It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

At the Darkness drinking a 40oz. The Goons can be really crafty if they want to be, they managed to restore light and get a working gas heater into this abandoned storage depot.
I think the black dude is homeless.
Oh well, everyone has one...

me and the wify. :)


me being emo kid... :P


PS: Omg i had never seen this picture so big, and now i see a floating head in it!!!! gaaahhhh

this is what legends like the kid in the "three man and one baby" are made of. :D
My dumb ass in front of the camera for once...


And some recent proof of my dumbassness...


(sharp stuff + finger = ouch!)
I was having a bad day, one of those days where it's just one thing gone wrong after another. I got pissed while arguing on the phone with my ex about getting my son for the weekend (or not getting him, since she got her way yet again- the dirty twat :evil: ) and I slammed a ceramic coffee mug down on the counter. Since it was fresh out of the microwave it quite literally exploded, and a chunk of it that was sticking up from the base sheared off the inside of my finger. The worst part was having the nurse at the ER digging around inside there with tweezers to pull out all the tiny ceramic shards. Don't worry though, it wasn't as bad as it looks (it was a hell of a lot worse! :P )

That picture was about a week or ten days after it happened, when I was finally allowed to take the bandages off myself to change them, instead of going to the doctor each day. I'd just gotten back from a treatment for it (really kind of cool, a little whirlpool bath for my hand, with antibiotics in the water- worst part was the nurse had to take scissors each time and trim off the dead flesh, which was just creepy to watch).
Suddenly I'm reminded of the texture of rotten pork. Thank you.
Seriously though, that's pretty terrible. I've had some wicked cuts and burns in my time but never anything like that horrifying mess that your finger turned into.
LOL, that's not even the worst I've ever done to myself. If I'd had a digital camera about fifteen years ago you could have been looking at the burn I got the day I was casting a guard for a sword and the mold cracked. Liquid bronze right down the front of my leg, left some nice burns. I had to have a bunch of tissue cut off to get all the bronze removed. The scars just look like a bunch of shiny skin now though, not impressive at all. I've learned to be more careful (for the most part, anyway... :roll: ) so I haven't done too many major stupidities like that in a long time now.
From late september last year.
Taken for guild forum back then, since they had a topic for pictures and wanted all members pictures.


And i know, i look like a kid and i wouldn't survive fallout
the stance, the hair, the clothes... oh god.

i think you might be the kinda guy that i have to show serious restraint for not to punch him straight in the gut when he walks passed.