It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

Ah-Teen said:
That video I posted down in the video thread is just Bruce Lee propaganda digitally created to make everyone think he bested the Great Chuck!
I think you must've missed the part where Bruce tears Chuck's chest hair off, because that pretty much swears him in as ruler of all that is awesome.

Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
Oh my god. :shock:
I know, I'm hawt.
PlanHex said:
Ah-Teen said:
That video I posted down in the video thread is just Bruce Lee propaganda digitally created to make everyone think he bested the Great Chuck!
I think you must've missed the part where Bruce tears Chuck's chest hair off, because that pretty much swears him in as ruler of all that is awesome.

*cries* Lies and propaganda! *runs to his shrine of the round house kick*
Von Drunky said:
You got to get a Mohawk with that shit.
I had one, albeit rather briefly, when I was getting rid of this (note: drunken picture taking ahead). (that wasn't even the worst of it: I looked like a hobo at one point, a particularly unfashionable hobo, but I've lost the pictures. This is a good thing, methinks)

Unfortunately, my attempt was somewhat off kilter (approx. 45 degrees thus so) and was quickly abandoned.

no, I've never, ever, had good hair. *shrug*
Big T said:
You should've kept the hair. The skinhead-look just doesn't suit you. Getting rid of that ridiculous beard was a very good idea, though.

Here I am in some random hotel in Israel butchering "Wish You Were Here" with my friend. The dude playing guitar is a solider and is also a huge Fallout fan.
Von Drunky said:

Here I am in some random hotel in Israel butchering "Wish You Were Here" with my friend. The dude playing guitar is a solider and is also a huge Fallout fan.

*scratches head*

ummm, i see three people. you only mention two. are you fucking siamese, drunky?
TwinkieGorilla said:
Von Drunky said:
Here I (One) am in some random hotel in Israel butchering "Wish You Were Here" with my friend (Two). The dude playing guitar (Three) is a solider and is also a huge Fallout fan.

*scratches head*

ummm, i see three people. you only mention two. are you fucking siamese, drunky?

"Here I am" refers to me (holding a beer which should be painfully obvious), "The dude playing guitar is a solider", and the other dude that is singing with me is my friend. I thought it was pretty straight forward considering this is not the first time I'm posting in this thread.

EDIT: Looks like Phil got this with the quickness.
Von Drunky said:
I thought it was pretty straight forward considering this is not the first time I'm posting in this thread.

goddammit. ruin my fun.

i KNEW what you were saying, drunky (though i didn't know which was you. cheers!).