It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

Thanks :) lol. Though there's a 7 year difference between pics. I kinda liked the first picture a while ago, but it's just meh now.
Sicblades said:
Me, in high school:

High school photographers... a step below wedding photographers...

Seriously, I'm half expecting to see gym at the edge of the image.

Second one, yeah, your hot.
Buxbaum666 said:
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
The second pic isn't half bad though, you no longer look greasy and angsty.
Still ugly, though.

You're jealous, aren't you? :) The furry thinks I'm hot. I'm hispanic also so that's probably why I look "chicano" born in Chile though, not Mexico. And um I just posed for a friend who was in Photography class.

Those photos above are awesome :)
Hey sicblades how old are you? Because, I grew up in toronto until i was about 15, and that was oh...6 years ago?

Anyways here's me.

(Public will probably recognize me from facebook)


To be honest I'm afraid of showing any pictures of any metal phalic objects near my face( i.e Microphones)
Sicblades said:
Me, in high school:

Me, now:

1: I wore those same shoes in Catholic school.
2: You're Mexican-Canadian.
3: That's an incredibly lame Johnny Depp impression.
4: What is that sticker shit on your guitar?
5: How do you feel about picture quoting? I'm a big fan, as you can tell.