So the interest should be quite high globally.

What do you say guys? Do you like the concept of having a real Vault-Tec Vault that you can visit and explore, doing some LARP? Fallout theme dinners, parties, conferences and so on...

Give me your thoughts :)

Wow you might as well set up a self sustainable society with that. It might be perfect. Farming potatoes and spinach past the end of the world with a bunch of creative cosplaying LARPers might be cool.
RealOverseer said:
The Fallout 3 game have sold a minimum of 5 million copies. So the interest should be quite high globally.
Let's guess how many of those people were gravely disappointed next morning. Also, try to imagine all the Fallout 3 fanbois pooled in one place, it would be a true Tartarus!
it would probably be easier to start a non profit corporation and then apply for grants for research into how long people can live in a bunker after an apocalypse....

now that would be vault tec for real
xCassiusSlay said:
Wow you might as well set up a self sustainable society with that. It might be perfect. Farming potatoes and spinach past the end of the world with a bunch of creative cosplaying LARPers might be cool.

Good idea! There is a dormitory with beds for over 100 people. All we need to do is to stock up on lots of freeze dried / dehydrated food and water for 10 years of autonomous survival. Add a Hydropinic garden and solar, wind power and we are good to go! :ok:

Who's with me?
valcik said:
Let's guess how many of those people were gravely disappointed next morning. Also, try to imagine all the Fallout 3 fanbois pooled in one place, it would be a true Tartarus!

I dont need all 5 Million to donate. I only need a few thousand at most. So youre saying that Fallout fanboys are not a pleasant bunch of people to hang with? I dont know... i know many of them that seem to be rather cool :)

Well if they dont behave i guess the Overseer will just have to lock the vault doors for ever. "we are born in the vault, we live in the vault, and we die in the vault"
WillisPDunlevey said:
it would probably be easier to start a non profit corporation and then apply for grants for research into how long people can live in a bunker after an apocalypse....

now that would be vault tec for real

After an apocalypse? I hope we never have to experience that in real life! But instead of a reserach project, why not a reality show? Big Brother meets Vault-Tec!

But instead of voting members out, the vault dwellers will all have to stay there together, Participating in contests held by the Overseer. There will only be one winner. The price... He get's to leave the vault! The rest are stuck there for life!
or rather than an apocalypse, simulating living on the Moon or mars.
The colony would be totally cut off from the earth.

If you put a 15 minute delay on communications, it would add to the realism.

Power could be piped in from the grid or whatever, but to keep it going, people on the inside would be required to perform tasks. that would explain how they get the power for the hydroponics garden, oxygen, clean water etc.

They should also perform daily tasks to keep everything working.

You might be able to get a grant from the Euro Space agency, NASA etc. as well as colleges/universities that want to test out closed cycle ecosystems, water filters, air filters hydroponics growing etc.

WHat if you got Quorn brand to sponsor your food production and you put in a mycoprotein factory producing Quorn to eat?

TO make this work without being bill gates you would need lots of money and sponsors... find one sponsor and others will probably follow. Dramatic reality based tv (without specific scripts would be entertaining especially if the camera crews were known to the audience and they were going to be stuck in the colony for 1-3 years as well.
how can you gain profit for it when anything Fallout related is in the hands of others? Not that I say don try it. But you should make clear BEFORE you start with all that if you are even ALLOWED to do it.

Would be a bit akward to start anything here just to realize somewhere that Bethesda or who ever has the licence to Fallout says "no way!"
Crni Vuk said:
how can you gain profit for it when anything Fallout related is in the hands of others? Not that I say don try it. But you should make clear BEFORE you start with all that if you are even ALLOWED to do it.

Would be a bit akward to start anything here just to realize somewhere that Bethesda or who ever has the licence to Fallout says "no way!"
I'm sure if Bethesda or whomever owns the license would invest in it IF they saw profit in it. We can't even see any profit or lasting in this, doubt they could either.