Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

For Cthulu's sake, you've ALREADY welcomed them once, PsychoSniper ... Don't make them feel TOO comfortable :D
Well, at least he's giving the new members an idea of what it's like here. :roll:

Psycho, if you're gonna do that, at least use a little variety.

Oh and welcome cdx, enjoy your stay. Should you need any help in posting, there are stickies located at the top of each forum and the forum descriptions will inform you what is acceptable to post. The toilets are located at the bottom of the forum index as are the security holding cells. Emergency exits are located at top right hand corner of your browser window and the keys marked "Alt" and "F4" on your keyboard.
WELL, thanks for the warm WELLCOMEs. COMing to mind I carry no knifes, sharpeners, metal sharp objects, guns, bazookas, Titanium Upgraded Radio-activ-ated Hand-made and Encahnced Miniguns, or any stuff most common US airports would consider dangerous. I promice to try not to make you flush the toilets because of eventual shit I drop here or there and to personally empty your cargo bay(or at least taking a copy of all the military ecuipment you carry). I will also try to behave well on board and fly as much as possible.
And finally, thank you for familiarizing me with the planE.
Rebellion said:
im a newb!!!!

I just hope you're not holy.


And fear Jebus not, if you inspect the seasoned threads you'll find that he's mostly harmless with.... nevermind.
Silencer said:
And fear Jebus not, if you inspect the seasoned threads you'll find that he's mostly harmless with.... nevermind.

What? Don't leave me hanging here, you ass! :)