Wooz said:
Strike one, for frikkin' homophobia Davy whatever.
TVD said:
Once you've spent alot of time on NMA you'll realize Wooz is our primary comedian. Don't take him seriously and yes please make more pictures.
Teh lulz!
Strike one.
I'm not scared of faggots therefore it's not PHOBIA, I just fucking hate them because they're useless organic garbage. Get your shit straight before you assume to be able to moderate.
You won't change my opinion, but I will certainly not get involved in any ghey-talk to prevent you and your co-mods from shitting all over themselves in a wild erruption of righteous self-celebration.
Edit: As a matter of fact I feel threatened by homosexuals. Not only do they not reproduce and therefore promote the extinction of the human race, no, but stating an opinion about them is punishable nowadays. That's fucking RIDICULOUS and unnatural.
On the other hand fags can't stop fucking bitchin' about how bad we "Straight" ones are. Like who the fuck gives them the right to actually REFER to other people than non-gay ones?
Anyway, when I say BURN ALL PICKLED CUCUMBERS no one would even think about banning me or giving me strikes. Because pickled cucumbers don't bitch around about some fucking rights they don't deserve. And this very thing, makes pickled cucumbers so much superior to homosexuals. Because pickles have a purpose. To be eaten by me or made into tartare sauce.
Oh, and even IF you think you're right with what you said about me being HOMOPHOBIC, then be informed that a PHOBIA is a medical condition, and you, as a mod of some internet forum, are not qualified to cure this kind of conditions with any of your little strikes.