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Everything that needed to be said has already been said, so I'm just going to make some points about PA in general.
While I think the T-45 looks ugly, I also think it is supposed to; as a prototype, it would've just been baby steps and rookie mistakes, and I think Bethesda's artists put that point across rather well.
The Power Armour frame is stupid and I don't like it; despite the fact that even Fallout 3 implies that different power armours are differently built by stating that the T-45 was fundamentally different in its mechanisms and innards from subsequent models, Fallout 4 just does away with that and decides that they're all essentially glorified metal armour that somehow provide different effects.
The art design in Fallout 3 is beautiful, I won't deny it; unfortunately, it reminds me far more of H. R. Giger than it does Fallout 1 or 2. As a result, although both the Advanced and Hellfire power armours look pretty fucking great, they still feel out of place especially when pitted against the T-51 suits available in the game. The former is obviously inspired by the Midwestern Brotherhood's PA, but looked a lot more like it was crafted post-war rather than pre-war.
I don't mind calling them X-01 Power armours. The designation is arbitrary but inoffensive and it helps distinguish it from the other Enclave models (which could be referred to as X-01 MKII, X-02 and X-03).
The fusion cores could've been justified and even properly balanced with the tiniest bit of writing or even balancing; perhaps they would've been rarer, only really used by the military, and they would've been already dry when you found them (thus making Power armours more difficult to acquire). Recharging them would require a lot of effort such as gathering crafting materials, or the player could pay one of the more scientifically advanced factions to do it for them (the Atom Cats being the neutral option).
I don't mind the look of the T-60, but it's way too similar to the T-45, as discussed before. Rather than being an upgraded version trademarked by the BoS however, I'd argue that it should've been what a fully modded T-45 would have looked like. The lack of visual feedback on the PA modding system is very disappointing.
Fallout 4's X-01 looks a bit too large for my tastes. As I remember it, the one in Fallout 2 looked slimmer, more like combat armour than T-51.
Other points to come if I think of any.
While I think the T-45 looks ugly, I also think it is supposed to; as a prototype, it would've just been baby steps and rookie mistakes, and I think Bethesda's artists put that point across rather well.
The Power Armour frame is stupid and I don't like it; despite the fact that even Fallout 3 implies that different power armours are differently built by stating that the T-45 was fundamentally different in its mechanisms and innards from subsequent models, Fallout 4 just does away with that and decides that they're all essentially glorified metal armour that somehow provide different effects.
The art design in Fallout 3 is beautiful, I won't deny it; unfortunately, it reminds me far more of H. R. Giger than it does Fallout 1 or 2. As a result, although both the Advanced and Hellfire power armours look pretty fucking great, they still feel out of place especially when pitted against the T-51 suits available in the game. The former is obviously inspired by the Midwestern Brotherhood's PA, but looked a lot more like it was crafted post-war rather than pre-war.
I don't mind calling them X-01 Power armours. The designation is arbitrary but inoffensive and it helps distinguish it from the other Enclave models (which could be referred to as X-01 MKII, X-02 and X-03).
The fusion cores could've been justified and even properly balanced with the tiniest bit of writing or even balancing; perhaps they would've been rarer, only really used by the military, and they would've been already dry when you found them (thus making Power armours more difficult to acquire). Recharging them would require a lot of effort such as gathering crafting materials, or the player could pay one of the more scientifically advanced factions to do it for them (the Atom Cats being the neutral option).
I don't mind the look of the T-60, but it's way too similar to the T-45, as discussed before. Rather than being an upgraded version trademarked by the BoS however, I'd argue that it should've been what a fully modded T-45 would have looked like. The lack of visual feedback on the PA modding system is very disappointing.
Fallout 4's X-01 looks a bit too large for my tastes. As I remember it, the one in Fallout 2 looked slimmer, more like combat armour than T-51.
Other points to come if I think of any.