It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

The_Vault_Dweller said:
Looks like you had a grand adventure. I admire you.

:) ,
The Vault Dweller

Traejan and the beer, or me? ;)

Thanks for your admiration, just in case that you're not adressing traejan.
What is it with bassists and basses that look like that? It's like drummers and black Pearl Exports (at least I have a green one).
Actually I'm not a Bassist. But since we just fired our Bassist for being very unreliable, I recorded some bass tracks...
And the bass belongs to the guy in the studio. Our singer had a bass, too, but it was pretty crappy. The space between strings and neck was like an inch or so.
hmz Mikael, you kinda look like a friend of mine, only has was older & fatter. ^^

btw Josh, what are you trying to prove with your sig? that you think mentally retarded chicks are "fit lasses"?
Buxbaum666 said:
Actually I'm not a Bassist. But since we just fired our Bassist for being very unreliable, I recorded some bass tracks...
And the bass belongs to the guy in the studio. Our singer had a bass, too, but it was pretty crappy. The space between strings and neck was like an inch or so.
Uh... bassist... aren't "bassists" those guys who like to hang around with musicians?

Old, I know... still drunk, should better go and catch some sleep...
Briosafreak, I hereby dispense you this here emoticon:


That photo looks damn greated tuned up. And SuAside, I once saw a photo of a guy that looked almost EXACTLY like me, except for the age and amount of body. Hmm, gotta dig that up someday.
SuAside said:
hmz Mikael, you kinda look like a friend of mine, only has was older & fatter. ^^

btw Josh, what are you trying to prove with your sig? that you think mentally retarded chicks are "fit lasses"?

Jeez suaside, it was a joke. No need to be offensive, i actually found your comment funny, sigging it was in no way meant to be an attack.