I should also clarify that bit about the long and short hedge.
If you can buy calls, they must be dirt cheap right now. If you are able to sell short and let your broker float the shares until Interplay either sinks or swims, you could continue to hold your original long position, sell short, and pick up calls at nearly no cost. That way, if Interplay goes under, you throw away your calls and send your worthless shares back to the broker, walking away with a couple of cents per share. If Interplay manages to obtain funding that will allow them to exist for at least a while longer, the price will shoot up and you can exercise your calls to send shares back to your broker at a profit as well as dump your original shares at the new, higher price.
You would need a margin account with your broker and be able to find calls at between maybe $.03 and $.06 a couple of months out. The fees involved would also make it unattractive unless you have a substantial investment, but it might be worth a look.