Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

Elissar said:
he likes beans and franks.... yeah, he's gay.

I'm not gay but you are right about Bean and Frank. I like mister bean's show and I think Frank is cool with that Mega power armor. :wink:

Mad Larkin said:
*Looks around, suspicious*
*Pokes the No Mutants Allowed sign*
The sign drops off revealing the sign reading "The Bondage Pit"
The camera pans outside, and a horrified scream cuts the morning air.

Hmmm.... That explains why I received a goatse gay picture in my e-mail.... I was wondering where it did come from...
Allo, allo, all.
Just thought I'd drop in and give some greetings, and say that theres a new face in here.
And all that other jazz.
Danke for the welcome :)
BTW, I use a lotta languages/slang from different countries. I have a very....interesting... mish-mash o' words/phrases/accent, almost hehe.
Hey my name is spader I like walks on the beach and mazohistic sex that is why I am here

spader said:
Hey my name is spader I like walks on the beach and mazohistic sex that is why I am here


Hey, I recognize that avatar... Welcome back.
Ey Up

Greetings from the heart of Yorkshire, just thought i'd say hello.


(that's about it) :D
Thanks for the welcome, and thanks to Kharn for the help with the abortion that was my registration here!
Hi all, I'm from Poland so forgive me my poor English ;)

I'm a Fallout addict since '99 (or 2000? don't exactly remember) when Fallout came out to wider audiences ;) bound with an issue of a Polish gaming magazine called CD-Action. Daaaaaamn, it was cool, and the climate was great. Changed my life... to better? like Einstein in C&CRA intro said: "sooner or later time will tell" :)

I don't wanna be kicked out by a mod or admin, so I won't talk about FO here anymore :lol:.

This addiction made me keen on tube electronics, mostly amplifiers and other audio gear. This includes a core of my home wire broadcast system- a tube/transistor integrated amp (I hope that I'll make this 100Watts EL34 power amplifier someday) and a mixing console (which needs some major improvements- like kicking all that semiconductor shit out to make it all-tube thingie).
Yep, CDA was great these times, but it's not the same now... And it showed me all of the gaming stuff.

Welcome, friend.

PS "Boat City" - czyli Łódź? :D


PS "Boat City" - does that mean Boat City? :D