First time out of the vault

Sorry for off topic..... but do Mob Respawn after some day like in Fallout 3 ?
Rules/Gameplay-wise, SoZ was the pinnacle of 3e D&D. A shame about the plot (or, more precisely, lack thereof).Nalano said:Storm of Zehir also made the "Survival" skill important once more because it affected whether you could see this or that thing on the overland map.
Rules/Gameplay-wise, SoZ was the pinnacle of 3e D&D.
Disagreed. You forgot ToEE.
Sorry for off topic..... but do Mob Respawn after some day like in Fallout 3 ?
yarga said:NV feels like a bigger map to me, just because when I was playing FO 3, I always got the feeling that there was nothing beyond the main storyline to pursue, I never really felt gratified by exploring outside the bounds of the mainstoryline, because there just wasn't much effort put into world building outside the main story.
Plus the linear series of subways/obstacles/tunnels you must follow to progress through the wasteland of FO 3 made me feel like the world was much smaller than it actually was.
I hated Fallout 3 after I got out of Megaton... it just felt like there was nothing to do but go looking for ammo in an endless series of copypasta buildings and subway stations/tunnels. Nothing much seemed to have any rhyme or reason in FO 3, besides the cheap-skate "lets put a note on a desk to explain why this building is here" kind of backstory.
TOEE is 3.5e though.
Bad_Karma said:For me Fallout 3 seemed bigger because of 2 reasons:
1. You weren't able to look that far in a lot of places (might even been some engine tweak for NV that enhanced the sight range).
2. You had to take more 'mazes' to get somewhere. So instead of walking straight from Megaton to Washington Monument, you had to go through tunnels which added to the time you needed to get there. Not only because of a longer way you had to travel but also because i'm better saying "the loading screen between these 2 tunnel-intersections stand für XX-meters of normal boring tunnels".
But that doesn't mean the Fallout 3 region was more interesting or anything...
Ausir said:So is NWN2.