It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!


She is kinda my type physically, tho'.
Well... yes. Chubbies actually.
You might say I'm a chubby chaser.
There; I've said it; I'm a chubby chaser, ok?. I like girls who have some meat on them, ok? Some cushion for the pushin', you know what I mean?
Yeah, but fatties have to have big tits, otherwise there's no point. Fat girls with small tits is a bit like skinny girls with double chins; totally illogical.

Those are Philips SBC HP200 headhpones and don't ask how did I fit the hat over them :)

And another one of me happily draining the local suply of beer :)
If you'd cut your hair, I'd hit it.

You're not at all a long-hair kind of person.
He meant Jebus. An orderite that goes by that moniker. Meaning you look just like him.

ie: VERY effeminate.

Coming from me. That means a lot.
praetorian can't cut his hair, with it he looks like james duval!

now for some random me pics..


rock on!




the rock says.... raise yo eyebrow!


ninjas > pirates.


zombies > ninjas.