Is there a method to fix the clock on pipboy 2000 in ver1.27 ?


First time out of the vault

I remember the clock could work in early version.
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I think i recall it working too, never noticed it didn't in 1.27

I'll install Tactics and down patch it to see if it works in earlier versions.
As this clock is not usefull afterall (not having any rest/wait options or any time-related quests/triggers), I suggest you get rid of the clock interface image part in the gui/back folder. You convert Pipboy.zar to Pipboy.gif using zar2gif program, then you update the image in Photoshop (with some blank rusted metal plate) and put it back on using FT Tools. It will look way better!
As this clock is not usefull afterall (not having any rest/wait options or any time-related quests/triggers), I suggest you get rid of the clock interface image part in the gui/back folder. You convert Pipboy.zar to Pipboy.gif using zar2gif program, then you update the image in Photoshop (with some blank rusted metal plate) and put it back on using FT Tools. It will look way better!

With this clock I could know how much time is left for me to sneak in the darkness or under the sunlight.
Also it make me feel more real. After all it doesn't make sense that there is no clock on a pipboy 2000.
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Hey Nadeau, what do you think about having a watch of some sort that would send a message declaring time every (game) hour, or warning of the approach of dawn and dusk?
With this clock I could know how much time is left for me to sneak in the darkness or under the sunlight.
Also it make me feel more real. After all it doesn't make sense that there is no clock on a pipboy 2000.

You are right of course (!!), all other Pipboy have that, so why not mine mommy? Haha! Unfortunately, I think I never saw any version with the date on and the tests of Roberthouse don't give any results... I guess you are stick on using the keyboard "d" shortcut to have the date and time displayed on the text section of your HUD. I use often this option myself and it makes me feel the game more too! That will at least solve your problem with sneaking...

Hey Nadeau, what do you think about having a watch of some sort that would send a message declaring time every (game) hour, or warning of the approach of dawn and dusk?

And same answer for that great suggestion of you Fubar. There is already an option with the keyboard shortcut. But I think, if somebody would like to add a working watch to the game, thay may be a way, but it is very hypothetical.

He/she could Force Speech on the main char (assuming he/she has a stable tagname) and try to use a special indicator in the .txt of the dialog linked to the Force Speech, similar to <thing> or <user> in many other dialogs. Maybe <date> or <time> exists... I don't know!
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Hah of course there's a hotkey, thanks mate! :grin:

Force speech was indeed how I was looking at this, though it's really just flavour material knowing the shortcut..
Yeah, knowing that all attention in this game is given to Pipboy device, shortcuts and buttons leading to more of its features seems to confirm its importance in the game, which is essential in that game. Fallout is really a unique game with the way the interface is made part of the story! I really like it. In this way, if you change the interface, you totally change the game I think.

And talking about shortcuts, triggers and interface, I found a interesting way to bring the turn-based combat a little more usefull in my mod. Turn-based in Tactics is something I really hate. Maybe you'll be interested in this. I always found that Tactics was a bit less permissive to the player about his/her possibility to attack any character he/she simply want to attack. I even remember playing Awaken mod in a quest in which I had to kill a non-hostile NPC. I just didn't know at all how to attack it!

So... I made a trigger that automatically brings all players hostile against you when you are in TB mode, and back to neutral or friendly (under certain conditions) if you switch back to continuous time mode. This way, Turn-based window is more an Attack window than a real combat method, and you can make this window look this way (I changed mine to bright red).

That could be very bad for you if different players are seeing you trying to attack, they will all attack you. Far away players will simply do nothing as they are not aware. But you are still in control and if you don't hurt them, they will be friendly or neutral again as soon as you stop being "hostile", turning off turn-based mode.
Personally I prefer the turn-based, specifically the squad version, though oddly enough my options are always set to CTB mode. This is because you can press the enter button and seamlessly switch between the two! :grin: If ever I need the precision of turn-based: I flip the switch, order soldiers into position, give the marksmen specific targets, (my troops never throw grenades during CTB...) then flip it back into CTB; all with minimal impact to triggers using timers.

Now, triggers functioning off turn-based settings, that is very interesting.
You mean controling CTB or TB by triggers? Unfortunatly, you can just verify if the mode is on or off, but not control them...
Oh, that's what I was meaning; might find a use for that. Something along the lines of only activating your radio during TB, so the RTO doesn't call multiple artillery strikes.
One thing is certain, you can activate any other trigger you like following TB mod or CTB mode is activated. I first tried moving the main char to a certain place each time I pressed enter and it worked fine. So I imagine you can control RTO that way easily.

There is also something in the triggers related to "combat mode". Looks interesting. I think this has to do with combat music in core/music/battle. For very long sounds, that could be usefull, because Play .WAV works good but takes a lot of disk space.
This actually may prove extremely useful.. TB Mode tends to bugger triggers running on timers; I know, from experience, that if you're using timers to run a force speech conversation, switching to TB can bugger up the order of dialogue, even if you hit enter again. Relatively short conversations usually are safe, but I've been taking care to plan any long winded FS dialogue so that the conversations won't seem nonsensical if it gets out of sync; mostly just guards telling each other they stink and comparing sexual exploits...

That's the best example most anyone will run into, but every trigger using a timer can be compromised by TB mode.

We can make a work around using your triggers to disable/enable the timers as the player switches modes. Can we pause the timer, or simply turn it off and restart the whole conversation from Line 1? I really have to get Tactics running properly so I can test these things...
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OH!.... When testing some dialogues, I never even thought that a problem with TB mode could happen. Maybe the problem only occur with timers, and not with WAIT (Blocked) trigger? I personnally only use the WAIT trigger with a condition "dialog occured" each time, so I can always add some conditions during the conversation to stop it (if the character that should talk in the player pool is not there or too far away, or if the player don't have a certain amount of something, like too low barter skill, or doctor, repair skill) You can make complicated dialogues this way using the particular skill of the main character, and don't rely on some strange dialog tree crossover triggers to bring some life to the game. I would love having a nice dialog tree, but this is how I will do it personnally.

I guess that "WAIT" trigger works with TB and dialogues because I remember doing the deathclaw attack in Ghoul quarter in Tactics only in TB mode, and this particular moment use a lot of "WAIT" triggers (never forget the "blocked" option) and they all worked when I played.

An finally for timers, you can very easily add a single trigger in all you .MIS files that says if you are in TB, you stop each and every timer and even put them back to their original time if you want, then a second timer to start back all timers in CTB. Or you always use the same timer name for all your dialogs, then your two triggers to stop/start the timer will always work. You then need a variable called "conversation" with a specific value for each particular converstion. If the variable is equal to "guards", then the dialog with this timer time is related to guards talking, etc.

One last thing related to Timers or Wait. Wait allow you to disable temporarily a repetitive trigger (it will not start back again until all the wait is finish...). The timers are good too because you can set a lot of different actions at the same time with one timer (like FISHING + FISHING SOUNDS + adding a dialog), and stop the action directly as soon as you need it (player leaving area, player don't have a tool anymore, etc.) With wait option, when it is started, nothing can stop it and it will resolve even if the player left...
Im pretty sure the key 'x' or try z,c or v, will display the time/date on info display screen.
With this clock I could know how much time is left for me to sneak in the darkness or under the sunlight.
Also it make me feel more real. After all it doesn't make sense that there is no clock on a pipboy 2000.

You are right of course (!!), all other Pipboy have that, so why not mine mommy? Haha! Unfortunately, I think I never saw any version with the date on and the tests of Roberthouse don't give any results... I guess you are stick on using the keyboard "d" shortcut to have the date and time displayed on the text section of your HUD. I use often this option myself and it makes me feel the game more too! That will at least solve your problem with sneaking...

Hey Nadeau, what do you think about having a watch of some sort that would send a message declaring time every (game) hour, or warning of the approach of dawn and dusk?

And same answer for that great suggestion of you Fubar. There is already an option with the keyboard shortcut. But I think, if somebody would like to add a working watch to the game, thay may be a way, but it is very hypothetical.

He/she could Force Speech on the main char (assuming he/she has a stable tagname) and try to use a special indicator in the .txt of the dialog linked to the Force Speech, similar to <thing> or <user> in many other dialogs. Maybe <date> or <time> exists... I don't know!

This is really useful. Thanks a lot.