Is A New Bioshock Game Even Necessary?


Fallout Fan For Life!

Back in December 2019, 2K Games announced that a new Bioshock game was in the works by a new studio called Cloud Chamber. As of now there isn't any new developments on the project, but it has been confirmed that development on the game isn't cancelled or anything. Now the question remains, and something that I've been thinking about recently, does the Bioshock series really need a new installment? I mean it seems a bit unnecessary because

1. It's been almost decade since the last game was released.


2. Bioshock Infinite wrapped the series up! Now whether if that game wrapped everything up in a good way or not, it really depends on what you think of it. Yeah I'm definitely going to be making a separate thread talking about Infinite!

Anyways, those are my thoughts and what do you guys think? Is it really necessary to make a new Bioshock game? Let alone is it even WORTH it at all at this point in time!?
No. The games were never that great. System Shock is though.


System Shock 1 was terrible, System Shock 2 is amazing though. Bioshock 1 was fun, it felt fresh, the rest of them has been very meh though.
I could have sworn I posted here ?? I had a ramble hoping the new System Shock is as good as System Shock 2 which was a great game imo.
System Shock hasn’t aged gracefully.
System Shock 2 is basically a milf.

Bioshock is a good series, I’m okay with a fourth game.
I have never played System Shock. I know it has an enhanced edition and a complete remake is on the go. I played all Bioshock games as I liked System Shock2.

I suppose I would buy a 4th Bio when the price was right. ' Come on down '
After how abysmal Infinite turned out to be, i really don't want another game. Then again, the enire Bioshock series is mediocre at best and worse than the System Shock games.
all the bioshock games, for lack of a better word, seemed mid to me, I could never enjoy the combat loop and i really didnt care about the story.

i think if they gave it a bit more time, maybe released it towards the end of this console generation, it might be financially successful (though "old school" bioshock fans would probably trash it)
Naw man. Not unless they reboot which I dont think they should.

Could maybe go in another direction maybe? Been under water, been in the sky, go to space and call it system shock?
There haven't been any Bioshock games that are particularly interesting after the first one, IMO. I can't imagine what else would be worth telling about that concept.
Playing through the first game I can say any Bioshock game is unecessary because the games are dogshit, all of them. I have no idea how something this clumsy gets so much praise when it plays worse than fucking Noah's ark on the SNES.

I remember people saying the new Prey was a "Bioshock clone" but the key difference is that Prey actually plays like a competent game.
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Back in December 2019, 2K Games announced that a new Bioshock game was in the works by a new studio called Cloud Chamber. As of now there isn't any new developments on the project, but it has been confirmed that development on the game isn't cancelled or anything. Now the question remains, and something that I've been thinking about recently, does the Bioshock series really need a new installment? I mean it seems a bit unnecessary because

1. It's been almost decade since the last game was released.


2. Bioshock Infinite wrapped the series up! Now whether if that game wrapped everything up in a good way or not, it really depends on what you think of it. Yeah I'm definitely going to be making a separate thread talking about Infinite!

Anyways, those are my thoughts and what do you guys think? Is it really necessary to make a new Bioshock game? Let alone is it even WORTH it at all at this point in time!?
Honestly I'm more excited about this mystery game Ken Levine is working on at ghost story games.
After how abysmal Infinite turned out to be, i really don't want another game. Then again, the enire Bioshock series is mediocre at best and worse than the System Shock games.
Bioshock is ok but played it way too safe, Bioshock 2 is basically a standalone expansion and from what I've heard Bioshock infinite is just a linear shooter. System Shock 2 is better in every regard though.
I wouldn't mind a new Bioshock at all, people tend to overrate (even tho it is one of my favourite videogame series of all time) those games a little bit anyway, especially from a Immersive sim standpoint, apart from 2 none of them did a good job in the gameplay department to even be called as part of this genre.

1 has an amazing story and setting but playing it nowadays is awful, gunplay feels horrible and there isn't much variety and options to solve problems, it felt like they just shoved Immersive Sims elements in a game without clearly understanding why they should be there.

2 refines much of the first game jank to a playble state, while also giving the player a more diverse and interesting sandbox to play and experiment with, and while it does suffer in the story department the setting by itself manages to carry the game and keep moving you foward.

Infinite goes in a different direction by being much more action oriented, and honestly it was a good change of pace, they really did a outstanding job in creating a engaging more fast paced combat loop. It felt like they truly understood that Bioshock was not really a Immersive Sim thus making something unique out of it. It is another game where the story is mostly carried by it's setting, the city of Columbia is really interesting and leaves you wanting to know more about it. Every time the story is about the people of Columbia and it's politics the narrative is at it's best, however all of that is diluted by a shallow and confusing dimension travelling story that don't really add much to the narrative at all, what should be a gimmick to expand the lore and give certain excuses for the setting ends up taking the center stage of everything not in a very good way. I'll be honest that I do hold a certain grudge against Infinite for the game not turning out like the first gameplay demo that was presented at a E3 (I still like to dream that one day I'll be able to play that game).

So for me as long as they nail the gameplay and the setting I'll be somewhat excited for it, and even tho I like the new gameplay formula introduced by Infinite I feel like the Immersive Sim genre managed to establish itself in the market and evolve and Bioshock could give another shot and create something from that genre.
1 has an amazing story and setting but playing it nowadays is awful, gunplay feels horrible and there isn't much variety and options to solve problems, it felt like they just shoved Immersive Sims elements in a game without clearly understanding why they should be there.

Grab Nightdive's Enhanced Edition off of Steam. It fixes just about every problem you mention here - smoothens out pretty much all of the controls to make movement, inventory switching, and gunplay feel nice, and makes it feel like you're playing an actual game instead of an operating system. Protip: Hit 'E' the moment you get into the game. You'll never need to go back.

Once you're passed the gameplay limitations of the 90's you realize just how great of a game System Shock 1 truly is, not to mention that but System Shock 1 was leaps and bounds forward in gaming technology when it first came out... so much so that it even impressed John Carmack (the guy behind making pretty much all of the OG ID Software games run as smooth as they do).