Invade Canada

ConstipatedCraprunner said:
You're Labour, thoughh, are'nt you? Sweet Jesus, you're not voting Lib Dem/BNP, are you? :o
Me? Lib Dem. I'd vote Labour if it looked like the Tories were going to get in, but not otherwise.
The BNP are a minority party, but the UKIP (basically half way between BNP and Tory party) are gaining power. This is bad.
Luckily we have more than two parties. :P
So do we. We just call them 'Fuckwits'.

American and British politics are'nt that dissimilar. We just don't change names as often.

You really don't like Blair? I'll never understand it. We would kill for a president like Blair. Hell, we'd threaten to glass you guys to get Tony Blair. I'd perform sexual favours for Elton John to get him as president.
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
You really don't like Blair? I'll never understand it.
It's not about whether or not I like Blair. It's about which party reflects my political views most. If we're talking leadership, then he is the best leader of the 3 main ones, but our Prime Minister does not have the level of power that your president has (the position I mean, not the person).

Having said that, I do dislike Blair at times. He is too smarmy, he has an inherent inability to answer any question set to him and notably, he knowingly misled the British public so he could follow his friend George into war. I won't deny that he can be a very charismatic speaker when he's on the ball though.
We would kill for a president like Blair.
So would almost any country that had a president like Dubya. :lol:
I'd perform sexual favours for Elton John to get him as president.
I don't know that Elton would make a good leader.
Yummyjulie said:
From northern NB, but lived in southern NB, and around Ottawa for a bit too :)


I'm in Laval (north of Montreal) and i have a family cottage around Ottawa.
It's not about whether or not I like Blair. It's about which party reflects my political views most. If we're talking leadership, then he is the best leader of the 3 main ones, but our Prime Minister does not have the level of power that your president has (the position I mean, not the person).
True enough.

Having said that, I do dislike Blair at times. He is too smarmy, he has an inherent inability to answer any question set to him and notably, he knowingly misled the British public so he could follow his friend George into war. I won't deny that he can be a very charismatic speaker when he's on the ball though.
I could see that. But I still think literally every one of his positions is spot on, and I generally like the guy. Smarmy? When was the last time there was a British MP that was'nt smarmy? It's a trait of you're culture, like being religious or not knowing the capital of Morrocco.

So would almost any country that had a president like Dubya.
Heh. No argument there. Though I'm not sure Kerry is better.

I don't know that Elton would make a good leader.
He would'nt, I meant I would perform sexual favours for him to get Blair to come over here.
Don't know, I could do some reconisence if you like, I'm close enough to them to spit on. gotta watch out for those damn moose though. They smell you comming, eat your evil soul and crap out partially digest pelts of good.
Don't get me started on the la la la attitude of the military over there. If I could piss far enough, I could take them all out.
Oh, now I feel bad.....I would never want to harm my Canadan brethren. You guys suffer just like me through blistering cold winters and evil black ice roads. For that, you can't be all bad..
Oh, I didnt know you could edit...Sorry boot that. Oh, I did it again, making fun of the Canoots. I got to stop doing that, I guess I'm on the right thread.
I thought maybe the Canadians sent lovely harmony candles to the White House to increase our aura and Bushy boy accidently drop a personal ass bomb to reunite himself with the college kid inside from yesteryear which caused the house to burst into lovely smelling flames...... Well so I hear anyways...;)
History Does Repeat Itself

History Does Repeat Itself

We really should have annexed you guys in 1812. ...

The Civilian Experts of 1812 declared war on Britain, which was busy trumping Imperial France's bid for world conquest. The Best and the Brightest of 1812 declared war on the British Empire and then went home on holiday.
Nothing was done to fund the venture, much less plan for defense
of all that coast line against the then largest navy under sail in the solar system.

The issues of "freedom of the seas" and the right for a soveriegn nation to engage unfettered in world wide commerce, were legal, intellectual, and possibly abstract concepts, unless you had an investment in trade
on the high seas. There was possibly too little to focus on for the landed gentry of that brave time. Land was real. Estates meant money. Land can be grabbed, or "Liberated".

Those that - rushed to war - to grab Canada lived in a fever dream in which the American Liberators would be greeted with songs of praise and flurries of flowers to carpet their parade of Freedom.

The rights of American commerce were too cool a fire to ignite the "patri-arch" passions for invasion.
It was sold as a cake walk for freedom or rather more 'free' land.

Britain fought with "one hand behind it's back" and it was only the valor of local leaders and the regional militias that kept the Brits from doing whatever mischief they desired, such as burning Baltimore or freeing the slaves of the southern patriarchs such as President Madison, (or did Britain go officially anti-slavery after Napoleon?).

The Civilian Experts were in command of the defense of Washington D.C. and managed to complicate that battle personally. Then ran
away like the rich and landed gentry tend to do. It was the Irish Catholics in Maryland, with a true glowing HATRED for British tyranny that turned back the invasion. It was the militias of the west under a man labeled as "trash" by the "Patri-archaic" landed gentry that defeated the invasion of Louisanna, one of the few "victories" of this rich man's war.

The cold comfort for out lasting the Brit's, and holding on to national sovereignty, was a silencing of treasonous moves to secession for a generation or more, and another historical parable for the NRA to lobby or rather 'proselytize' for the Second Amendment and 30 round clips for home defense.

Ugly John said:
I'm in Laval (north of Montreal) and i have a family cottage around Ottawa.

Ugh, Laval, I remember getting lost in there while on Christmas vacation/get away from X-GF trip, almost froze to death in that horrible uncivilized place place.

Im carrying my Ique 3600 GPS ever since.