Interplay expands

what the hell?!....this interplay zombie has taken all my minigun rounds in the head and it STILL WON'T DIE
this might lead to something.. entertaining. Strange that they're still kicking
I think this is some sort of lame attempt to sucker some unsuspecting investors. It's the only thing that makes sense. I mean, you don't really belive that Interplay is still a viable business, do you?
No, me neither.

Oh, by the way: good zombie reference there, SumsoluS.
I just...dont know what to say. I initially thought this was good since anything to expend that much more of Interplay's time and money will further its death...yet could this be a ploy to attract investors? Probably since even a web page of "one" actual page does constitute a website. Maybe now they can advertise over the internet and try to steal the lunch money of spoiled middle-schoolers who are the only one's dumb enough to hope to fund a game. Particularly any game Herve would obviously steer towards such types.

The Vault Dweller
It can't die ... more. It's cold dead zombie already.
Where did you find that childish stuff about killing undeads anyways ;)

Anyways, I can't wait to see some new Interplay games ... just to have some good laugh. :P