It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

Me, probably saying something really cool.

Dook! Dook! Dook!

Dook! Dook! Dook!

Now how did this happen?

Fucking Jager!
Dude, when I'm not drinking I run on cigarettes and coffee. Also, you're kinda not one to talk.

The pics posted are really bad, but they are really good at summing me up. Its like I could have got the girl but I choose to drink more then I needed to and probably stroked out and passed out but thats okay. This don't really bother me, does that make me an alcoholic?
Dude101 said:
So Cpt. Price is still alive, eh?
Looks like to me someone's not old enough to be drinkin'.

Get some body hair and loshe some angsht then come back, shonny!

For the record. I'm only 22 but look 30.
It's using the day/month/year format.

A large part of the world does things that way.

Not my part, but my Spanish teachers drilled it into my head as a child.

Getting things drilled into your head sucks.
11th day 4th month is past...
Ahh.. Don't tell me you also use the imperial measurement system Farmerk. We terrans say day first then the month. Shoo outdated/different specimen :D
Yeah there's something weird with your hair on this pic.

BTW, me, my gayface, and my new piece of gear : Fender John5 Telecaster Signature
