Interplay done for, Bethesda sues, Defonten creates

So, it has finally ended, the idea for a Fallot MMO. Can't say I'm surprised, but I'm not happy either. I guess it's time to move on.
Ravager69 said:
So, it has finally ended, the idea for a Fallot MMO. Can't say I'm surprised, but I'm not happy either. I guess it's time to move on.

Don't kid yourself. Zenimax set up an MMO development studio recently.
They are currently working on what probably is TES Online, though, so we won't see a Fallout Online for a while.
Ausir said:
They are currently working on what probably is TES Online, though, so we won't see a Fallout Online for a while.

To be fair, I don't think anyone outside of their inner circle knows what exactly their working on. Given how these guys play the game, I would not be surprised if they had already starting making their own FOOL.
Dead Guy said:
It feels somewhat ironic that intellectual property is enabling someone to sue the makers of an imaginary world for building upon said world

Interplay took money from Bethesda in exchange for the license. The terms were clear. Don't expect Bethesda to act as if they'd never given that money away.

comscar said:
really shows how big of fans to Fallout bethesda is...

It has nothing to do with the fans. In what other business is one company expected to hand out money to another company and then not enforce the stipulations of a contract because some random customers would prefer them not to?
Seems like bad taste for Defonten to make such a satirical jab at the Interplay offices coupled with this news. Kicking a man when he's down, really.
What is this fascination with MMO's in the gaming industry?

I actually had to go to church,and consult with Father,to make sure hell hadn't frozen when i found out both Bioware and Bethesda had plans to do one.

Anyway to comment on the drawing.That is really cool.It reminds me of the art you used to find in PnP RPG handbooks.Also is that a bazooka on the guys back on the right?
Bethesda itself isn't actually going to work on a MMO. ZeniMax, the owner of Bethesda, set up a separate studio for it, ZeniMax Online Studios.
Ausir said:
Bethesda itself isn't actually going to work on a MMO. ZeniMax, the owner of Bethesda, set up a separate studio for it, ZeniMax Online Studios.

Boy is my face going to be red when i have to tell Father i wasted his time.
Ausir said:
Maybe Beth will sue Herve's ass off and get the rights to IPLY's remaining IPs in a settlement?

I can totally see that happen...
Zenimax seems to be building itself an army of IPs right now.
They probably aim at turning Bethesda into a huge publisher.
Ausir said:
Maybe Beth will sue Herve's ass off and get the rights to IPLY's remaining IPs in a settlement?

Yeah, this could bring us a variety of titles like:

Earthworm Jim: Oblivion. A massive open ended sandbox single player first person RPG which uses the innovative W.A.T.S (or Worm-Tech Assisted Targeting System) to enter bullet time for added immersion.

Redneck Rampage: Oblivion. A massive open ended sandbox single player first person RPG which uses the innovative R.A.T.S (or Redneck-Tech Assisted Targeting System) to enter bullet time for added immersion.

MDK: Oblivion. A massive open ended sandbox single player first person RPG which uses the innovative K.A.T.S (or Kurt-Tech Assisted Targeting System) to enter bullet time for added immersion.

Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance: Oblivion. A massive open ended sandbox single player first person RPG which uses the innovative M.A.T.S (or Magic Assisted Targeting System) to enter bullet time for added immersion.

Can't wait!

Also, the art is spectacular as always.
That's the diabolic plan of Todd since the day he recognized, that he is not able to make good games. So he swore that he will destroy the makers of the games everyone loved one by one.

I think those guys have seriously some mental illnesses. I mean they are actually fucking around with people, this is not a game.
EA part two.

I fully expect Bethesda to purchase exclusive rights to the RPG brand for no less than 10 years.Making it the best and most innovative i mean developer because there is no other competition.
Ausir said:
Bethesda itself isn't actually going to work on a MMO. ZeniMax, the owner of Bethesda, set up a separate studio for it, ZeniMax Online Studios.
Yeah but isn't Todd in charge of them both?

I'm curious about the lawsuit, I know what it's about but it seems strange that it's over trademark infringement and not breach of contract. I mean, Bethesda could only look at their MMO assets until the end of Interplay's dealings with a Fallout MMO, once they converted the Fallout MMO into something else they should have been fine. I also don't know if it can be trademark infringement if it hasn't been publicly used. It's a bummer that the website is restricting information on the lawsuit.