Hi all,
I knew this website since a long time (and found out that i was already registered), for news and Fo2 mods & tool.
Recently got a new computer and installed Fo3, Fo:NV & FO:BOS in a row, to try the next generation of fallouts.
I almost finished Fo3, (only point lookout left) which was a self-imposed pain, for the most part, and i intend to do the same with FO:BOS for the sake of completion. I am also half-way to FO:NV, which, on the other hand, really succeeded to be a sequel of the originals, and brougth me back in the FO universe. I really think that is one will have a great replay value, like the first two episode.
Brought back in the FO universe with these 3 games in a row, i found myself willing to debate, hear opinions, suppositions, and maybe logical explanations about Fallout Univers. After checked websites and forums i knew, it appear to me that NMA is the kind of forum that will fullfill my hunger of debate and knowledge. Most other website are more about technical support of very short debates. I just hope that those subjects weren't totally hexausted and that you accept newcomers, new opinions or posts that may rephrase some thing that were already said (in 10 years, it is possible. Sorry for being so late). I also assume that the website title is not related to a shared opinion here. The Master, Lou, Tabitha, Marcus and Myron are my favorites characters of the Fallout Universe, which makes me a very poor mutant hater, to say the least.
By the way, i am french and try my best to avoid major mispellings.
PS: Is there a way to stay logged longer that the time needed to post a significant message ? I keep being disconnected before i finish my messages.