It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

thegaresexperience said:
Me with pubic hair and looking plump as fuck


Atomkilla said:
Hassknecht said:

I meant which genre you were playing, but it's okay, says it here on MySpace.

I'm not big into this music, but is sounds more or less okay - beside the vocals. Honestly, they seem a bit out of place here. Just not hardcore enough, if you ask me.
Yeah, I wished we had more screams and shouts, too, but the others were not exactly into it. They are not really metalheads :D
Our singer is a really good singer, but he couldn't do those aggressive vocals. His screams (when he did them live, he didn't record them back then) were not done with the right technique, and since he wasn't exactly into it, he never bothered to learn it.
Yeah, I guess it would be okay to hear his voice in some rock or hard rock band, he would be good for that. Good vocalist, but in wrong genre.
Carib FMJ said:
Atomkilla said:
Hey Carib!

Tell me, how much does that thing weigh?

The M107 Barrett weighs about 27 lbs, not counting 10rd mag attached.

@Buxabaum666 said:
Oh hey Carib, good to see you're still around
Its good to be back

To Sua - Yes, I am with a sniper team that is attached to my Company. I am not an official sniper, but appearantly I showed I am pretty sharp, so I learned the ropes and I have been working with the team for two months now.

To Farmerk - The Barrett is best used against hardened targets and vehicles rather than personnel. But I have applied it against enemy targets. Not ideal since its a 7MOA weapon. But it drives fear into the heart of the Taliban.

Jesus you are still alive and kickin'? good to hear. I think my hiatus started about the time you first went on assignment.
Atomkilla said:
Sorry to hear that bro.

But you know, shit that doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger and all.

^ This

Never give up hope sahib, as long as there is hope there is a way out. :)
Here i'm at work with my helmet. he he he

this is my sister with her birthday present from me ,we just have a sentiment of helmets. :lol:

and me without helmet after one of these dru.. partyes in my past. Now everything is OK.

and me with my super new son, now he is 1,5 years old.
For a second I thought you were wearing two polo shirts.
That was not a pleasant thought.

It's thursday evening, it's january, my beer is more than half full and I'm wearing a wifebeater.
Hit it!

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