Is this boxer a super mutant?

Just watched a live match between our supermutant and the american boxer Monte Barrett.


Needless to say, Barret, whose head was literally half the size of Valuev's, got his ass handed to him and they had to stop the fight on the 11th round. I have to say, this being the first time seeing Valuev fight, that he doesn't seem as strong out on the ring as he looks. He made several connections throughout the fight, many I normally would think would have layed out the guy, but they just didn't. O well, good fighter nonetheless and now that I know about him, I'll keep up with his progress.

Just imagine if he trained much harder and and also got in better shape...he would be even more unstoppable.
power is not everything in boxing. one would imagine the huge dude would have decent stamina and a better capability in taking punches than a normal guy. he might simply outlast others, even though he's no heavy hitter.
SuAside said:
doesn't look green enough to be a super mutant...


Now all he needs is his minigun. :D
I saw him fight last night. His head was over the ring post when he sat on his little stool. He's not 7'2", he's 7'3". They were speaking Russian in his corner and twice the translator said some pretty funny shit: "Mitt him", and, I kid you not, "Use the Taxi". "Mitt him" I suppose could simply be a literal translation, but "Use the taxi"??? Eh?
I'm not much of a sports fan, but boxing is fun. I watched the fight and for how much stronger he was he hardly threw many punches. It was mainly that the smaller fighter could hardly hurt the Russian and simply grew more and more tired. Remember punching upwards takes twice the effort as punching straight forward. Try it.

Love the pics guys. Schuljunge if you take that pic and put the littler guy in a Vault Suit with some weapon in his hands I'd post it to the fanart forum. With a note that Corpse made the original pic too.

The Vault Dweller
Kharn said:
The_Vault_Dweller said:
I mean I've heard of people that tall, but not also that heavily muscled.

The most surprising thing is that the man is not just a freak show. He actually is a *really* good boxer.

I have heard that he is not an idiot either. Must be because not that many people can reach up far enough to punch his head.
The_Vault_Dweller said:
Schuljunge if you take that pic and put the littler guy in a Vault Suit with some weapon in his hands I'd post it to the fanart forum. With a note that Corpse made the original pic too.


*added typical fallout red boxer gloves
*plus vault suit

a gun doesn´t seemed to fit here.
I don't think the "Chosen one" is going to get the Prizefighter reputation this time... Better luck against the Mastigator.
Schuljunge said:
The_Vault_Dweller said:
Schuljunge if you take that pic and put the littler guy in a Vault Suit with some weapon in his hands I'd post it to the fanart forum. With a note that Corpse made the original pic too.


*added typical fallout red boxer gloves
*plus vault suit

a gun doesn´t seemed to fit here.

Whoa that looks great! The colors look good even if you can tell it was a photoshop. I suppose just the little guy and huge guy make for a great scene regardless of the altered quality.

I'll submit it to the fan-art area tomorrow.

I love you Schuljunge. Das ist sehr gut!

The Vault Dweller