Is Wasteland 2 Going to Req an Internet Connection?


Your Local Scrub
Is Wasteland 2 going to require an internet connection just to play it. Lately alot of new comp games have been requiring an internet connection just to play single player, which pisses me off.

I want Wasteland 2, and hope they don't force an internet connection unto people just to play its single player.
I only ever gamble on a sure thing. I'd place a bet on no internet connection requirement every time.
The Kickstarter rewards explicitly state that you get a DRM free digital copy.
I'm pretty sure they won't have that kind of DRM in Wasteland 2.
I.e. the single greatest bane to gaming outside of big publishers pushing for sales instead of quality products.

That's bad enough, but DRMs are the kinds of things that cause Error 32 for Diablo III. They're the kinds of things that make buying many more recent games, used, a waste of money, because the disc will be tied to an account- the account of the original owner. DRMs are the reason pirated software in a large number of gamers' minds migrated from the fringe of morally unacceptable crimes against gaming to a necessary evil- at least pirated games don't have DRM, they argue. Hell, the primary reason I get up in arms about gamers who praise Valve and Steam religiously is because Steam IS essentially DRM: Can't sign into Steam? Can't play your games, even though you own them. Tough for you.

DRMs are the PATRIOT Act of gaming; sounds like a great idea, if all you do is hear the description without investigating into the details, but really it's an atrocity, and it's only growing in power and influence despite that. DRMs are what you're asking about, even if you didn't know that was their name.
I hate Steam.

Almost every newer computer game I bought as of late has made me have an internet connection because of Steam (and another req. is a Steam account).

So I just stopped buying new computer games.
BigBoss said:
I want Wasteland 2, and hope they don't force an internet connection unto people just to play its single player.

In case other answers didn't make it 100% clear: Wasteland 2 will absolutely not require an internet connection to play. There is only a single player mode. They may offer some free update stuff through a network, but that's just updates. Game will come on CD without any kinds of protection, and will digitally be available DRM-free too. Even on Steam you can play offline, but your copy will only be on Steam if you want it to be.

So yeah. No worries!
BigBoss said:
Almost every newer computer game I bought as of late has made me have an internet connection because of Steam

Steam works just fine in offline mode (it's in the menu), so you don't have to have a connection constantly. Steam isn't like Ubisoft DRM, where if the connection breaks - the game stops. Nothing like that.

Initial connection requirement and some DRM is a side effect of a digital distribution - which has driven both prices and piracy way down even in countries which used to have insane rates of piracy before (like Russia, for instance). What Steam DRM does is preventing casual copying (like making a game backup and giving it away). It's not that intrusive, and, considering the prices, I can live with that.
Yeah, Steam is quite good, actually. It bothers me that I don't really own the game anymore and that if I'd somehow lose my Steam account (getting banned for whatever reason) I'd lose all the games, but all in all Steam isn't too bad. It's very comfortable to just buy a game if you feel like it. I still prefer nice physical boxes, but sometimes I just buy a game on impulse. It's really great in that regard, and it makes it so much easier for indie devs to publish their games if they don't have rely on publishers and game stores. In theory, at least.
Steam is pretty solid for a DD and their DRM is generally very light and out of the way. It's not intrusive and generally does not give two fucks about mods or modding. Steam Overlay is a real nice feature too.

Steam also has numerous, numerous sales and it's why I have so many games on steam.
SnapSlav said:
Hell, the primary reason I get up in arms about gamers who praise Valve and Steam religiously is because Steam IS essentially DRM: Can't sign into Steam? Can't play your games, even though you own them. Tough for you.
If the game has a non stream release you can get a No-cd .exe and then you can play off line.
Its a singleplayer game. InXile just ignore any multiplayer suggestion, including co-op. They will let the fanbase have modding tools though, so after the release who knows.
Unlikely that modding tools will allow multiplayer.
Wait 'til Prosper gets his hands on them. I heard he's really good at making mulitplayer mods.