IPLY facing lawsuits


I know this might sound a little harsh, but I'm blunt as usual.

To some point, the investors are allowed to be utterly clueless. After all, they're just unfortunate idiots with money and no clue about the game industry. After Interplay folds, that is their cue to take their cyanide pill, but not after putting me into their will as sole heir. :)

The employees should have read the writing on the wall, especially after the reaction to the closing of BIS and other details that really make it obvious that it's a sinking ship. If anyone is going to try and eke out some more money from Interplay when it's clear Interplay is dead as a developer, then they are either Sean "Lookie! I'm a game's lead developer!" Reynolds or someone trying to get as much money as possible from Interplay without having to do much work. After all, how much could any developer do when the development house is pretty much dead and in the state that they are now? Most people who have worked a job know that it's a good idea to keep your options open and to keep an eye on how the company is doing, so how did this come as a surprise to any of the employees? Did they figure on working until the final wheeze of the company? Did it also come as a surprise that Fifi is such a shithead? This poor treatment of employees comes as no surprise to us, why should it come as a surprise to the employees?

I feel bad for the people who are in such a position, but if they're going to play Russian roulette with an automatic, that's partly their problem. They should have been looking into alternative forms of employment long ago, and I'm afraid that only those who have had previous industry experience (or could tell what was going on with the company) knew what to do and are already gone.

That still doesn't excuse nor validate what Fifi is doing, however, and he should be investigated on this matter.
It isn't that harsh, after all employees are investors too... The problem is, there aren't that many Computer based jobs available. While that may sound like a lame excuse, almost all of the industry has been outsourced to some extent with the exception of maybe IT (they have to be on-site). I know the shareholders are angry and rightfully so, they do help to pay the salaries, however, some of them were not looking at the big picture.

I for one, know that some of the employees still there have been looking and interviewing to no avail, it seems that in the "gaming" industry Herve is a very very bad word, as is Interplay.... The jobs that are out there require skills that a lot of these developers don't have, or if they do, can be done by someone cheaper far far away.

Imagine interviewing for positions knowing that the company you are leaving has alienated almost everyone in the industry in some way shape or form, or owes them an exorbitant amount of money, or they just plain have closed their doors to IP employees.

The employees who are there are showing loyalty and integrity, and in todays job market that is rare... besides IT and HR have to lock up the building (If the marshalls don't beat them to it). :)
I asked why they were hanging around a while back , and the answer seemed logic, the gaming jobs in Irvine and CA in general are declining at a fast passe, i know of one veteran from the fallout games that is studying to work on the network security field, and he has a hell of a portfolio to show, imagine the others... most of them kept an eye on other possibilities, but it`s tough in the present context, and they didn`t want to leave anyway if that meant beeing jobless without unemployement beneficts of some kind, wich would happen if they simply left without something sure waiting.

And they want all the money and medical and dental plans Herve owes them, wich they are right in demanding in full before they leave, remember that a couple of those that were laid off last year had to fight legally to get the money, they aren`t going to let Herve getting away with their money.

Edit: just saw wonderbun reply, seems we agree on the causes.
Thank you Biosfreak....

My point exactly... Right now the "Southern Silicon Valley", i.e. Irvine and surrounding areas just aren't hiring....

Those who have been looking cannot find anything that would not require a long commute or moving, with no relocation assistance, believe me that option has and is been/being considered.

You are right, unemployment onlys pays 60% and when you are fighting your employer and have no benefits well....

The atmosphere is depressing, but there are those who keep showing up, if for no other reason then to say, they made it to the end. There are also those like you said who want to get all they can that Herve owes them.
Well, if they're looking into job opportunities now, it's a bit far too late. The time for looking for alternate venues is not at the last minute. It also helps to have a good background on a core level.

That's why I have to laugh at the kids who go to "gaming colleges", because they don't mean a damn thing in the real world. However, if someone had a solid background in CS, then they would have a much easier time in moving to another programming field. Artists can find new work in a number of areas, as can sound mixers.

Not all the jobs are being outsourced to other countries, and the part of commuting or having to move to another part of the country is not an uncommon one. I doubt people went to their local college and found a local job in the local game industry. The world doesn't work like that anymore unless you're going into the fast food industry.

Interplay's demise was pretty much a sure thing, especially if they made the stupid decisions they have. It was also apparent from when Fifi took the reigns that the company was likely to go down the shitter. That was the time to start looking into a contingency plan, not at the last second. That way, when Herve and Interplay WEREN'T such bad words in the industry, the person could call up those they talked to and confirm their interest in working for them rather than sound like some helpless beggar asking for a job. That doesn't look good to employers because it shows that the potential employee has little capability for foresight and planning.

I guess those who stuck it out until the end earn a congratulations of sorts, but on the same merit, they really can't blame anyone but themselves for not looking into alternatives beforehand. They didn't figure on these problems coming up when the company was really in trouble and nearing death, with what kind of person Fifi is? I'm sorry, but that has "willing victim" written all over it, or at bare minimum is just plain ignorance. Welcome to working for corporations. It sucks, I know.
Okay, I was going to let well enough alone as I don't want to get into a fight with anyone but

Those employees who are left, have been looking for quite sometime.

Those who left early on or were let go are at companies who have literally shut interplay employees out of their hiring processes. yup, almost every single former IP employee with the exception of maybe 5 ended up at two companies.

The other area companies well most of them IP competitors (either directly or indirectly) have been alienated or are owed money by Interplay and are not interested in hiring the employees.

While commuting or relocation is an option, when you consider the entire picture including gas or other commute costs to the areas where the jobs are vs the salaries/benefits being offered, often times it truly is less expensive to wait it out.

I know this because I left a job in El Segundo a while ago, took a contract assignment, and even though it is less money, I have more disposable income now than I did then.

So your points are valid, however not completely accurate.
Those who left early on or were let go are at companies who have literally shut interplay employees out of their hiring processes. yup, almost every single former IP employee with the exception of maybe 5 ended up at two companies.

Yep that`s true unfortunately. And those problems are everywhere, not just in CA, EIDOS just fired twenty something employees and is changing Ion Storm to a new name, making it a PS2 only company. Yet another for a long list of studios shutting down or sacking employees. Changing for a diferent career is becoming normal on game developers these days. Rosh knows that, i think he´s pointing out we warned people at Interplay long ago this would happen, at times where it would might be easier for everyone to move, but you`re right on the difficulties that many of the ones that were laid off or left in November/December are having to find some security even now.
Actually I was supposed to say something in this thread, but Rosh seemed to have taken all my points..

It's a rotten deal what has happened to the guys who couldn't or wouldn't leave IPLY, the facts remain the same: the management drove IPLY to the ground.. Oh and who's sitting there on top, why yes little Fifi (Herve Caen)..

So instead of looking at the finer points on who left, who didn't and reasons let's focus on why the hell Titus has drained IPLY of money and why Herve is still sitting in the chair he is.....and without any lawsuits against him, well...except the current ones....

There really isn't a solution for IPLY, Herve won't sell for a "low" price, because he doesn't want to sell it.. He tried to sell the Fallout license and got laughed at.. The only solution for IPLY is if they got sold to another major company, what that would involve to the employees also remains unclear, but they would have a better chance than under the management of Fifi...
Agreed... Thank you.

I am awaiting news from the employees as we speak as to whether "cashable" paychecks are indeed being issued today or the near future
wonderbun said:
Okay, I was going to let well enough alone as I don't want to get into a fight with anyone but

Those employees who are left, have been looking for quite sometime.

I seriously doubt that, unless you count "some time" as "a couple of months".

Those who left early on or were let go are at companies who have literally shut interplay employees out of their hiring processes. yup, almost every single former IP employee with the exception of maybe 5 ended up at two companies.

Maybe because those companies were wise to not hire those who stuck it out for what would appear to be company loyalty versus working seriously in the industry? That goes especially after the horror stories those employees relate, and then I'm back to my original point. If they did look around long before the exodus from Interplay made it clear, then they might have a foot in the door and those in charge of hiring would know you from your talks previously with them. No, the fact that they are denied now only means that they waited until the last second and didn't bother to try and get employment prospects before their job looked risky.

The other area companies well most of them IP competitors (either directly or indirectly) have been alienated or are owed money by Interplay and are not interested in hiring the employees.

Another sad point that I already pointed out. It's asinine to believe that your location has has several waiting job alternatives, as many are in different locations in order to take advantage of being the only/almost the only employer that needs such talents. Sometimes you need to move to go to a better college than the one closer to you. Sometimes you need to move in order to find another job, especially if your talents are limited. Sometimes you need to keep your options open, which anyone in the computer industry keeps a firm finger on, and pretty much those who complain about not being able to find work are already using the "moving/commute card" are being quite absurd. Would you also care to explain why Chuck Cuevas apparently still has a job in the industry while others don't, and he was one of the people responsible for F:POS?

Tell me, do you have ANY familiarity at all with Japanese business? It makes the American job market look so damn kindergarten. Commutes are nothing there, and you do have to live around your job, because, guess what?

That's how you get your money to live off of.

While commuting or relocation is an option, when you consider the entire picture including gas or other commute costs to the areas where the jobs are vs the salaries/benefits being offered, often times it truly is less expensive to wait it out.

Where does not being paid and soon not having a job at all fit into that logic, unless they are going to try waiting and see if some of those denying companies are going to suddenly change their mind once they see the person applying for a job is now on unemployment? Anywhere? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
Right, I think wonderbun has understood this now.. Let's not try to beat a dead horse.

psst.. Herve is the enemy... Let the bashing commence..
It`s not that easy when you have families with wives with jobs, and kids at school Rosh, or when they won`t give you help to move out, like it`s normal in the gaming industry, with just a few exceptions.
this will be my last post as I don't want to fight.

Roshambo, do you have any clue what two companies, I am referring too? (There is a third one, but they too laughed at Herve when he approached them for financing, so they won't hire either.. I know this because I know two employees who applied)

And the employees in question have been looking at least since January in the cases I know of.... A couple since October when this really got hot and heavy.

I have worked for 3 count them 3 Japanese based companies, even staying late to take the calls here in America, so yes I am familiar with their work ethic etc. They also take care of their elderly and their children... Your point.

All I know is that in the situation that the employees are and have been facing since last October, the environment has grown even worse.

BTW for those interested.... No checks issued, Herve's assistant is not answering calls (at least internal ones) and there is no word as of yet whether their will be or not.
Thanks feel free to return, Rosh is blunt but that`s a quality if one compares to weasels like Herve who don`t talk straight.

Good luck wonderbun, all the best wishes for you.
Briosafreak said:
It`s not that easy when you have families with wives with jobs, and kids at school Rosh, or when they won`t give you help to move out, like it`s normal in the gaming industry, with just a few exceptions.

That's why there's such a thing called planning. It doesn't do much good to bitch about it and wait for a couple of checks that are going to be the last ones, if you even see them. The point is, those checks will likely be the last, and now the employees are at the same point as before, this time possibly drawing unemployment as the company goes under. That won't last forever.

Then they will be unemployed, with a family, etc. That's why many in the gaming industry either is unmarried or has a spouse that is understanding of the situation (hopefully), and changing schools for the young ones is a moot point. Ask some military spouses and kids how they cope with moving from place to place, changing schools, having to find another job for the spouse. True, the military does pay for the travel and some more, but then that's why most people have a savings account in order to be prepared for events like this. That is quite common to both the military and business. There's a reason why it's easy to find a job at Wal-Mart and difficult to find something a bit more specialized around where you currently live. It's a fact of life when the corporation you work for goes to hell.

Unfortunately for the employees still there, I doubt they are going to see much recompensation for missing wages and the unpaid benefits, but I do feel for them for being screwed over in such a way. It's not right, but there's little I can do to help if they haven't already tried to help themselves and in a more timely manner. If only they had thought to get their foot into someone else's door long before Interplay started to become widely loathed.

wunderbun said:
Roshambo, do you have any clue what two companies, I am referring too? (There is a third one, but they too laughed at Herve when he approached them for financing, so they won't hire either.. I know this because I know two employees who applied)

I could name a few, actually, that wouldn't have much to do with those who stuck it out with Interplay and didn't bother to keep their options open. Not all are local.

And the employees in question have been looking at least since January in the cases I know of.... A couple since October when this really got hot and heavy.

Read that again. JANUARY. AFTER BIS was destroyed, after the fact that the company was going to hell quickly, especially after the talent started leaving before the BIS layoffs.

Thank you for proving my point. January is far after the fact.
October was, too.

I have worked for 3 count them 3 Japanese based companies, even staying late to take the calls here in America, so yes I am familiar with their work ethic etc. They also take care of their elderly and their children... Your point.

I wasn't meaning about their work ethic, stay to the context of the discussion. Often, Japanese businessmen or corporate workers would have to look for another job in a completely different area, often resulting in a long daily commute if they didn't bother to plan ahead of time and find a place to move into near your place of work (and there often isn't any). That's a feat in itself and is hardly cheap. The point of it is preparation and planning.

Damn, I wish I was still in contact with JD from the UV. I'd have him here and giving you even more details about how it is common to have to move or commute in order to be a highly-specialized cog moving to someone else's machine.

All I know is that in the situation that the employees are and have been facing since last October, the environment has grown even worse.

The time to prepare leaving the ship is when you see the rats running out of the hold and hopping up the ladderwells in preparation for getting the hell out of there, NOT when the middle decks are starting to take on water.

I don't mean any malice about this whatsoever. I'm just blunt and truthful, and can relate from the experiences of myself and others who have gone through this in the past.

If people are going to wait until the last moment to look into other job prospects when there's obvious poor management about the company (has been for quite some time, it's not particularly a recent thing) and people are starting to leave, I don't see where there's anyone else to blame but themselves for not planning ahead of time and perhaps getting too comfortable in the job and taking it for granted. Do you think Enron employees are welcome at most companies now, or would have been when they started getting in hot water? It's a problem with corporate life, is that you tend to bring and rely on the reputation of whom you work for, and unless you can distance yourself away from it, you will not be regarded as a good asset to anyone hiring. It's the two-edged blade of work experience. The word for today is...stigma.
Right, that's enough of debating this. Most of us know all this Rosh and talking down to those involved in this only serves to alienate them.

Sure they should have seen the signs and but there are other factors involved here too, many that I won't talk about.

We here at NMA do really feel for those involved and let's just leave it at that..
Odin said:
Right, that's enough of debating this. Most of us know all this Rosh and talking down to those involved in this only serves to alienate them.

Sorry, I didn't like the implication that I wasn't giving them due credit for looking "for some time" in advance when it turns out that it's been only a few months and after the company was visibly turning to shit by failing to release the good games and keep with the poor, and their main talent was leaving.

Sure they should have seen the signs and but there are other factors involved here too, many that I won't talk about.

I know. Though, a lot stems from Fifi purposefully keeping his own people in the dark (among other things), and lying to them, which is a bad sign of its own.

We here at NMA do really feel for those involved and let's just leave it at that..

I'll agree with that, fully. Employees shouldn't be treated like that, and in no way was I excusing what Fifi was doing to them. I've already done my part to ensure that he's getting investigated in a few other ways. The Feds aren't kind enough to wear rubber gloves.
Roshambo, do you have any clue what two companies, I am referring too? (There is a third one, but they too laughed at Herve when he approached them for financing, so they won't hire either.. I know this because I know two employees who applied)



Obsidian: just because you're a former Interplay employee doesn't mean they have to hire you.

The Collective: they can now afford to be picky because of their current "big project".

InXile: I would wait until they ship Bard's Tale before expecting them to hire anyone new (well, maybe they would hire Phil Adams).

Shiny: see Obsidian

Blizzard: a snowball's chance in hell.

Sammy: they would more likely purchase Interplay's IPs before finally getting around to hiring someone.

Point of View: see Shiny

Ready for Dawn: slim chance.
Well, I tend to agree with Rosh. Then again, we've been saying the company has been going down the tubes since late 2001. The signs were there then - including the loss of millions in converting to console games, the delayings of RLH and Galleon, the lay offs of 14 Degrees East, the release of three very buggy PC games earlier that year, and so forth. Each year, it was becoming more and more obvious that Interplay was going to fold and we've been reporting on it since those days.

Interplay collapsing really shouldn't have come as a surprise to anyone. It's been three years in the making, building disaster on top of disaster. Heck, Herve following the same road with Interplay that doomed Titus should have been enough to sound the Resume Writer alarms. If it didn't work for Titus, what makes anyone think the same policy executed by the same dimwitted Frenchman would turn in to the pot of gold?

Herve sucks, that's for sure. Then again, he's always sucked. That's not a new thing.

As for the employees, I think it's about time you guys all march in file to report not getting paid to the government promptly. If you guys don't act on this quickly, you might not see those back wages ever.

The odds of Interplay getting sold is less and less likely with each passing day as the company's value is dwindling while the problems only increase. The risk of purchase is only rising while the benefit is shrinking.

So, really, file a grievance now and start circulating those resumes to whomever, whereever you can.