It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

A matter of taste, I suppose. I have a soft spot for meiji period Kanō school style art and, well, authentic irezumi in general. I understand that it's not everyone's cup of tea.

What in god's name is a bikie?

I design tattoos and I did have a tattooist's apprenticeship until I found out that I have to move back to the UK in a couple of weeks :(

Now I have to move and find another apprenticeship. Shit sucks.
Wry said:
What in god's name is a bikie?

A motor cycle gang member - but your taste in art is too refined to belong to one of those gangs. :wink:

Ohhh, a biker! Yeahno. I do have a penchant for motorcycles but not the gangs and clubs... although I must admit that the first tattoo I ever got (at the tender age of 15) was done by a big, fat, bald, beardy Hell's Angel. Ahh, youth!
So that's how the mighty Surf Solar looks like.

You look like some stoned out happy kid-in type of guy. Pretty much how I imagined ya. :p



I have too much spare time... :?