Hi everyone!
I'm a 19-year old guy of both French and English descent. I will start studying in February 2004 for a Degree in Computing & Multimedia in Australia 8) because I decided to go straight after three years of accountancy studies.
I play the piano and the electric guitar, I've written a few songs. I read a lot and am a big fan of Terry Pratchett. I listen to music all day long, be it country, urban, metal, trance, rock, classical, flamenco, blues, or anything else that catches my fancy.
I've played through Fallout & Fallout 2 a few times, but have yet to complete Tactics because I think that, despite some good ideas, it's turned out to be a dreadfully dreary slog of a game.
Since I enjoy Games Workshop table-top strategy games (I hope this is not forbidden advertising on this forum), and particularly Necromunda which bears a passing resemblance to the universe of Fallout, I have started to design a strategy game inspired by those universes. I hope my computing studies will allow me to complete this project of a lifetime.