Is robot sex right around the corner?

Does it talk and scream?


I'll be able answer that once the robot is released.

probably 40 years later when im 59 or 60. :clap:

so lucky the younger generation... :cry:
Arash said:
Does it talk and scream?


I'll be able answer that once the robot is released.

probably 40 years later when im 59 or 60. :clap:

so lucky the younger generation... :cry:

but then you can take a pill and be erect form a whole week!

Sure your brain will cave in for lack of blood but you will be able to bend steel beams with your man-about-town.
Cue Chobits!! If you don't know what that is, congrats. Seriously, it's so similar that it's scary.

Anyway, I am surprised that nobody caught the reference that is in the background picture. It's a cover of a Cyberpunk 2020 chrome books.
Now all they need to do is program it how to cook and clean and Thailand will have an immense drop in their tourism rate.

I mean, can you imagine how embarrassing it would be to explain the sex bot accidentally flying out of your closet.
Starseeker said:
Cue Chobits!!

You mean "Cute Chobits"?

I can you imagine how embarrassing it would be to explain the sex bot accidentally flying out of your closet.

That's...not...mine. I promise, it's not...what you think it is. It's younger sister's doll! Yeah! Uh, damn it! She probably put it here and forgot about it when she was last time visiting me!
Damn kids...uhh, you know how kids are...
Starseeker said:

And I am going to guess that you know what Chobits are.

If you google "Cute Chobits" you will get some nice images ;)
I can't help but think of "Rouge City" from that movie AI: Artificial Intelligence...

As much as science is and will advance I doubt it will get that far due to the political and religious backlash. They aren't Human, but they are sentient. So, do they get to have the same rights as a human? And if not there will be Robo-sentimentalists who want to give them sancuary... and then we have the ever-present risk of the Ghost. A short in the system that causes the machine to be self aware, not unlike Viki from I, Robot or the dreaded SKYNET... or what of Roger Zelazny's WereBot from his compilation of short stories "The Last Defender of Camelot"?

There are just too many questions and possibilies. But deffinately, when it does come, I know where I'll stand.
As much as science is and will advance I doubt it will get that far due to the political and religious backlash. They aren't Human, but they are sentient. So, do they get to have the same rights as a human? And if not there will be Robo-sentimentalists who want to give them sancuary... and then we have the ever-present risk of the Ghost. A short in the system that causes the machine to be self aware, not unlike Viki from I, Robot or the dreaded SKYNET... or what of Roger Zelazny's WereBot from his compilation of short stories "The Last Defender of Camelot"?

I don't think robots will be able to understand love or stuff like that... so mostly if they get a complete AI they'll try to screw humans rather than befriend with them.
Hmm, I hope they are purpose designed and aren't some general purpose model that can be switched to various modes.

It would be rather scary that my robot would switch to 'Terminator' mode during a 'session'.
At least you would die while having a good time.

"I want to die in bed, but by no means do I want to die in my sleep. I had more in mind to be stepped on by an elephant while making love." ~Roger Zelazny
i could think of better ways of dying during sex than have an elephant step on me...

as for the topic, it's only natural evolution as far as i'm concerned. how it will evolve exactly, i dont know. i however think it's rather obvious for this to become 'popular' in certain circles. you've got all those blow-up dolls and real dolls and stuff now. the same public will certainly want robot chicks. later on, you can probably also see prostitutes being traded for robot versions, once the AI evolves.

who knows, things like that might evolve into common household objects given enough time. that is if we reach that stage before we can plug our brains into total virtual reality mode, which would give an even better experience.
as for the topic, it's only natural evolution as far as i'm concerned. how it will evolve exactly, i dont know. i however think it's rather obvious for this to become 'popular' in certain circles. you've got all those blow-up dolls and real dolls and stuff now. the same public will certainly want robot chicks. later on, you can probably also see prostitutes being traded for robot versions, once the AI evolves.

humans and machinery will fuse with themselves, humans will be half-machine and half-flesh (Cybernetic) and together they will kick the living crap out of every alien race. people will buy disks that contains useful information and insert it into their cybernetic brains, storing the information permanently for future use :crazy:

I'm being a sci-fi nutt again.
wasn't there some quote somewhere that said WW1 was fought in trenches and tanks, WW2 will be was fought with planes and misiles, I'm not sure what WW3 will be fought with, but WW4 will be fought with stones and spears.

that's not the exact quote but I think it was Einstien that said something like that when he was in Nevada working on the Manhattan Project. Perhaps some clever sci-fi nut has the actual quote pinned to the corner of his monitor screen somewhere?
for obvious reasons that is a false statement from Einy, but he's trying to get a point across.