Interplay - Web presence restored?

Silencer said:
*casts 'Summon Bashmo'* :D

Oh no! You forgot to caste 'Protection from HTML' before sumoning, nows he's gonna attack everyone in site :twisted:

greatatlantic said:
This means either...

A. Interplay is going to be alright.
B. It is a placeholder to announce an auction for intellectual property.
C. Herve is practicing webdesign, something that can be done in a jail cell.
D. God is at it again.
E. The new webdesign took forever to load from an employee's Apple IIe.

You forgot this one...
F. Herve tries to register with Tripod and uses there online page builder so he doesnt have to buy a licence for Office. Then he cunnly (cunning like a fox :eyebrow: ) downloads his new web pages and uploads it his new host. Except he couldn't figure out how to fill out the registration form and had to buy Word after all :deal:
Wild_qwerty said:
Except he couldn't figure out how to fill out the registration form and had to buy Word after all :deal:

You know what the funny thing there is?

<o:Company>Titus Software Corp.</o:Company>

Yeh, he's using Microsoft Office licensed to Titus.


There's so much wrong with that.
Corith said:
Neither the doctype nor the alt tag are really "required" for a web page any more. Nearly all current versions of browsers will render the pages with no doctype. I was going for the simplest, shortest syntax to illustrate an example.
Great job Corith, your post is about to unleash vengeful wrath of the most horrid HTML validation monster Internet has ever seen. Behold! Aschmus The Well-Formed, bane of imperfect HTML and XML coders everywhere, is about to smite you with his flawless and prolific web design skills!
Yall check out the new adition to the Interplay site? 3 links at the bottom of the page now...

1 General information they provide)-

2Fincial information)-

3Email addy for interested investors)- <>

I'm shure everyone know's already but thought I'de just post incase... didnt see any mention of it. The company Info is especialy interesting if you want to take a look into their financial information as they seemingly want us to by linking to it on their website.
we are focusing our efforts to launching an online service, entitled GamesOnLine, allowing consumers to become part of a unique online community of gamers and access selected content.

That's the worst excuse and name for a project made on-the-fly i've ever seen.
I like the cute comic sans ms font. It makes me feel like I'm reading a sixth-grader's book report.

Interplay said...
Our strategy is to invest in products for those platforms, whether PC or video game console, that have or will have sufficient installed bases or a large enough number of potential subscribers for the investment to be economically viable.

No shit?

We do not currently internally develop new products.

I fed this through babelfish (bullshit-to-english) and here's what I got:

Our company can best be compared to an airplane shot out of the sky and plummeting rapidly to the ground in a twisted knot of flaming wreckage.
This is so deploring. Almost like observing a crippled wretch attempt to outpace a pack of jackals.

I'm almost tempted to offer to build them a real website at no cost, as an act of benevolence. I would even cover the hosting fees. Anything to unburden myself of this deep, overwhelming feeling of pity that gnaws on every fiber of my overwrought being.
Maybe someone should submit it to Something Awful as an Awful Link. To see Interplay having fallen so far surely must arouse horror beyond these coded walls as well?
Looks like they updated the page with "About Interplay, SEC Filings", and other useless drivel.
Ummm... "Investor<san s> Relations"... does this means they only have one investor at this time? Are Herve's parents still alive, by any chance?