Iron Front: Liberation 1944

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Runs on the ArmA 2 engine. Already on Steam, gonna be out tomorrow. Badass.
Crni Vuk said:
arma 2 is like ... shit. Sadly.

Still, the idea is pretty cool. I'm gonna see how it plays out (apparently it's updated engine), perhaps get it. Looking forward to multiplayer action.
yep no doubt about that! Hence why it fucking hurts so much. It looks awesome. And the idea as well. I just know I will hate it because it runs on Arma 2 which has 1. Shit engine 2. shit gameplay and 3. huge bugs. Pretty much any mod runing on it will be poisned by it. Sadly.
Awesome, looking forward to it. It runs on the updated Operation Arrowhead version of the engine, so it should be much less quirky perform better than vanilla ArmA2.

Now we wait for DayZ 2: Zombie Nazis.