I.e. the single greatest bane to gaming outside of big publishers pushing for sales instead of quality products.
That's bad enough, but DRMs are the kinds of things that cause Error 32 for Diablo III. They're the kinds of things that make buying many more recent games, used, a waste of money, because the disc will be tied to an account- the account of the original owner. DRMs are the reason pirated software in a large number of gamers' minds migrated from the fringe of morally unacceptable crimes against gaming to a necessary evil- at least pirated games don't have DRM, they argue. Hell, the primary reason I get up in arms about gamers who praise Valve and Steam religiously is because Steam IS essentially DRM: Can't sign into Steam? Can't play your games, even though you own them. Tough for you.
DRMs are the PATRIOT Act of gaming; sounds like a great idea, if all you do is hear the description without investigating into the details, but really it's an atrocity, and it's only growing in power and influence despite that. DRMs are what you're asking about, even if you didn't know that was their name.