Is their any reason to surrender to the NCR?

Wish I had a cool name9

First time out of the vault
House and the Legion are pretty ruthless but seem to be willing to ally with past foes if it benefits them. The NCR seems to never be willing to show much mercy. You can either expect to be shot, put on a trail., or put you in a chain gang. The main reason seems to be that the NCR classifies all its members as outlaws rather than opposing nations, whether Enclave, Khans, or Legion. The only exception is the Brotherhood and Moore certainly isn't happy about the truce you arranged.
The Legion willing to ally with past foes? Te Legion barely even allies themselves with anyone. Just check the slave ledger, saying the NCR is more ruthless than them just means you failed to even pay attention to the game...

Also House was their ally but a bunch of the Leadership wanted him dead because they were paranoid of him having ulterior motives for allying with them so easily (he was) and the Khans are a tribe that intentionally antagonizes the NCR, attacking their caravans and soldiers on a regular basis. The Enclave tried to kill everyone in the wasteland so there is more than enough justification for calling them criminals.
The Legion are willing to recruit members of a defeated foe who show promise, thats more what i'm getting at.

intentionally antagonizes the NCR
But the NCR claim imminent domain of the entire wasteland, antagonizing everyone. The war with the Brotherhood was mainly on the NCR wanting tech that would give them the ability to rule the waste but could potentially destroy the remains of humanity as proved by the divide. I don't recall the Brotherhood trying to keep the NCR from researching modern medicine.

I'm not a fan of the Legion, I just don't think the alternative is much better. Just wanted to make that clear.

The Enclave tried to kill everyone in the wasteland so there is more than enough justification for calling them criminals.
Their leadership did, by the time of F3 and Vegas I doubt their are many people within or without the Enclave that even know that their was such a plan among the Enclave leadership. Remember these guys have bases around the country and the ones in on the whole FEV were mainly killed off. If you talk to the remnants they truly thought they were fighting to civilize things.
THe legion recruits a Handful then enslaves the rest, the NCR tries to negotiate with their potential Allies unless they are outright hotile towards them (the endings for Freeside show this)

The War with the BOS was because the BOS remained their typical paranoid selves while the NCR grew socially and then they went ahead and blew up their old reserves. It was the Brotherhood the ones seeking conflict, not the NCR.

Also the Shmenclave on Fallout 3 lacked any kind of depth, so all of their members were mindless storm troopers too. Also they don't actively hunt them down, they probably just fear anyone with Enclave tech after what happened in The Divide (the device that initiated the silos launch systems was a piece of Enclave Tech) and Arcade was the only one of the Remnants that wouldn't outright kill them. is still fucked up but that's one case against the prospect of the Legion's methods.
Hm, you do realize the Legion brooks no allies, right? Everyone is either ''incorporated'' or killed. That much is pretty clear in game. Big C also ''claims eminent domain'' on all the Wasteland, in fact that's pretty much the entire point of the Legion in the first place.

As for NCR, how ruthless they are depends on the situation. The Khans have been their enemies for more than a century, and opened fire on the first caravans coming to the Mojave, they're a very special case. BoS started the hostilities in their war by basically demanding NCR hand them all their more advanced tech and then destroyed their economy, so the antagonism is pretty understandable, also they're kinda dicks all the time. And you can still broker an alliance, which you cannot with House or the Legion. As for the Enclave, as far as anyone knows they were crazies in power armor who tried to wipe out all life, I'd also hesitate to take chances about them. Do notice that there's nothing in the ending sliders that says they pursued the Remnants, while Lanius does. The Fiends get no quarters for very obvious reasons.

Against more minor enemies/outsiders, they seem pretty accomodating by Fallout standards. Freeside is left alone unless the Kings attacked them. Throwing out the Followers if they don't help is a dick move, I'll grant you that, but they also leave the Boomers alone. Let's remember that, for the NCR to have survived in a universe as harsh as Fallout, they cannot be goody two-shoes. If something poses a real threat, often you destroy it or it destroys you. There's no room here for ''oh, if we just beat them a little and then leave them alone, I'm sure everything will be fine'' nonsense.

Also, using the Divide as an argument seems silly to me. It was a very specific piece of technology that blew up a very specific area (also known as plot device). It's not like NCR runs around detonating nukes for shit and giggles. They make very good use of their tech generally (see all the improvements made to New Vegas while House was sitting on his bum building casinos and making tribals into mobsters).
Hm, you do realize the Legion brooks no allies, right? Everyone is either ''incorporated'' or killed. That much is pretty clear in game. Big C also ''claims eminent domain'' on all the Wasteland, in fact that's pretty much the entire point of the Legion in the first place.
Again i'm not a Legion fan, I feel no reasons to criticize the Legion because its been done and their faults have been correctly pointed out.

As for the Enclave, as far as anyone knows they were crazies in power armor who tried to wipe out all life
Its been over a generation sense that happened and all those in on it are dead now. I doubt the NCR even knows about the Curling virus given that its not mentioned by any of the NCR members, the brotherhood or remnants.

Also the NCR made some very bad moves in the whole Navarro sacking thing. First was not incorporating the people who could tell them how to use the tech, and second by not giving it to people who could make use of it. The NCR have very little ability to make use of tech beyond assault rifles. A good example is the lack of tesla armored rangers. Just look at what they did with Brotherhood armor they captured. They mutilated it turning it into scrap mettle.

I also don't see the divide argument as silly, its a great example of why the Brotherhood are right. Now because of NCR ignorance about pre war tech not only has the divide been destroyed but the Mojave is facing a tunneler apocalypse.
The NCR makes very good use of their technology, just look at HOOVER DAM, when they got there it was just a giant block of concrete with broken down technology inside it, they took 5 years and got 2 turbines rurnning, then 4. Then they fixed the underground electrical grid making the power of the Dam usable by most of the region.They also mass produce military fatigues for their soldiers, Guns and they have a small fleet of Vertibirds. THe only reason why the Fallout 3 Enclave had masses of soldiers in Power Armor is because the people designing the world in that game were idiots. The BOS probably takes a lot of mainentance and trainnign to use that they have no time to do in the middle of their occupation so they turned it into regular armor. They also have the OSI that is basicallly their research departament. Depending on how you play the NCR will have the tools to rturn the green to the Wasteland, a source of energy running out of natural resources and a Solar powered power plant at their hands.

So saying they don't know how to use tech beyond rifles is outright not paying attention to the game.
Wish I had a cool name9 said:
I also don't see the divide argument as silly, its a great example of why the Brotherhood are right. Now because of NCR ignorance about pre war tech not only has the divide been destroyed but the Mojave is facing a tunneler apocalypse.

Things NCR have done with technology: Establish a presperous society of almost a million people, develop a powerful military (a good thing in Fallout's world), get Hoover Dam up and running, get New Vegas basic ressources, wipe out several bands of troublesome raiders, basically put it to good use. As Walpknut says, post-New Vegas they possibly also have green energy and functional hydroponics, albeit we can thank the Courier for that.

Things BoS have done with technology: hoard it in bunkers telling themselves how awesome they are while the world moves on and forget abouts them.

So you will forgive me if one completely unpredictable freak incident doesn't make me wish they were Luddites. And I'm not even sure how the hell Tunnelers fit into this, should NCR have farseers on staff prophetizing that sort of thing?

Furthermore, what makes you think the BoS could possibly have identified the Divide plot device and stop it? They aren't any more knowledgeable about that sort of tech than most. Hell Veronica makes a point of saying the BoS are incredibly stagnant; they don't develop anything, they don't seek out ways to improve their technology, they barely even try to understand it unless it's power armor or laser weapons. They don't strike me as the type that can identify and/or neutralize cutting-edge pre-war tech.
The NCR are one of the best groups in Fallout to surrender to. Lots of groups would just kill you on the spot. In New Vegas we see people are tried in court (Rose of Sharon Cassidy's Quest), people being put in prisons (admittedly a lot of them break out) and the NCR having rules against torturing prisoners (as seen with Silus.) They won't discriminate based on religion or mutation. And they are willing to ally themselves with other groups and let them join through peaceful means. Even House or Independent can work with them in a way, they make good tourist revenue. Also, Moore isn't a very good person.