Watching this legal battle, for me, is like watching Rampage Jackson fight Tito Ortiz... I can't stand either of them, and I'm enjoying seeing them just bitch slap each other with this silliness.
As for FOOL, I hope it never, ever sees the light of day. Beth has proven that they are incapable of making any kind of bug-free product, and seem unwilling to fix programs after releasing them, so WoW would stomp any MMO put out by Bethsoft in a heartbeat.
Interplay is a pathetic shell of what it used to be, and doesn't deserve one iota of respect from gamers. Hopefully all of this legal manoeuvring will leave them bankrupt, and finally buried alongside Pandemic.
As for FOOL, I hope it never, ever sees the light of day. Beth has proven that they are incapable of making any kind of bug-free product, and seem unwilling to fix programs after releasing them, so WoW would stomp any MMO put out by Bethsoft in a heartbeat.
Interplay is a pathetic shell of what it used to be, and doesn't deserve one iota of respect from gamers. Hopefully all of this legal manoeuvring will leave them bankrupt, and finally buried alongside Pandemic.