Israel to Attack Iran Within a Month! @.@

Wow, man! Are Israeli really that dumb? If they really plan attacking Iran anytime soon, they will probably just fuck themselves up.
That isn't even close to him saying they'll attack Iran, what the fuck.
Sander said:
That isn't even close to him saying they'll attack Iran, what the fuck.

This is the same logic that turned Obama's "As president I would reserve the right to send forces into Pakistan to capture Bin Laden if the country is uncooperative" into "Obama promises to go to war with Pakistan!"

Youtube is fine for fun and games, but their only political analysis mode is conspiracy mode.
Brother None said:
This is the same logic that turned Obama's "As president I would reserve the right to send forces into Pakistan to capture Bin Laden if the country is uncooperative" into "Obama promises to go to war with Pakistan!"

Youtube is fine for fun and games, but their only political analysis mode is conspiracy mode.

The point is, they unwillingly stated for the public that they reserve the right to send bombs and stuff into Iran in the coming months in case they think it's interesting* (politically, military, etc); they may not be promising to go to war with Iran, but it's dangerously close.

Besides, if Iran has nuke stuff on the making (95% chance), the time to put everything in bunkers and prepare AA defenses is now - and there's big chance they'll do it, if they still didn't (unlikely...)

* Just stating that leads to believe that they find it interesting already...
Makenshi said:
The point is, they unwillingly stated for the public that they reserve the right to send bombs and stuff into Iran in the coming months in case they think it's interesting* (politically, military, etc); they may not be promising to go to war with Iran, but it's dangerously close.
How is this news?
Makenshi said:
The point is, they unwillingly stated for the public that they reserve the right to send bombs and stuff into Iran in the coming months in case they think it's interesting* (politically, military, etc); they may not be promising to go to war with Iran, but it's dangerously close.

No! Really!? Israel states that it is willing to use arms if it feels it security is threatened?! ISRAEL?! Well I never, that is so unique and unprecedented it should be world frontpage news!
TheRatKing said:
Wouldn't any country take up arms if they feel threatened?

...No, pretty much just Israel and the US. Most other countries need, y'know, a real reason. Not just a feeling.
I guess it depends what one considers a treat. Its not like Russia would never ever get in to this "flexing of political muscles"

I think it was even Jacques Chirac or some other french politican who mentioned once that if needed France would answer with "nuclear solutions" (regarding terrorism I think) or something ... though I guess thast like usualy a lot of hot air. But I could be wrong here right now, its been a while.

Well yes I found it again in the German Wikipedia:
Frankreich [Bearbeiten]

Der ehemalige Staatspräsident von Frankreich, Jacques Chirac, drohte im Januar 2006, wer als Staatsführer Frankreich mit terroristischen Mitteln angreife oder den Einsatz von Massenvernichtungswaffen auch nur erwäge, müsse sich auf eine „entschlossene und angepasste Antwort“ einstellen, die konventionell oder auch „anderer Art“ sein könne.

In short words, Jaques threaten with nuclear weapons against any head of state which would attack france with terroristic means or even considers the use of weapons of mass destruction [Emphasis on "andere art" which literay means "other kind (~of)" like next to conventional weapons as well the "unconventional weapons" which was interpreted as considering nuclear answers]

Well as said. Lots of hot air from a french-men.
Brother None said:
TheRatKing said:
Wouldn't any country take up arms if they feel threatened?

...No, pretty much just Israel and the US. Most other countries need, y'know, a real reason. Not just a feeling.

I have a feeling Iran will put those nukes into good use.

But again, it is just a feeling...
Zeal said:
Brother None said:
TheRatKing said:
Wouldn't any country take up arms if they feel threatened?

...No, pretty much just Israel and the US. Most other countries need, y'know, a real reason. Not just a feeling.

I have a feeling Iran will put those nukes into good use.

But again, it is just a feeling...
Does not.
Brother None said:
Makenshi said:
The point is, they unwillingly stated for the public that they reserve the right to send bombs and stuff into Iran in the coming months in case they think it's interesting* (politically, military, etc); they may not be promising to go to war with Iran, but it's dangerously close.

No! Really!? Israel states that it is willing to use arms if it feels it security is threatened?! ISRAEL?! Well I never, that is so unique and unprecedented it should be world frontpage news!

Love to bash good ol' Makenshi, eh? I didn't say "if it feels it security is threatened", because even when a fucking bishop says stuff about hollocaust without any sanction from Vatican (hell, if anyone anywere says anything abot hollocaust) Israel feels threatened.

They've been bitching about "iranian nulukar" threat for years and always said they'd take preemptive action it they felt it was needed. Point is, now they're considering an attack even though there is no need in sight - Iran is not preparing to load cruise missiles with fully-operational nukes, they never even tested what they "are supposed" to have (and the IAEA or whatever the acronym is clearly states they can have make toys in a few years but don't have them).

Long story short: they've always bitched about an (unlikely to happen in the next few years) hypotethical situation; now they're thinking seriously about going medieval in the old sands of the east... ASAP.

* Not saying you're all wrong and stuff Kharn, you kick so much ass in politics and history that it's no even funny to argue. Just making my line of thought more clear. :wink:
Zeal said:
Brother None said:
TheRatKing said:
Wouldn't any country take up arms if they feel threatened?

...No, pretty much just Israel and the US. Most other countries need, y'know, a real reason. Not just a feeling.

I have a feeling Iran will put those nukes into good use.

But again, it is just a feeling...

If Iran even entertains the idea of developing weapons grade material and using it against Israel that will be the end of Iran.

Israel is sitting on a stockpile of 100-300 nuclear warheads among other chemical and biological munitions. The Jericho III ballistic missile has the ability to strike anywhere in the Middle East and can avoid missile defense systems.

I do not think Iran wants to dance the WMD jig with Israel.


For those interested here is the Jerichos info from wiki. I get a kick out of reading about military technology/equipment and figured someone else here might. :)

Wiki said:
Jericho III

It is estimated that the Jericho III entered service by 2008.

The Jericho III is believed to have a three-stage solid propellant and a payload of 1,000 to 1,300 kg. It is possible for the missile to be equipped with a single 750 kg nuclear warhead or two or three low yield MIRV warheads. It has an estimated launch weight of 29,000 kg and a length of 15.5 m with a width of 1.56 m. It likely is similar to an upgraded Shavit space launch vehicle. It will probably have longer first and second-stage motors. It is estimated that it will have a range of 4,800 [3] to 7,000 km [4][5](2,982 to 4,350 miles), and probably significantly greater with a payload of 350kg (one Israeli nuclear warhead). It is believed that the Jericho 3 is inertial guided with a radar guided warhead and silo-based with mobile vehicle and railcar capabilities.

The Jericho 3 will give Israel nuclear strike capabilities within the entire Middle East and Europe. The range of the Jericho 3 also provides an extremely high impact speed for nearby targets, enabling it to avoid any ballistic missile defenses that may develop in the immediate region[6].

On 17 January 2008 Israel test fired a multi-stage ballistic missile believed to be of the Jericho III type reportedly capable of carrying "Special warheads".
"I do not think Iran wants to dance the WMD jig with Israel."

Not toe to toe, thats why they use Hamas and other indirect ways...

Edit: Anyway, better to wait until they have real nuclear capability to do something about it.

Thats reminds me a real story from Portugal (not an anecdote) of a policeman who arrested a guy who was trying to steal gas. The courts released him since he had not yet commited the crime, the policeman should have waited (hidden in preference) for him to steal the gas and only then acted.

Leaving room for the scenarios of many many anecdotes...
Brother None said:
Youtube is fine for fun and games, but their only political analysis mode is conspiracy mode.
So you are saying aliens AREN't coming to steal my money to put in illuminati mason hedgefunds ruling the world?