Is it normal...


Cryptid oTO
Board Cop oTO
Is it normal to continue hearing the sounds and music of Fallout when not playing? Because thats whats going on in my head right now! :crazy:

I just played for basically the entire day today; and the entire day yesterday. I started a melee weapons and big guns character, and I'm kickin' ass. :D In fact, I'm doing better than my small guns and energy weapons character.
I always hear the "YAUAAAH" scream that characters make when you blow a part of their body off with a shotgun or magnum or some other weapon with lots of firepower.

I have no idea why, that and the fleshy meat punch of stabbing something with a knife.
You know the sound it makes when you kill someone using burst? The one where it takes off several parts of them, including the head. Whenever I'm playing a game and I do something gory, that SFX plays in my head. Its just.. so fitting though, hearing each bullet rip into them in that way. Wee... :twisted:
Nope. Not normal at all. All of you are suffering from dementia! *Hums the Diablo Tristam theme* :wink:
when i play a game too much, it does happen to me that i hear the subtle background music when i stop playing.

it of course doesn't help that i also listen to some of the background music from games on my mp3player/cellphone.

i think it has to do with associations. you associate a thing to the game/music.

a good example is when i was still going to college/uni, i nearly always listened to the same playlist every morning and each time i passed a certain place near the trainstation, i was nearly always at the same track. so now each time i walk past it, i tend to hear V:tM-B's Hollywood theme.

but the same association can be by sound rather than location. if you hear a subtle sound of something similar than the soundtrack, it might trigger your brain to 'replay' the sounds/music.

though i admit that your case might just be that you shortcircuited your brain by playing too much non-stop. :)
Rufus Luccarelli said:
Is it normal to continue hearing the sounds and music of Fallout when not playing? Because thats whats going on in my head right now! :crazy:

I just played for basically the entire day today; and the entire day yesterday. I started a melee weapons and big guns character, and I'm kickin' ass. :D In fact, I'm doing better than my small guns and energy weapons character.

I doubt it's normal, but it happened to me as well when I still played the game like a fucking madman.
Especially Modoc. That sound haunted me.
Woo! Just beat Fallout for the first time about 5minutes ago. Whoa. Great game! :D Love that Super Sledge! Smashed the Master reeeeal good. :twisted:

I thought that you could continue to play after you beat it... not that I should continue playing. :lol: Need to take a break...

Now I have "Maybe" stuck in my head.

SuAside said:
your case might just be that you shortcircuited your brain by playing too much non-stop.

It probably short circuited long before I discovered Fallout. :twitch:
Whoa, last night as I was drifting into sleep I thought I heard myself fighting some floaters with a laser pistol...

That was weird...