Interplay forums to return

No, I used the term "red X" as in "the image won't show". Using Mozilla 1.6, Comrade.

It shows a white background with some stupid arial text on it. Now git.
It seems computers have a natural resistance to Caen brothers' ugliness. Anyway, fixed.
Ratty, check these things before hand, okay? Moby Games has measures in place to prevent this sort of thing.

Anyway, gaze and despair:
I prefer they didn't return, honestly. I mean, looking at the state of the website does not make me angry so much as exceedingly depressed. I see an entity clinging to life by force-feeding with a rabid tenacity that it does not deserve. Like Terry Schiavo, but not as funny.
Corith is quite correct. In fact, I really can't think of a single thing Herve has done that deserves a salary, or for that fact, money. He is an overpaid leech that knows nothing of the industry, an arrogant ignorance brought upon by the fact that the Euro market distribution of the 90's was quite a bit more limited than it is today.

In fact, I really can't think of any game ever that has had actual intelligent creative input from him, so it further leads me to believe that Herve has been simple mediocre up until now, but when the full market distribution hit France and when Herve also foolishly tried to piddle in US development, it rendered his brand of sleaze-by-for-a-buck development schemes rather useless.

In other words, this example of business Darwinism is perhaps the most vindicating thing towards showing the failures in the game industry, and where arrogant trend-chasing leads, and where those he cast off can take mindless trend-chasing (KoTOR, a fairly cliché story with a shitty combat system) and add a bit of creative design to it (KoTOR 2).

And, again, I am amazed that people like rbusslinger can witness this and still believe it is business as usual, in fact covering up for Herve's fraud. I, too, have to raise suspicions that rbusslinger is an industry plant. This kind of stupidity is a design to cover up criminal activities (such as backpay fraud, see the shitstain's excuses on that folks), or that kind of ignorant stupidity should be made illegal. Stupid people should not be allowed money, which even IF they were an Interplay industry plant, means that they lost money anyways. :D

Frymuchan, as we know, is a poor fool. He supposedly thinks that he still has an investment in Interplay. Uh...yeah. And I am still waiting to use my John Lennon tickets, bro. Keep the faith, man! :roll:

If Herve does try to pull a GameTap, what is the likelihood of people paying to play games that can be found for cheaper in the bargain bin, and which already can't be found at most Abandonware sites? Herve doesn't have a full range of nostalgic games from around game history, like GameTap.

Fifi only has the properties of Interplay, and those who remember what Interplay used to be also remember how badly Fifi lifted a leg onto Interplay. They remember the abuse of the creator and ex-CEO (Brian Fargo) by Fifi and crew. They remember the abuse of the intellectual properties by Fifi and crew, over years of shitty spin-offs and lingering crappy directors that couldn't develop their way out of a wet paper bag (Chuck Cuevas). They remember the abuse of the employees and the talent of people who put loads of writing effort into games that will never be released, because the current CEO was an incompetent fool.

Hey, great way to get a prospective audience and fan base, Herve! Brilliant! In the meantime, we have a few compilation sets and old disks with the old Interplay games upon them so...who cares about this garbage? Didn't they try to do this a while ago and get mocked at how much they wanted, a required price to make each download viable for the service? Oops!
State Sanctioned

State Sanctioned

... In fact, I really can't think of a single thing Herve has done that deserves a salary, or for that fact, money. He is an overpaid leech that knows nothing of the industry, ...

I am pulling this out and shifting the context.

H. may NEVER been 'just' playing ""the game"' of the GAME INDUSTRY, but playing THE SYSTEM of corporate gangsters.
A ""playah"" in da biggie piggie prosperity shell game: stocks and the bleeding to death of corporations. An avatar of avarice.

As long as white collar criminals can pay to play in the courts and capitals of the world, their convictions will be few, and their punishment soft.

White collar crime and specifically stock manipulation will only get a nod and a wink from the band of the ''irrationally exuberant'' that report, preach, and govern. Other 'playahs'.

Corporation mismanagement has always been, and will always be.
No 'get tough' policy, no 'just say no' platitudes can compete with the power of money. Easy money, Virtual or folding.

Look at some of the BIGGEST world industries.
The illegal drug business is like it's legal mirror image. Too much money is being made. Nothing can stop these gravy trains.

Product fades to the back-round when the bribes and pay offs flow, and or, the speculative stock is hot. The illegal drug biz is too grounded in street wise ""retail sales"". AND. The 'big money' is in speculating in the legal shamanism, the spirits of prosperity. The REAL commodities are the stocks, the 'promise', the 'dream' of wealth.

If only 20% of Americans ''say'' they still smoke, why is the tobacco industry still so strong? It combines the best of the illegal, a nicotine hook, and the best of the legal, the reputation of growth stocks. It makes a lot of money. The smart tobacco companies have diversified to blend in with other international corporate buccaneers.

The 'Tobacco Question' , the burden of medical costs is not a sexy, single issue for our political talking heads. Not like, ... abortion.
Abortion ''deaths'' are political wedge issues for both extremes of the political spectrum, but no sniper is stalking the heads of R.J. Reynolds or Philip Morris for tobacco deaths.

Hard sentences are rationalized for petty criminals as a deterrent.
Long prisons terms are justified as a deterrent. As if the less intellectually talented of our nation will get the hint and ''just say no''.
Our smartest criminals , the white collar huxsters, seem not to be a part of this ''carrot or stick'' legal initiative.
No long prison terms threaten the corporate thief no matter how many millions of citizens may be harmed. Perhaps the money is too big. The fees to the lawyers too lucrative for mere implied threats to deter. The wealth is worth the risk.

H's management skills (milking money), his intelligence levels (playing the system) will be deemed dubious if H. 'gets caught' and has to do ""time"" for his civil indiscretions.

These days, as in ages before, we have no clue how 'justice' can be directly associated with the judicial system.

At this point, H. appears to ''playing the system''. One can only speculate that the penalties will fit his behavior, (presumed innocence of plaintiffs is too often, two edged.)

I trust that Corith has been playing his side and will be rewarded with MORE than ""a judgement"", (presumed rights of victims are more often a de facto farce.)

I trust that Corith will be compensated for his efforts with something that folds and can buy a cup of coffee,
as opposed with something that folds and can wipe an ass.

Good luck.
