Interplay has finally opened a forum board for V13

I can only agree, this is something very rarely seen by developers. In most cases due to lack of time. Which brings up a question:
Mr. Taylor, do you have too much time?

Just kidding.. ;)

On the avatars, provided ones would be fine. Any kind of customization can only increase the visitor-rate and the fan base.
For me, customization and individualization are very important factors in games, forums, etc. and I'm quite sure that I'm not the only one.

If you plan to open a forum only for FOOL, once it is in that status, it would be fine if this forum had all that stuff (and darker colours, which makes sense with a Fallout theme ;) ).

The current forum may fit Interplay (I don't really have an opinion on that), but it certainly doesn't fit any game.
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
I couldn't agree more, this unheard of to me.
Are you even a Fallout fan?! :| Because if you were, this wouldn't come as a surprise...
Hey Chris!

The whole thing looks pretty ok, but i find my eyes having trouble telling where one post ends and another begins.

Maybe make the alternating background colors on posts contrast a bit more? I bet a low quality monitor won't even show the difference between those two colors.
Morbus said:
Are you even a Fallout fan?! :| Because if you were, this wouldn't come as a surprise...
Come now, he's clearly new to the forums so it's probable that he's new to the fanbase but not necessarily Fallout. Anyway, to clarify Morbus, Chris Taylor stops in periodically to give us updates and such like. Back in the days of Tactics I hear that there was a dialogue with multiple developers on the team and I know that there are a few developers (Chris and Leon Boyarski [sp?] are the only Fallout devs who comes to mind but Iron Tower's lead dev also posts) and former devs (Corinth [sp?] is a former Fallout dev) who visit these forums.

Direct interaction with consumers and fans by devs isn't unheard of, it's just limited (I'd say rare compared to the mass of forum posts). Chris is pretty interactive on the official interplay boards, I see a lot of posts by him on the V13 board. That said, I don't know of any places other than NMA, DAC, and the Codex that were fan sites with dev interaction (though I'm not sure how much DAC and the Codex get these days, I don't visit them :oops: ). Even Bethesda has their worthless "Meet the Devs" thread where you can ask about anything not having to do with their games (and probably game design in general, most questions are about things like favorite sandwiches) but some companies have some level of meaningful interaction. Valve's Robin Walker (if I'm remembering his name correctly) periodically answers inquiring emails which he allows people to post on the forums while Bioware and Obsidian have the occasional dev pop in to say something on the forums. I also get the impression that Blizzard devs have some level of interaction with the community, though I'm not so sure. All that said, I wish that every company had a base level of meaningful dev interaction but that's the way things go.
Irrational was always nice with some Devs helping out, releasing models and talking to us about patches for Freedom Force. Also one of the voice actors contributed a LOT out of his own enthusiasm, not as a member of the company.
Damien "Puuk" Foletto, a Van Buren designer, also posts here from time to time. And Jesse Heinig even edits The Vault once in a while.
Relic is also somewhat helpful in this aspect. It is not a rare sight to see Jager or some of the the other Relic members explaining some problems in detail at RelicNews. (Stuff like how GFWL certification makes tiny hotfixes very time consuming and why x is broken atm.)

Anyways, A working forum is nice. It will probably get tidied up and more organized as it grows. Hope to see it grow and prosper with the FO:OL.

(Hope is the first step into the path of damnation. The road the hell is paved with good intentions. and Hope is eternals etc.)
(Hope is the first step into the path of damnation. The road the hell is paved with good intentions. and Hope is eternals etc.)

Nope, its "Hope is the first step on the road to disapointment." Its pretty much my life motto.
Slaughter Manslaught said:
(Hope is the first step into the path of damnation. The road the hell is paved with good intentions. and Hope is eternals etc.)

Nope, its "Hope is the first step on the road to disapointment." Its pretty much my life motto.

My life motto is just "Hope".

I want to get a tattoo of it someday :)
Valve does a fair amount of posting on their forums as well, as does Blizzard (also on fan forums)

I was just making a snarky comment about the majority of current developers treatment of the people who buy their games. :p
That's one of the reasons i like Interplay so much, the devs actually take the time to get input from the fans. That's why ill buy FO:OL when it comes out and give it an honest try...even if i end up not liking it (not very likely). I don't mind giving 50$ to a company that actually makes games for gamers.
I love devs that respond to the community and interact with the fan community and customers. Interplay, Valve, Blizzard etc should have a special award for that in my opinion.

It is really nice to see developers in FAN forums. Thats too rare, i mean if you dont listen to feedback from the fans at all, how can you improve the games you make. It is one of the reasons why i dont like SOME UNNAMED companies.
Patton89 said:
I love devs that respond to the community and interact with the fan community and customers. Interplay, Valve, Blizzard etc should have a special award for that in my opinion.

It is really nice to see developers in FAN forums. Thats too rare, i mean if you dont listen to feedback from the fans at all, how can you improve the games you make. It is one of the reasons why i dont like SOME UNNAMED companies.

Especially when said companies use their own forums not as a way for community interaction but instead as a way to feed their egos. I was actually BANNED from the Epic Games forums after posting a thread stating VERY politely my displeasure on some of the current practices (4months without a single moderator posting) I had 20+ people come in and applaud the truth of my thread, as well as my ability to conjegate it without flaming or breaking any rules. Very next day I was unable to find the post on the forum and had not received any private messages/warnings/ect. So I re-posted it thinking maybe they had a rollback on the forums or something, post deleted AGAIN and I was banned... PERMANENTLY not even like a week.. FOR-EV-ER.

All this and I recieved not ONE single response/warning from a mod telling me not to that, and I checked the rules and not one thing I had posted broke any rules, but because I questioned Epic's business practices and treatment of loyal customers on their forums I get banned.

Annnnyways this post has turned into a rant so I'm gonna end it here.... or here.....

or maybe here.
It actually runs in parallel. The devs who have their head NOT stuck under sand or other places look at what other devs produce, try to learn what game players want other than Holywood, or just generally improve themselves by studying others.

Most of the Innovative things you see in Valve, Blizzard, Relic, Id, games are not actually new things in themselves. It is the way diffrent options and abilities put together side by side and meshed well that makes tham Excellent.

Most of the XYZ 5 producing development studios just ignore the game players in favor of fans of their studios except when they rip off some features from mods to use in their next game. (Yes I am still furious that Bsoft stole the Oblivion combat overhaul mod, added in 1 controllable trigger to go targeted shots and presented it as "TEH BRAND NEW TOTALLY ORIGINAL VATS COMBAT SYSTEHEM!!!". I mean come on, the mod had the disclaimer that models could go wonky and sometimes it went buggy when you were touching your target. Beth could have at least fixed those...)
Crni: There was a guy who thought Oblivion combat could do with more polish and more moves. So he started to code in a better combat moves like shield bash, kicks, head butts, shield charges, ability to parry with bows. Not being satisfied he also coded and animated critical hits that went into slow motion and destroyed/cut off limbs, heads etc.

Sounds familiar?
that anyway. But I meant more the mechanics of "VATS" you know, to pause, set a action and let the game go. Thats a pretty old style of gameplay. Its just a bullet time with a pause mode like many already pointed out long before the game was released on the Bethesda forums.
Like 'o so many topics here at NMA, this one has begun to devolve into a 'how fo3 failed mankind by promising the second coming and only delivering the RSVP'

I think maybe someone should get this back on track or close it ~_~