Interplay claims court lacks jurisdiction

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Simple logic: Bethesda brought the case in as a trademark infringement case, but the dispute is obviously about contract breach. From The Vault.<blockquote>BSW has now sued Interplay alleging that Interplay violated the terms of one or more of the contracts between the parties by, for example, failing to obtain BSW's approval of marketing materials and failing to secure financing with respect to the development of the online game. While BSW has sued Interplay for breach of contract and for a declaratory judgment to the effect that Interplay violated certain terms of the contracts, it has brought this entire action in this federal court based on the trademark infringement provisions of the Lanham Act. In doing so, BSW has put the cart before the horse; this is not principally a trademark infringement case that happens to involve allegations of breach of contract. Instead, the heart and soul of this case are allegations of breach of contract that happen to involve trademark rights, among other things. Under these circumstances this Court lacks subject matter jurisdiction to hear this action.</blockquote>A solid way to buy time, I suppose.

Addendum: Duck and Cover has a bit more, including this claim from Bethesda that is kind of painful to read:<blockquote>As a result of the inherent distinctivness of the FALLOUT Mark, and the efforts of Bethesda to finance, develop, advertise and promote "Fallout 3" over several years, Bethesda's customers and the public in general have come to know and recognize the FALLOUT Mark and to associate the Mark with Bethesda.</blockquote>Addendum: You can read more about the Leder affidavit in this blog post, and read Bethesda's response to Interplay's filing here.
The precedents they cite are pretty similar, they might have a shot here. Of course it will only but them some time.

It's all part of the master plan! Interplay is pwning Bethesda! Soon Herve will reveal his finishing stroke and become the biggest game publisher IN THE WORLD! He wouldn't have stuck around this long if he didn't have a genius plan. RIGHT, RIGHT?!

Here's a "biased" posting of just the filing facts followed by a "biased opinion" comment to counteract all the "non biased" comments that continuously flow in fashionable hypnocratic one line odes.

>>>>>>>>> Bethesda Court filing response to Interplay's filing

Despite having had the Affidavit of James L. Leder (“Leder Affidavit”) since November 25,
2009, Interplay has, for reasons it does not explain, waited until the afternoon immediately before the
preliminary injunction hearing in this case – in the middle of Mr. Leder’s deposition – to file its
Objections and Motion to Strike the Leder Affidavit. Putting aside the suspect timing, Interplay’s
grounds cited in support of its Objections and Motion to Strike are misplaced and do not apply to the
preliminary injunction context.
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Interplay seeks to have portions of the Leder Affidavit stricken on the basis that certain
statements are lacking in personal knowledge because they were made “upon information and belief,”
that certain others are conclusory, speculative, or irrelevant, and therefore inadmissible in evidence. See
Objections and Motion to Strike, at 2-4. Interplay further argues that the alleged inadmissibility of such
statements renders the affidavit “not sufficient to carry a plaintiff’s burden of demonstrating its right to
the relief requested.” Id. These arguments are based on inapposite case law and the wrong procedural
First, all of the statements made in the Leder Affidavit are made upon Mr. Leder’s personal
knowledge, based on his experience as an executive of the company and having been directly involved
in the company’s efforts relating to the protection and promotion of the Fallout brand as well as in the
events leading up to the dispute in this lawsuit. To the extent that certain statements in his affidavit were
made “upon information and belief,” they were made based on facts known to Plaintiff (and, in his role
as Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Leder) at the time of the filing of the Complaint and Motion for
Preliminary Injunction, and on good faith belief based on publicly available information which could not
be reasonably verified without discovery because the information was the type that was uniquely within
Interplay’s control. For example, prior to any discovery from Interplay, Bethesda did not have any way
of independently verifying whether “Project: V13” was “a code-name for an MMOG other than the
Fallout MMOG” (Leder Affidavit ¶ 13), or whether “Project: V13” was a reference to “Vault 13” (id.
¶ 14), or whether “Interplay began packaging, advertising and promoting the sale of ‘Fallout Trilogy’
after Bethesda’s launch of ‘Fallout 3.’” (Id. ¶ 15). Rather, such statements were based on Mr. Leder’s
personal knowledge gained through his role as COO, and on inferences drawn from information
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received by virtue of that role. Just because good faith allegations are made on “information and belief”
does not mean that such statements were not based on personal knowledge of the affiant.
Second, Interplay has taken full advantage of the opportunity to test the basis of Mr. Leder’s
knowledge and statements contained in his affidavit in a deposition lasting over seven hours on
December 9, 2009. Mr. Leder will also be testifying as Bethesda’s only witness at the preliminary
injunction hearing and, in that capacity, Interplay will once again have the opportunity to cross examine
him and test the basis and depth of his personal knowledge. To the extent that Interplay suggests that
Mr. Leder’s affidavit is somehow the only evidence upon which Plaintiff must meet its burden of proof
for purposes of a decision on the preliminary injunction is flatly wrong.
Furthermore, contrary to Interplay’s argument, the governing law in this District is clear that the
Court can and should consider even inadmissible evidence in deciding a motion for preliminary
injunction, including “affidavits that may prove later to be inadmissible at trial.” Mancia v. Mayflower
Textile Services Co., 2008 WL 4735344, at *4 (D. Md. Oct. 14, 2008). “The determination whether to
grant a preliminary injunction is expected to be based on ‘evidence that is less complete than in a trial on
the merits.’” Id. (citing Univ. of Texas v. Camenisch, 451 U.S. 390, 395 (1981)). See also U.S. v. Link
Flight Simulation Corp., 722 F. Supp. 1248, 1252 (D. Md. 1989) (finding that a challenge to affidavit
submitted in support of preliminary injunction is “unpersuasive,” because “the Court may consider
inadmissible affidavits in a preliminary injunction hearing”); Signature Flight Support Corp. v. Landow
Aviation Ltd. Partnership, 2009 WL 90849 (E.D. Va. Jan. 13, 2009) (denying motion to strike
declarations that may contain hearsay, opinions and conclusions because they contain information that
may be helpful to the Court in reaching a decision on the motion for preliminary injunction, since “[a]
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court’s decision on a motion for preliminary injunction is customarily granted on the basis of procedures
that are less formal and evidence that is less complete than in a trial on the merits.”).

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> End quote.

I'll leave my opinion on the filing for another post in order to offend the dry and or non existent humor thought police to allow it to think up of another way to "unbiasedly" denigrate me while waiting on who wins in order to see who will be paying for the translation of the next border exported Fallout game.

Being paid by both sides does not leave room for a person to become biased one way or another, right?
Iply just keeps circling the drain... over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over again...
Brother None said:
Addendum: Duck and Cover has a bit more, including this claim from Bethesda that is kind of painful to read:<blockquote>As a result of the inherent distinctivness of the FALLOUT Mark, and the efforts of Bethesda to finance, develop, advertise and promote "Fallout 3" over several years, Bethesda's customers and the public in general have come to know and recognize the FALLOUT Mark and to associate the Mark with Bethesda.</blockquote>

I remember when "It's Oblivion with Guns" was blasphemy to Bethesda, now it's a legal pleading.
Brother None said:
including this claim from Bethesda that is kind of painful to read:<blockquote>As a result of the inherent distinctivness of the FALLOUT Mark, and the efforts of Bethesda to finance, develop, advertise and promote "Fallout 3" over several years, Bethesda's customers and the public in general have come to know and recognize the FALLOUT Mark and to associate the Mark with Bethesda.</blockquote>
Painful, yeah, but unfortunately also painfully true.
People only remember so much and for so long.
It tells a lot about Bethesda's way of thinking, though.
Here is my opinion to this filing piece:

begin quote:

"To the extent that certain statements in his affidavit were
made “upon information and belief,” they were made based on facts known to Plaintiff (and, in his role
as Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Leder) at the time of the filing of the Complaint and Motion for
Preliminary Injunction, and on good faith belief based on publicly available information which could not
be reasonably verified without discovery because the information was the type that was uniquely within
Interplay’s control."

end quote.

Based on my information gathered from previous filings, Bethesda's lawyers are basically backtracking at this time.

Here is my explanation as to why I think this:

Interplay's rebuttal/counter suit of Bethesda publicly released several email based back and forth communication between Interplay and Bethesda in reference to Interplay's request for approval of Fallout trademarked concept art and information that Interplay was going to use to advertise their work on Fallout MMO.

They were going to have a Fallout MMO themed page front to their site and a Fallout MMO subsection. Bethesda's lawyers denied Interplay's request of publishing any new art that is even remotely associated with being Fallout based.

What Bethesda is saying with their filing is that their Chief Operating Officer had no knowledge of this since knowing this information would purger him based on the Affidavit he filed.

Now I ask you readers whether or not you can believe this:

You are the COO of your company and you are telling me that you are not even remotely involved with the Legal Team's back and forth discussions with the CEO of your contracting partner in reference to the biggest pie in your contract with them that being Fallout MMO?

Is the ruling judge clueless enough to believe that the legal team informed the COO of nothing in their dealings with Interplay and its CEO?

Who do you think made the decision not to allow Interplay to publish anything about Fallout MMO knowing that potentially multiple hundreds of millions of dollars ride? Especially if You let investors know and they skyrocket Interplay stock to a dollar a share allowing interplay to dilute their share base by 30 million shares in order to raise 30 million dollars in order to fulfill the contract obligation?

Someone who is familiar with the nature of Wall Street based structured finance or a Legally trained precedence junky or Adam Sandler?:

1) The Legal team all in their lonesome without even notifying any Zenimax management?

2) The Water cooler boy


3) the Chief Operating Officer of Zenimax after consulting with the Legal team?

It is my obviously biased opinion that Zenimax COO James L. Leder files an Affidavit saying he had no knowledge of happenings on Interplay's end when in reality it was his executive decision with the aid of his team of lawyers not to allow Interplay to post anything Fallout MMO related leaving them no other choice than to inform the gaming and investing public that they are working on Fallout MMO but cannot say it so they must use the semi cryptic Project V13 codename in their press release without accompanied art and website.

All you have to do is subpoena Bethesda to turn over their Exchange Server Archive Information in order to see all the emails forwarded from the legal department to the Blackberry of the COO of Bethesda and he is caught red handed.

You should hurry up though, otherwise you'd have to hire Ontrack techs to recover illegally deleted data.

Scrub scrub scrub Bethesda. Zero them RAID drives and create a new set of Acronis Echo backup tapes to extract for the judge, why don't you?

And when you do so, we shall ask how you acquired a version of Acronis that did not yet exist when the backups were originally supposed to be done but I am getting on a tangent here and some unable to inquire minds get confused quickly due to their history of attenuating their brain cells on mind altering/damaging substances and social isolation sessions typical in devolving western societies.

We wouldn't want Bethesda to stop their malfeasance at just lying to the judge in court filings and then submitting false Affidavits now do we?

Who do you think the Judge is? The typical Fallout 3 playing zombie from your target market audience of Gene-yes-sir's?
Judging by all the movies I've seen with American judges, he might as well be...

And the news about microwaved cats.

Which reminds me, by the way, do I get a million dollars if I cut my arm off with a knife because it didn't say not to apply pressure with it on our body?

Also, how likely is it that Bethesda is actually telling the truth? I mean, they've shown they are largely incompetent in may areas other than marketing, it wouldn't REALLY surprise me...

Not that the judge would believe, of course.
Starseeker said:
Isn't the microwaved cats story a urban legend?
Well, I heard it over here in Portugal all at the same time by different people, so I don't think it is.

Could be, but it's not like we're chronic US haters or anything... :? like some southern country I know of that keeps bashing them but living and doing everything they live and do