This ghoul has seen it all

Tel Prydain said:The mare fact that it's an option
you sayin' you want horses in this game or what?
Tel Prydain said:The mare fact that it's an option
Amusingly, the times when Fallout/Fallout2 were made were a golden era of PC shooters.OakTable said:The FPS got it's start on the PC. Just saying. No need to throw idiotic console wars logic around. If you don't like FPS's, thats fine, but don't blame consoles for them.el_jefe_of_ny said:I consider fps'ing the whole fucking time im trying to play a game is rather annoying. I hate the genre with a passion. Bioshock and Stalker, if it was non fps but the same environment they would be awesome. I dont want to have to shoot as the main objective to everything. F1 and F2 was turn based and rpg based and we all love them so that's a hint that everyone feels this way actually they are just conditioned to think fps is the only way to exist.
that's why consoles are retarded.
14 year old here who was saved on an intellectual level by the internet. ITwinkieGorilla said:Patton89 said:Though i find it bit depressing that they had to make a separate mode called Hardcore, for what should be normal mode.
Oh well.
dude. seriously? it's the state of the fucking world right now. spend 5 minutes reading at Bethesda's forums and you'll feel like a few years of education have been ripped right off your memory. it's mind-numbing how dumb kids are. i work with a fucking 20 year old who didn't know how to address a fucking envelope, man! the internet is dulling the minds of our youth, make no mistake.
pretty soon the world will be a yipping, farting, belching mess of shit-stains on the highway.
take the few pieces of "good" you see and be thankful we still have "good" in our lifetime because if there is to be another renaissance it ain't happening in my lifetime or yours, suckah.
TwinkieGorilla said:Tel Prydain said:The mare fact that it's an option
you sayin' you want horses in this game or what?