Interplay rereleases Fallout Trilogy box

rcorporon said:
lugaru said:
Yeah, they must hate Bethesda for reviving interest in one of the few things Interplay that can provide interplay with income these days.


If Fallout 3 revives any interest in the Fallout Franchise, and actually causes Xbox360 owners to buy these "old" games, I'd be shocked.

Then you better be prepared to get shocked becuase this is EXACTLY how I got into the old games....through Fallout 3(and I am a Xbox 360 owner).....

Anyway, ugly boxart lol....but great games!
Iozeph said:
Has anyone here bought this new trilogy box? Is it just a repackaging of the same software with zero changes, or has Interplay at least optimised them for more modern, higher resolution monitors? I know there is a resolution mod out there for 1 & 2, but an official retuning would still be nice- not that I'm holding my breath or anything.

It's the exact same game. We can't make changes or add-ons. TT

Ctaylor said:
Iozeph said:
Has anyone here bought this new trilogy box? Is it just a repackaging of the same software with zero changes, or has Interplay at least optimised them for more modern, higher resolution monitors? I know there is a resolution mod out there for 1 & 2, but an official retuning would still be nice- not that I'm holding my breath or anything.

It's the exact same game. We can't make changes or add-ons. TT


This sucks....

Why would anyone buy this version of the old Fallout games?

It is better to legally buy them from because at least that website has updated the game to run on Vista and XP....

Meh, this "Fallout Trilogy" just seems to me to be Interplay trying to make some quick cash...
Ctaylor said:
It's the exact same game. We can't make changes or add-ons. TT


Couldn't you have at least repackaged the games in new installer app to fit them in single DVD? I mean version are repackaged so you should have right to do so as well? (sorry if this is already the case, the page with the box art linked previously states DVD-ROM (3)).

Oh and are these US or UK versions or are the still regional versions where available? And is this international release deal or regional restricted?

Verd1234 said:
It is better to legally buy them from because at least that website has updated the game to run on Vista and XP....

Not to mention you get them cheaper (5.99$ per game 17.97$ for all three), can buy just the games you want and you get bucket load of extras, including game soundtrack(s) with each games.

About compatibility, news article at interplay does state that they are for "Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP and Vista". Wether or not they've tested it at interplay/bestbuy or just assumed because's versions are compatible I've no idea.
rcorporon said:
lugaru said:
Yeah, they must hate Bethesda for reviving interest in one of the few things Interplay that can provide interplay with income these days.


If Fallout 3 revives any interest in the Fallout Franchise, and actually causes Xbox360 owners to buy these "old" games, I'd be shocked.

I wouldn't be suprised if some did, their parents etc might buy it them not realising the first two are pretty different games. They'd probably get a hefty shock when they start playing and realise it's not the same mass market dumbed down game Fallout 3 is. Probably uninstall and go back to playing Madden or something.

I took a look on to see what they were charging and sadly they're calling this box set a Bethesda Softworks product and a Trilogy.

I won't be surprised in the least if some beth fanboys end up buying it accidentally without noticing the huge Interplay logo on the front of the box and the lack of "Fallout 3" anywhere in the description.

We already know they aren't the most perceptive fanbase and can be sold shit in a box based on a couple of buzzwords.

edit: I talked to their customer service robot and there's a chance that Interplay may end up getting the credit where it's due them.

Zeronet said:
rcorporon said:
lugaru said:
Yeah, they must hate Bethesda for reviving interest in one of the few things Interplay that can provide interplay with income these days.


If Fallout 3 revives any interest in the Fallout Franchise, and actually causes Xbox360 owners to buy these "old" games, I'd be shocked.

I wouldn't be suprised if some did, their parents etc might buy it them not realising the first two are pretty different games. They'd probably get a hefty shock when they start playing and realise it's not the same mass market dumbed down game Fallout 3 is. Probably uninstall and go back to playing Madden or something.

Yeah, because it takes a genius grant to play old games.
Couldn't you have at least repackaged the games in new installer app to fit them in single DVD? I mean version are repackaged so you should have right to do so as well? (sorry if this is already the case, the page with the box art linked previously states DVD-ROM (3)).

I'm pretty sure it is on one DVD. And various stores just have incorrect info. Or am I mistaken? The version released in Poland is on on DVD.

The "Fallout Trilogy" pack is US-only. The UK equivalent is White Label's "Fallout Collection", while the Polish equivalent is "Saga Fallout". See:

Anyone know any other regional variants?
lugaru said:
Yeah, because it takes a genius grant to play old games.

It takes a slightly larger attention span and some patience than most gamers these days have.
Yup, got confirmation from Chris, it's just one DVD. Wouldn't make much sense any other way.
Ausir said:
Couldn't you have at least repackaged the games in new installer app to fit them in single DVD? I mean version are repackaged so you should have right to do so as well? (sorry if this is already the case, the page with the box art linked previously states DVD-ROM (3)).

I'm pretty sure it is on one DVD. And various stores just have incorrect info. Or am I mistaken? The version released in Poland is on on DVD.

The "Fallout Trilogy" pack is US-only. The UK equivalent is White Label's "Fallout Collection", while the Polish equivalent is "Saga Fallout". See:

Anyone know any other regional variants?

That's wrong Ausir, again Interplay teamed up with Kalysto and released this same trilogy in several European countries a couple of months ago.
Briosafreak said:
That's wrong Ausir, again Interplay teamed up with Kalysto and released this same trilogy in several European countries a couple of months ago.

Yes, and the funny thing here in germany is: On the box it says german version but the games are all in the english original.
Ausir said:
Yup, got confirmation from Chris, it's just one DVD. Wouldn't make much sense any other way.

Thanks for confirmation, store info had me confused :P

Lexx said:
Yes, and the funny thing here in germany is: On the box it says german version but the games are all in the english original.

I wonder if it's UK english (censored) or US english (uncensored) version...
Petrell said:
I wonder if it's UK english (censored) or US english (uncensored) version...

I asked for this a few times but nobody could give me a answer (mostly because the players where new to the game and couldn't see the difference... or don't wanted... I have no clue).
Blackened said:
They don't suspect how much money could they make if they resemble the original Fallout 2 (or 1) team - or at least, some of the members - to make some short Fallout 1/2 addon in one or two weeks and then include it in the package.

Some simple, and yet good idea, like one or two new locations (small), some new weapons (using old animations), some new perk(s), a new NPC, stuff like that. Even if they declare "we are making this just to earn money", it still will get popularity (and be much better than Fallout 3, lol).
Blackened your right, it could be milked for so more. Hell they could pay off killap for his unofficial patch and expansion and integrate them to trilogy and wola its almost a new game with tons of new content.
Even if it was introduced as patch? I understand about content that wasn't in the game, but they shouldn't have anything to say about stuff that was already in but didn't show up due unfinished or broken scripts.