Very good points, Ratty, and I'll admit I was operating there on a point of Devil's Advocate.
Appearances are everything in the political game, and to date, the current US administration has done everything it could to drag the US' reputation down even further. The world doesn't think of the US as a proud older brother of democracy that saved them in WWII, well, not anymore. They see a half-wit CIC that puppets along everything, including lies, to further some agenda that isn't supported by any cohesive evidence.
Appearances also say that Bush Jr. can send troops into any country he feels he can make into a victim, without any say from other countries, on non-existent evidence. That says a lot to other countries, as when you don't care about the political presence of others and invade someone else's country, kill innocent civvies and lie about it on Candid Camera, and otherwise look like you're pillaging the country for one asset but otherwise leave a lot of the country worse off than it was when the US got there.
Too bad the politicians can't be held for murder and wrongful death in military service, but that is probably what they are counting on to save them from this mess. You know, it doesn't help to say that the US will dole out punishments when it is also acceptable to send troops to their deaths over a lie and not even bother to look for said evidence many years has this shit gone on so far, and still we have yet to see anything resembling a WMD? It went from WMDs, then the possibility of WMDs, and then now it is prolonged for the sake of "Iraqi Freedom", which is a pretty weak joke in the Mid-East given the US presence in the past. Factions and politics will only fuck up what the US hopes to achieve, especially if Condoleeza and others wish to leave sometime soon as they say, and the presence has made many of the powers there even more pissed and involved.
But hey, the Vice-Pres and many other cabinet members are richer. The active war profiteering has been in the news, but nobody is really doing anything about that. That was also a crime, but I suppose capitalism is a good thing.
Yeah, in the same way the Democrats could hold a hearing - from a closet. Checks and balances only works so far until it is undermined purposely. At this point, it will take an overwhelming amount of pressure to undermine the garbage the administration is feeding out through news outlets. It is only then we might see anything happen. I seriously doubt the international front is willing to try and hold the current US administration accountable for the numerous careless civvy deaths the military has caused. So Iraqis can vote.
That's another sore point with me. In the past, troops had to give accurate reports on everything. Now, from the Pentagon even, US troops are not bothering to report the amount of non-hostile casualties, native to the region or not. That kind of willful irresponsibility is SICK.
It certainly isn't the military I was part of. Hell, I'm not even sure it's the same country anymore.
Yeah...a "spike". This was last year. Again, why is this year even more fucked up? Oh,'s summer. No offense, Elissar, but that excuse is utter bullshit, and I would really be hesitant to believe any of the other lies they have been feeding you. I can't believe the "it's summer" crap, because the highest peak of recent US soldier deaths was last November. It is also back on the rise. This also kind of makes me disbelieve the whole "it's just summer" thing. I've been there. The lessened attacks might be due to the fact that even while wearing dresses, the forecast calls for "FUCKING HOT" in the summer, often made worse by the seasonal winds. Nevermind about frozen balls, that can be fixed with a strategic turban wrap. Imagine how hard it is to wear a suicide belt when you are sweating your balls off. I can believe, however, that the summer would be better for bombing a crowded marketplace.
Even the insurgents are better at math than most US officials. Here is an example ratio from a couple of attacks: 1 suicide bomber dead: ~20 Iraqis dead: ~10 Coalition troops dead. This is the same kind of tactics that US troops were falling prey to in Vietnam, and I would have to say that the troops, including the reservists, are similarly far too green in that kind of warfare to really stand a chance of disrupting such attacks. Remember, the insurgents are veterans at fighting like this. Then there is a change in the insurgents tactics as well. No, things are not that good.
In Vietnam, some regions were relatively "safe". In Iraq, they now have disguised "Viet Cong" all over the fucking place, and the suicide bombings have proven that it really doesn't matter where in Iraq you are, there is still a risk of falling prey to piss-poor security of trigger-happy Rambo kids being unable to properly identify security risks, develop or use proper intel, leading to the deaths of innocents by their guns as they twitch on wedding parties and the deaths of others by the insurgent bombers being missed by the fucking clueless.
While the study was estimated, some have calculated a lesser number to around 25k reported Iraqi civilian deaths at the hands of Coalition forces. This still doesn't include the civvy deaths that US troops don't bother to report, because they are under orders not to. This order is from the Pentagon, who now doesn't even bother to keep track of the number of civilian casualties, which is a distinct difference from earlier wars/conflicts. So...uh...My Lai was a big issue.
That's right, "they're just towelheads" there that like to kill each other. So why bother counting? Sorry, almost forgot that important point.
Per-month in duration of the conflicts, there have been more coalition troop deaths in Iraq to date during this fiasco than in the same time schedule in the Vietnam War. For that matter, also include a parallel of civvys the VC and US killed in Viet Nam, although it's getting hard to tell who is winning at the game of "Kill the Iraqi", the Coalition troops or the insurgency. Now all that needs to be added is a higher escalation of foreign involvement, and the increase of "Summer Dress Bombers" will be the least of our concerns. The White House likes to come up with many excuses as to why the attacks keep increasing, but so far "a spike" and "summer" really don't cut it.
But the Secretary of State thinks we can just pull another "Vietnamisation".
What the fuck was this bitch snorting in '69 to miss that mistake? Or does she really believe that Iraqis who are given a badge after a week of training can adequately fight veteran terrorists who have been at this for years, who put others through training to die at ground zero of the bomb they just lit off?
It's the summer.
Damn...either the general just lied, or someone needs to give him an updated statistics sheet so he can develop a clue. Oh, wait...he's a General! He definitely knows what's going on there, fo' sho'. 8)
Appearances are everything in the political game, and to date, the current US administration has done everything it could to drag the US' reputation down even further. The world doesn't think of the US as a proud older brother of democracy that saved them in WWII, well, not anymore. They see a half-wit CIC that puppets along everything, including lies, to further some agenda that isn't supported by any cohesive evidence.
Appearances also say that Bush Jr. can send troops into any country he feels he can make into a victim, without any say from other countries, on non-existent evidence. That says a lot to other countries, as when you don't care about the political presence of others and invade someone else's country, kill innocent civvies and lie about it on Candid Camera, and otherwise look like you're pillaging the country for one asset but otherwise leave a lot of the country worse off than it was when the US got there.
Too bad the politicians can't be held for murder and wrongful death in military service, but that is probably what they are counting on to save them from this mess. You know, it doesn't help to say that the US will dole out punishments when it is also acceptable to send troops to their deaths over a lie and not even bother to look for said evidence many years has this shit gone on so far, and still we have yet to see anything resembling a WMD? It went from WMDs, then the possibility of WMDs, and then now it is prolonged for the sake of "Iraqi Freedom", which is a pretty weak joke in the Mid-East given the US presence in the past. Factions and politics will only fuck up what the US hopes to achieve, especially if Condoleeza and others wish to leave sometime soon as they say, and the presence has made many of the powers there even more pissed and involved.
But hey, the Vice-Pres and many other cabinet members are richer. The active war profiteering has been in the news, but nobody is really doing anything about that. That was also a crime, but I suppose capitalism is a good thing.
But, blind conformism notwithstanding, American society is (still) a pluralist society. Americans have the option to call down power structures for their failures and vote a bad administration out of the office.
Yeah, in the same way the Democrats could hold a hearing - from a closet. Checks and balances only works so far until it is undermined purposely. At this point, it will take an overwhelming amount of pressure to undermine the garbage the administration is feeding out through news outlets. It is only then we might see anything happen. I seriously doubt the international front is willing to try and hold the current US administration accountable for the numerous careless civvy deaths the military has caused. So Iraqis can vote.
That's another sore point with me. In the past, troops had to give accurate reports on everything. Now, from the Pentagon even, US troops are not bothering to report the amount of non-hostile casualties, native to the region or not. That kind of willful irresponsibility is SICK.
It certainly isn't the military I was part of. Hell, I'm not even sure it's the same country anymore.
Senior U.S. officials insist the current fighting is only a "spike" and not indicative of a widening war. On Thursday, Gen. Richard B. Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, described the current fighting as a "symptom of the success" U.S. forces are having in Iraq. "The sole intent" of the insurgents is to stop Iraq's transition to self-governance and democracy, he said.
Yeah...a "spike". This was last year. Again, why is this year even more fucked up? Oh,'s summer. No offense, Elissar, but that excuse is utter bullshit, and I would really be hesitant to believe any of the other lies they have been feeding you. I can't believe the "it's summer" crap, because the highest peak of recent US soldier deaths was last November. It is also back on the rise. This also kind of makes me disbelieve the whole "it's just summer" thing. I've been there. The lessened attacks might be due to the fact that even while wearing dresses, the forecast calls for "FUCKING HOT" in the summer, often made worse by the seasonal winds. Nevermind about frozen balls, that can be fixed with a strategic turban wrap. Imagine how hard it is to wear a suicide belt when you are sweating your balls off. I can believe, however, that the summer would be better for bombing a crowded marketplace.
Even the insurgents are better at math than most US officials. Here is an example ratio from a couple of attacks: 1 suicide bomber dead: ~20 Iraqis dead: ~10 Coalition troops dead. This is the same kind of tactics that US troops were falling prey to in Vietnam, and I would have to say that the troops, including the reservists, are similarly far too green in that kind of warfare to really stand a chance of disrupting such attacks. Remember, the insurgents are veterans at fighting like this. Then there is a change in the insurgents tactics as well. No, things are not that good.
In Vietnam, some regions were relatively "safe". In Iraq, they now have disguised "Viet Cong" all over the fucking place, and the suicide bombings have proven that it really doesn't matter where in Iraq you are, there is still a risk of falling prey to piss-poor security of trigger-happy Rambo kids being unable to properly identify security risks, develop or use proper intel, leading to the deaths of innocents by their guns as they twitch on wedding parties and the deaths of others by the insurgent bombers being missed by the fucking clueless.
While the study was estimated, some have calculated a lesser number to around 25k reported Iraqi civilian deaths at the hands of Coalition forces. This still doesn't include the civvy deaths that US troops don't bother to report, because they are under orders not to. This order is from the Pentagon, who now doesn't even bother to keep track of the number of civilian casualties, which is a distinct difference from earlier wars/conflicts. So...uh...My Lai was a big issue.
That's right, "they're just towelheads" there that like to kill each other. So why bother counting? Sorry, almost forgot that important point.
Per-month in duration of the conflicts, there have been more coalition troop deaths in Iraq to date during this fiasco than in the same time schedule in the Vietnam War. For that matter, also include a parallel of civvys the VC and US killed in Viet Nam, although it's getting hard to tell who is winning at the game of "Kill the Iraqi", the Coalition troops or the insurgency. Now all that needs to be added is a higher escalation of foreign involvement, and the increase of "Summer Dress Bombers" will be the least of our concerns. The White House likes to come up with many excuses as to why the attacks keep increasing, but so far "a spike" and "summer" really don't cut it.
But the Secretary of State thinks we can just pull another "Vietnamisation".
What the fuck was this bitch snorting in '69 to miss that mistake? Or does she really believe that Iraqis who are given a badge after a week of training can adequately fight veteran terrorists who have been at this for years, who put others through training to die at ground zero of the bomb they just lit off?
It's the summer.
Other U.S. officials say they still believe that foreign fighters are responsible for most of the suicide attacks, which have increasingly targeted Iraqi civilians and security forces. "There is no evidence this is being done by Iraqis," said U.S. Maj. Gen. John Defreitas, intelligence chief for the multinational mission that has 150,000 troops in Iraq. "In every case we've seen, the driver has been a foreigner."
Coalition officials acknowledge, however, that the numbers show an Iraqi-dominated insurgency. Fewer than 5 percent of those killed or captured have been foreigners, one official noted. He also described the influx from abroad as a "very, very small part" of the estimated 12,000 to 20,000 insurgents.
Damn...either the general just lied, or someone needs to give him an updated statistics sheet so he can develop a clue. Oh, wait...he's a General! He definitely knows what's going on there, fo' sho'. 8)