So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Killian Darkwater?Snowguy said:But then again, is that any better than what the Regulators were doing? Decker? The Raiders?
Killian Darkwater?Snowguy said:But then again, is that any better than what the Regulators were doing? Decker? The Raiders?
Sorry but this is silly. Folks, don't worry. The bright peacefully future will begin very soon. We just have to finish a bit of killing and torture here.Snowguy said:It's got to start somewhere pal...
But then again, is that any better than what the Regulators were doing? Decker? The Raiders? The thing that separates the Unity from these people is that the mutants aim to rebuild society, whereas the other groups mentioned only wish to make money and to rule over everyone else.
The US? USSR? Dozens of other countries?Reminds me of the French of Revolution. You can not found a more peacefull and just society on murder and bloodbath.
This is why "the end justify the means" will always have the same consequences. If you start violating basic principles for reaching your goals once, you will do it again and again and again.
What would have happened if some of them suddenly had some kind of conflict with him over different ideas. Seeing how the Master treats opposition in the game, what makes you think he would have threated opposition from other supermutants differently?
Where is the guarantee that the future would have been peaceful? Again, seeing how the master behaves towards anyone oppsing him, this is more than doubtful.
What about them? If they did not oppose the Unity, they wouldn't be harmed, according to the Master.You fail to mention all the simple people who just want to live their lives and survive.
Also, the game provides quite a number of examples where people in charge are very positive figures. You fail to mention them.
What about Shady Sands? What about Killian Darkwater? Seems like a nice enough chap for me, although he was a bit more ambigious in the ending the devs originaly planed for junktown. What about the Brotherhood?
You do as if everyone in the Fallout world was evil, or at least those in charge. But the world is filled with examples of good honest people, trying to survive by hard work and not interested in the masters plan and his dellusions of grandieur.
That pretty much epitomizes the reason why the Master's plan was fatally flawed (asides from the sterility thing, of course). Getting dipped in the Vats just makes for bigger, stronger, and sometimes stupider people. Doesn't make them better people in any other sense, so it doesn't really follow that if the Master's plan had succeeded, humanity would have been better off. Sure, supermuties are stronger and better able to endure extreme environmental conditions, as well as resistant to disease, but in the end, humanity's worst enemy has always been itself. Just would've ended up with supermutants fighting supermutants, and nothing would've really changed. Except that humanity would be very much uglier. I wouldn't want to get with any of those mutant girls.Snowguy said:Also, you note the acts of violence and cruelty committed by mutants... Had you ever considered that it was not the Master who ordered it? It's his asshole Lieutenant with all that entitlement crap that orders the mutants around. Most mutants hadn't even met the Master. But every single one answers to Lou. And he isn't good people.
Sander said:And again, missing the point. Also, don't pretend 'the ends justify the means' hasn't been used by democracies, because they have. It is, in fact, the core of any government.Bonanza said:No they don't. The idea that every individual being has - with exceptions but still to a major extent- the right to decide by himself whats good for him (unless of course he would be violating the rights of others by his action) and the principle that ends don't justify the means are a basis of democracy, the idea of human dignity etc.
Whereas this other "philosophy" has been used by all kinds of dicators and totalitarian states.
If you can't see that 'the ends justify the means' is a valid philosophical standpoint, you're a retard and there is no point in further arguing with you. People for hundreds of years have not been able to decide whether or not it is 'good' to sacrifice individuals for the greater good, yet you pretend to decide that no matter what, it's evil? Give me a fucking break.
You do realize utalitarism is a umbrella word covering many philosophical systems, sometimes only losely connected with each other?Sander said:Never heard of utilitarianism? Because those are exactly the kinds of questions that philosophy revolves.
And you are again strawmanning because what you claim there is *not* what the Master is about nor is it what I claimed to defend.
The Master's plan revolves around mutating humans to better beings. And he needs to do that forcibly, since humans indeed do not want to be mutated. The fact that all you can say to that is 'But I don't want to be mutated' shows that you are not capable of thinking beyond the individual and considering that this will benefit the world and every *future* human immensely. That's his *motive*. The fact that his plan is flawed does nothing to change that.
What makes him morally ambiguous is that he does not do any of this for power, or destruction or any of the classical 'evil' motives. He does this to better the lives of everyone; to create beings that are much better at surviving and thriving in this world, and beings that will not go on to destroy it again.
How a person sees the world is pretty irrelevant to judge his actions. Again - sigh- Hitler may have entirely believed in what he was doing was good because that was his worldview. Doesn't make anything of what he did or his aims he reached for good.You are claiming that the ends are simply unnecessary, but while this is somewhat debatable, this irrelevant to the Master's motives since his motives must be understood in the context of how *he* sees the world.
I typo on your side? I claim that the means, not the ends, are torturing, killing and mutating people. And this is true. Stop switching words around. If killing is "only necessary to stop resistance" to a plan which will surely like hell spawn resistance, this is pretty much the defiintion of "means".Similarly, you claim that the ends consist of torturing, killing and mutating people but this is again false. The means consist of mutating people into (intelligent) Super Mutants. The killing is only necessary to stop resistance to his plan. In fact, although I may be misremembering this, I believe that he mentions simply stopping people from procreating once he has conquered the wasteland, instead of killing everyone.
Morality created by majority of human race? By cattle, by worms?bonanza said:But hey, if regarding all those aspects you and others think that the only flaw in the masters plan is the sterility of his mutants - thats cool. However, then you'll have to accept that your idea of morality is way off the morality rooted in history, tradition, normative systems and the majority of people.
So?bonanza said:he was propably convinced aswell that he was doing it for the greater good of everyone. That he is saving the world from the jewish-bolshewick conspiracy trying to destroy the west.
Actually, it does make him morally ambiguous. Yes, you heard me right, if Hitler's actual motives were to create a better world for everryone, he is a morally ambiguous character. 'OMG Hitler is like the most evil man evar'.bonanza said:I'm already a bit tired of the cliched hitler comparisons, but I will repeat it until you guys get it in your head. Just because you're not doing something for the sake of power, doesn't mean you're good.
When Hitler planed to wipe out the subhumans and make them servants to the masterrace (ironicly an expression the master uses himself, implying clear negative and evil connotations)
he was propably convinced aswell that he was doing it for the greater good of everyone. That he is saving the world from the jewish-bolshewick conspiracy trying to destroy the west.
In fact, Hitler often claimed how he hated the weimar republic party system, ebcause the parties wanted power for powers sake and not to better the state for its people.
Doesn't make him moraly ambigious even one inch. An insane misguided fool at best.
Yes, I meant means. Typo.bonanza said:I typo on your side? I claim that the means, not the ends, are torturing, killing and mutating people. And this is true. Stop switching words around. If killing is "only necessary to stop resistance" to a plan which will surely like hell spawn resistance, this is pretty much the defiintion of "means".
Hah, again, means to an end. And if I may say so, stopping procreation is hardly on a same level as actual genocide.bonanza said:And youre entirely right about the remaining humans. He didnt want to kill them directly, but to stop them from procreating (again using force if someone didnt obey) and let them die out this way.
In any real life context this is exactly what would be described as a planed genocide on people, and it is nothing else in the context of a game story, no matter how much you want to twist and turn it around.
I know a dozen philosophical systems that disagree with you right there. Stop claiming absolute truth when you don't have it.Bonanza said:Your whole problem boils down to one thing you don't seem to understand or have thought about:
Morality is system created by people for the people. It is based on a general concensus of the majority - what is good or bad is decided by what the majority things of it.
No, I'm invalidating moral relativism, which is what you are advocating.Bonanza said:If somehow, from tommorow on 90 % of the worlds population would think that theft is something entirely justifiable, we would stop seeing it as evil. In fact it would stop being evil.
What you're trying to do is to invalidate the general idea of morality shared by millions of people and most cultural systems existing on the planet by the existance of a not very popular and heavily critised school of thought, which says that even the most evil action is good if it brings greater good for a majority of people.
No, I am not claiming that that automatically makes his *actions* good or beneficial. I am claiming that that makes that person's motives good *and it does*. Look up the definition of 'motive', please.Bonanza said:You go even further. You say: This good doesn't have to be something the majority of existing people would agree upon as being good.
It is enough if one authistic, insane individual ridden by dellusions of grandieur percieves this goals as being good in his own little world
Go go invalidating thousands of years of philosophical advances.Bonanza said:Youre saying that the idea of good and evil shared by a majority of people and cultures are "only one point of view" because there exists a school of thought called act utiltiarism.
Youre basicly impleing that against all our moral principles, we should see Hitler (and I hate to prove Godwyns law again but fuck it) as a good or at least morally ambigious person because for all we know, he could have really believed that the result of his actions would be a better world for future generations.
Utalitarism: the idea that bad actions may be done to reach more happiness, or even more extreme the idea that only your motivations are important, regardless of the means _and_ the outcome may be interesting philosophical thoughts.
To some extent, they maybe even shared by many people.
(Many people will agree that "murdering" the passengers of a highjacked plane to safe thousand of other lives is a justified hting to do)
However, a majority of people will stop agreeing with those schools of thought as soon as the ends become so doubtful and debatable, and the means so horrible (torture, wicked experiments, killing of innocent, genocide- all things the master already did or planed to do in order to fulfil his plan) like in the case of Hitler or the Master.
Our common moral system, based on what is anchored in a majority of cultures, traditions and normative systems around the world, considers such people evil or insane. And your utilitarism won't change that.
You did "go all relativiston me" in your first post. Well, I'll go even more relativist on you. There is no arbitrary metaphysic idea of good.
From my point of view, it's possibly worse. At least with genocide, you're just outright killing them.Sander said:And if I may say so, stopping procreation is hardly on a same level as actual genocide.
I'd rather be alive and not have children than be dead.Kyuu said:From my point of view, it's possibly worse. At least with genocide, you're just outright killing them.
Which is more or less the Master's point.Kyuu said:How miserable would the existence of all those people be, knowing they're the last humans, that their genes, their ways of life, everything they've worked their whole lives for, is going to die with them, having no progeny to pass the torch to. A world without children is a hopeless one. Seems like the most excruciating form of torture imaginable.
It's a form of delayed, indirect 'genocide', yes.Kyuu said:I doubt many, if any, would consider the supermutants to be continuing humanity. I know I wouldn't.
Most would either commit suicide or band together to at least try and overthrow the Master, I think. In the end, even if every single human gave in and let themselves die out, it's still a form of genocide, really.
Actually, it does make him morally ambiguous. Yes, you heard me right, if Hitler's actual motives were to create a better world for everryone, he is a morally ambiguous character. 'OMG Hitler is like the most evil man evar'.
Of course, if Hitler's actual motives were 'a better world for everyone', I must be living in a completely different world. Hitler's goals were, at best, a better world for every Aryan. At best. At worst, his goals were 'give me ze power' or 'kill all the jews'.
Sander said:I'd rather be alive and not have children than be dead.Kyuu said:From my point of view, it's possibly worse. At least with genocide, you're just outright killing them.
Give me a fucking break. Its the masters point? You mean he realy wants to help these people, who are in a hopeless situation, by...taking away the last minimum of hope? Thats even twisted for your standarts.Which is more or less the Master's point.Kyuu said:How miserable would the existence of all those people be, knowing they're the last humans, that their genes, their ways of life, everything they've worked their whole lives for, is going to die with them, having no progeny to pass the torch to. A world without children is a hopeless one. Seems like the most excruciating form of torture imaginable.
Indeed it is. Without the ' 'Kyuu said:I doubt many, if any, would consider the supermutants to be continuing humanity. I know I wouldn't.
Most would either commit suicide or band together to at least try and overthrow the Master, I think. In the end, even if every single human gave in and let themselves die out, it's still a form of genocide, really.
It's a form of delayed, indirect 'genocide', yes.
He does care about the rest of humanity, and also wants to evolve that rest of humanity. You're misrepresenting the Master's goals here, as he *is* planning a better future for everyone. He needs to evolve everyone for that, as he sees it, but that *is* his goal.bonanza said:The Master isn't looking for a better future for everyone. In fact, he is planing a better future for a small minority of unradiated people who can be turned into intelligent mutants. He doesn't care about the rest of humanity, he even wants to commit genocide on them. (it is genocide, theres no debate about it period)
Ooh, nice, now you're even equating the Master with Hitler. Good job, sir!bonanza said:Sounds exactly the same like creating a better world for aryans while gazing ze jews and turning the slavic untermenschen into illiterate slave people and decimiate them (one idea to do this was...guess what? forbid them to procreate)
Thanks for proving my point Sander.
The Master is even using the same vocabulary "The Unitiy will bring above the Masterrace".
Dude, how many parrarels do you need?
Nice derail, sir.bonanza said:How generous of the master. Id rather have children and be alive aswell.
Nice dig at me, sir.bonanza said:Give me a fucking break. Its the masters point? You mean he realy wants to help these people, who are in a hopeless situation, by...taking away the last minimum of hope? Thats even twisted for your standarts.
What? He isn't planing a better future for everyone. How he is he planing a better future for those people he wants to rid of every hope and commit indirect genocide on because *unfortunatly* they are not fit for being mutated?!Sander said:He does care about the rest of humanity, and also wants to evolve that rest of humanity. You're misrepresenting the Master's goals here, as he *is* planning a better future for everyone. He needs to evolve everyone for that, as he sees it, but that *is* his goal.
Why are you deliberitly liying about the FO story? Of course he wants to get rid of one group of people.Ooh, nice, now you're even equating the Master with Hitler. Good job, sir!
The Master isn't trying to rid the world of a group of people, he's trying to evolve that group of people. There's a very big difference.
Someone who is calling people retards in discussions shouldn't go all pussy about a small ironic side comment.Nice dig at me, sir.
Why do you lie?He's not doing it torture people, nor to end a culture, nor to take away people's hope. In fact, he's not taking away people's hopes: he's offering them a better (in his eyes) hope.
He's doing it to evolve a culture. That's it.
He wants to mutate everyone, maybe you should re-read some stuff.bonanza said:What? He isn't planing a better future for everyone. How he is he planing a better future for those people he wants to rid of every hope and commit indirect genocide on because *unfortunatly* they are not fit for being mutated?!
Nice false dichotomy.bonanza said:Why are you deliberitly liying about the FO story? Of course he wants to get rid of one group of people.
How are his plans presented in Fallout 1:
[]Create a new evolved race out of those who are fit for mutation, allow the rest to life their remaining days out, but forbid them procreation and this way take all hope away from them and wipe out an entire race of sentient beings
[]Create a new evolved race with those fit for mutation and live in peace with those who are remaining normal humans. Either by leaving them just in peace and searching your own spot in the wasteland to build your perfect society or by even cooperating with them and helping them
Please mark the appropriate. Shouldn't be to hard.
No. It involves disallowing procreation of non-mutated humans. That's it.bonanza said:The master's plan involves to commit genocide on those who cant be mutated succesfuly.
FEV is usable on almost everyone. Most just come out dumber, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing for the Master's plans.bonanza said:Considering that the number of those who can be mutated (prime humans) is a crass minority, the master isn't doing "what would bring the most happiness to the greatest number of people". (->whether or not the master would like to mutate all humans if it was possible is irrelevant. As soon as he found out that the FEV is unusable for the majority of the worlds population, he should have given up his plans if his motivation was really to "bring the most happiness to the greatest number of people")
I didn't realise I was pussying out.bonanza said:Someone who is calling people retards in discussions shouldn't go all pussy about a small ironic side comment.
I'm sorry, what? I do not lie, asshole.bonanza said:Why do you lie?
No, he aims to evolve everyone, and allow everyone to live out their lives without procreation.bonanza said:Hes not doing it to evolve a culture. He is doing it for creating a new culture, and get rid of everyone who doesn't have the phyisical condition to be made part of that culture.
Yes, not the point. He's not doing this for individual happiness, but actual survival of the human race. The human race goes extinct if they don't adapt, or they'll destroy the world again (in his eyes). His aim is to evolve everyone into Super Mutants, so that everyone is equal, ending strife and the fear of another destruction of the planet.bonanza said:How is he not taking away people's hopes? What is he offering the remaining radiated people? In fact, how is he of offering to the the prime humans who will be succesfuly mutated a better future? Considering the fact tham most prime humans will be drawn from the safe vaults, he isnt doing them any service. After all, life in the Vault is considerably better then life in the wasteland.
Wrong. From his perspective, both are justified from a utilitarian point of view since 'greatest happiness for the greatest number of people' has *two* qualifiers, not just the amount of people but also the quality of happiness per person.bonanza said:"in his eyes" Yes because hes insane. But anyways, you want philosophy? Here you have it.
Your attempt to prove that the master is somehow devoted to the principles of utilitarism has utterly failed. His initial plan may be to do what is best to the greatest number of people, but when he realizes that only a small fracture of people will *profit* from his plans, he doesnt stop his actions. No, he even activly tries to make life miserable for the great majority non-prime humans.
Both his actions and the ends are not justified from a utalitarian point of view.
The *Master's* philosophy is a utilitarian one. My evaluation of his *motives* as either good or bad evaluate his *goals* in the context of that *utilitarian* philosophy.bonanza said:Your emphasis on the ' good motive' has little to do with utilitarism.
No he isn't. Seriously, as soon as he realises his plan is flawed *he destroys the entire plan*. How the fuck is this encouraging 'horrible consequences'?bonanza said:The Master didn't do any of this. In fact, he is activly encouragin all kinds of horrible consequences to his "good motivated" plans.
To each his own.Sander said:I'd rather be alive and not have children than be dead.
Wait, I'm confused here... what is the Master's point? I'm pretty certain you don't mean that torturing humanity with utter despair is the Master's point, as it would seem from the context.Which is more or less the Master's point.
No, his point is to end the human race as is.Kyuu said:Wait, I'm confused here... what is the Master's point? I'm pretty certain you don't mean that torturing humanity with utter despair is the Master's point, as it would seem from the context.
Even if he wants, it is only a small fracture of people who will *really* profit from that. The vast majority will be turned into dumb mutants who do not profit from it in any way.Sander said:He wants to mutate everyone, maybe you should re-read some stuff.
It doesn't really matter if he wants to mutant everyone or just exterminate the radiated humans.Again, he wants to mutate everyone, not just the non-irradiated people. Extinction of the human race as is is an integral part of his plans.
Sander said:No. It involves disallowing procreation of non-mutated humans. That's it.bonanza said:The master's plan involves to commit genocide on those who cant be mutated succesfuly.
lol.Sander said:It's a form of delayed, indirect 'genocide', yes.
But its a bad thing for the majority of people who won't profite from it (As I already wrote, either as dumb mutants or hopless and doomed last remainders of their species...doesnt really make a difference)Sander said:FEV is usable on almost everyone. Most just come out dumber, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing for the Master's plans.
How will the dumb mutants be equal to the superintelligent ones? That's a contradiction in itself.SANDER said:His aim is to evolve everyone into Super Mutants, so that everyone is equal, ending strife and the fear of another destruction of the planet.
Sander said:Wrong. From his perspective, both are justified from a utilitarian point of view since 'greatest happiness for the greatest number of people' has *two* qualifiers, not just the amount of people but also the quality of happiness per person.
Lol, I thought "greatest happiness for the greatest number of people" has *two* qualifiers?Sander said:Of course, if Hitler's actual motives were 'a better world for everyone', I must be living in a completely different world. Hitler's goals were, at best, a better world for every Aryan.
Don't play dumb.Sander said:No he isn't. Seriously, as soon as he realises his plan is flawed *he destroys the entire plan*. How the fuck is this encouraging 'horrible consequences'?
bonanza said:The master is ready and willing to kill and harm innocents in masses to fulfill his plans. He is willing to make experiments with hundreds of people (at least I guess the size of his mutant army which is in its majority consists of stupid muties will be near those numbers) resulting in a severe and irrebarable mental damage to them (read, turning them into INT 3 hulks). Although we do not know if hes activly ancouriging it, but we know that he is accepting the extermination of a whole city full of disfigured, but sentinent once human beings (Necropolis) by his armies.
We know he plans a (indirect if you will) mass genocide on a large amount of people who won't be turned into mutants.
The bad vault raiding ending implies that he is, again maybe not activly encouriging but accepting, the deaths of at least dozens of of vault cizitens by the hands of his mutants. (Which seems somewhat illogical since he could need every unradiated human he could get - at this point we can think about how much sense it makes to argue about the motivations of a somewhat incosinstently written character).
And here we come to the core of everything. So - in his insane mind - the Master has a utalitarian motivation.Sander said:The *Master's* philosophy is a utilitarian one. My evaluation of his *motives* as either good or bad evaluate his *goals* in the context of that *utilitarian* philosophy.