InXile filming for Kickstarter this week

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Brian Fargo estimated a few days ago that it'd take "2-3 weeks" to put up a Kickstarter page, and he should easily hit that estimation, as he's filming for the presentation video this week, which will be the last major item to prepare.<blockquote>I'm filming my bit for the #kickstarter video tomorrow and Wednesday. This is the last major item to prepare for our launch on Kickstarter.</blockquote>We should be hearing about additional (exciting) hires leading up to the Kickstarter launch.
Candlejack said:
When can I give money?

When the Kickstarter page opens up. If the project doesn't reach the dollar amount it's asking for, you aren't charged the funds you invested when the project expires. I think the fundraising lasts for 45 days by default.
maximaz said:
So what happens if he gets 500k and decides that's not enough?

He will set a minimum (1M). If he makes it, the pledged money is taken and he can start development. If he doesn't make it, no money will be written off.
So the question remains, are there really 20 000 glittering gems of hatred out there with $50 burning a hole in their pockets?
Glittering gems of hatred are limited exclusively to NMA (consider it our unique resource for export). However, there are going to be hundreds of thousands of gamers out there who appreciate Fargo and Wasteland.
I hope so. 20,000 units is normally a financial flop - even terribly rated games usually push out that many copies.
Using Double Fine Adventure as an example - ~66k backers that donated an average of $34. Getting roughly 30,000 people to donate shouldn't be that high of a hurdle to jump. Anything's possible, but I dunno.. That's not a lot of people.
There's an enormous difference between having a title on the shelves/some digital delivery services (possibly a big one like Steam) and a Kickstarter project, though. I don't know, I really hope that they get the money (and I will do my part, just have to decide the tier based on what they offer), but it's up in the air at this point.
Maybe after they gather the money for the project Fargo should start another Kickstarter for getting the name "Interplay" back.