Is anybody good with computers? I need help with a virus.

Knight In Leather Armor

Badger Nutsack
Didn't really know where to put this here, but I've been trying to get help as best I could.

So it started about two years ago when I bought Fallout New Vegas on my laptop(I know, not even a gaming laptop. I still kept a pretty good frame rate with mods though.) and a while later my computer got a virus.

The virus acts like this as far as I know, my computer is super slow on booting up and when it does, I log in, and I can't access anything. If I click on chrome it does not load at all. If I click o anything else, it simply won't load.
So I kinda just gave up, trying to fix it now and then, but it's still been messed up for two years. Can anyone help? It's my only computer and I'd like to get back into modding again.

Pls don't vat this just put it somewhere else
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You will need to get one then, or there is no hope for your laptop.

You will need to get the OS install CD in other way, either borrow one from other or be a pirate to download the ISO file, then either burn it into a CD or port it into your flash drive so you can run the OS install process.
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