inXile hiring for Wasteland 2 probably


Vault Consort
Staff member
Since last time we posted a Wasteland 2 rumour, Rufus Luccarelli has pointed out there's a new Content Designer job opportunity at Brian Fargo's inXile that hints directly at this precarious project. The tasks delineated are quest, character and world design as well as dialogue crafting. Even if you can do all this you need a four-year minimum of business experience and marvellous teamwork skillz, so don't all get your hopes up. The really interesting parts are found under the "Bonus Traits" heading: knowledge of "classic CRPGs" as well as familiarity with "PAW" - which, the cognoscenti tell us, stands for "post-apocalyptic world" and nothing to do with furries whatsoever. So what else could it be?
I better not get my hopes up for Wasteland 2 just yet. :?
"PAW" - which, the cognoscenti tell us, stands for "post-apocalyptic world" and nothing to do with furries whatsoever. So what else could it be?
Seriously, I lol'd. :lol:
One really hopes for the best, but after the Bard's Tale...

Can't we move forward? Bard's Tale, Wasteland, Fallout, their legacies are so...ingrained. It's almost impossible to meet expectations when you start doing sequels from so long ago.

I'd rather a great PA RPG without the fucking baggage that comes with sequels.
Brian Fargo did say a while back that he intends for Wasteland 2 to be more of a real RPG than his new Bard's Tale.
I'm so sick of talk.

I put stock in what I can see and judge with my own eyes.
I eagerly await that, until then the grand strokejob can go on without me.
If Fallout 3 does nothing for us but raise venture capital for other, truer PA CRPGS, it may all have been worthwhile.
I smell the potential for epicness.

I've never actually played Wasteland, but i've read about it and it seems pretty awesome for it's time.

I still personally don't like getting my hopes up about things in the gaming industry until they are actually announced though.
Per said:
The tasks delineated are quest, character and world design as well as dialogue crafting.[...] knowledge of "classic CRPGs" as well as familiarity with "PAW"

Thank god at least no one from Bethesda can apply for this now.
Yay! I'm mentioned on the front page! :D

I'm really hopeful about this upcoming "mystery" game (come on, it's gotta be Wasteland!). But I guess we'll know exactly what game they are working on once they announce it or show some teaser screenshots.

"PAW" - which, the cognoscenti tell us, stands for "post-apocalyptic world"

Well, "PAW" can refer to Professional Adventure Writer, Performance Automotive Warehouse Inc., Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Partnership for Animal Welfare, Physics Analysis Workstation... :lol:
Cimmerian Nights said:
Can't we move forward? Bard's Tale, Wasteland, Fallout, their legacies are so...ingrained. It's almost impossible to meet expectations when you start doing sequels from so long ago.
I tend to agree, especially when the original creators are involved. If they are creative enough to have made a great IP in the past, then I'd rather see a new IP than a rehash.

And I'm not even sold on the value of the license. Wasteland is a really old PC exclusive that has largely been overshadowed by Fallout. It's like making a contemporary Starflight sequel. Most of the people that would want something like that probably don't care much about the Starflight brand per se.
Cimmerian Nights said:
Can't we move forward? Bard's Tale, Wasteland, Fallout, their legacies are so...ingrained. It's almost impossible to meet expectations when you start doing sequels from so long ago.

I'd rather a great PA RPG without the fucking baggage that comes with sequels.

No kidding. Given the choice I'd rather have seen Fallout discontinued too, but such views are often not popular, with the media or fans, but especially not with publishers, who love the "cash-in" opportunity of an existing franchise.

Licensed IPs, remakes, reboots and sequels are really stiffling to creativity, both in Hollywood and the gaming industry. Shame, but it is what it is.
I think the Unreal engine title is their other unannounced title, not related to Wasteland. Or maybe it's Hei$t?
Sure, they might, but I just mean that IGN is probably just mixing old news of inXile licensing Unreal for Hei$t or whatever they're working on now (is Hei$t canceled or what?) with the Wasteland 2 news. The engine for Wasteland was not announced.

InXile is also working on a new version of Choplifter.