I've got a job (a good job)!!!

KQX said:
Nice pic Calcy. But tell me, why would a montenegrin newspaper write about Alec? Plus what does this headline have to do with the state of Montenegrin Universities?

I was hoping to make it small enough so the text was unreadable, but I still had to make it large enough for people to read the headline I put in there. :?
Jebus said:
Would it be mean of me to mention that I've just gotten 1768.77 € for playing with kids for a month?

You just stole those kids' pocket money, didn't you?

Anyway: you earned that money as a 'job student', so that doesn't count. You don't have to pay all the taxes normal working people have to pay. None of my friends is making the money I'm going to make. And some of them have been working for five years now. Seeing this is my first real job, this is a very good pay.

And, all in all, I'm not in it for the money. No, really. I would've been glad with less. Just being able to do what I've always wanted to do, being a journalist, is the best reward I could possibly imagine.
Very happy you got a job, and jealous that you'll have a job you really really WANT to do. (But not really; can't get better than a student's life).
Keep up with posting like you used to do though... I'm always in tears when you're on that kind of writing spree.

What kind of stuff do you have to do when you're a Journalist of the Federal etc. etc.? You know, bore us with some details. :)
clercqer said:
What kind of stuff do you have to do when you're a Journalist of the Federal etc. etc.? You know, bore us with some details. :)

I'll have to do a variety of things, actually. My main task, though, is to simplify legal language. For instance, I'll have to write press releases to inform people about amendments or changes in the prison system. I'll have to write pamphlets, make PowerPoint presentations, translate legal texts from French to Dutch and so on. All of this is meant to optimalize the citizen-related service. My job is part of a Business Process Reengineering meant to modernize the Federal Department of Justice.

Ah well, this might sound like a boring job to some of you or even most of you, but as a writer I find it quite a challenge. I'll need to focus completely on the audience. It's not that hard to rewrite a legal text for a quality newspaper that is being read by educated people, because I know how these people think and I know what they can understand. The real challenge is to rewrite a complicated legal text so that it can still be understood correctly by, for instance, a warder, prisoners or people who dropped out of school at the age of sixteen.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to it.
quietfanatic said:
That is interesting and difficult, even more so for one not as creative as yourself. I hope there isn't too much deadline pressure. Good luck.
You do realise the man's a published poetry and literature writer, right?
Is his name Tom Lanoye? Because that would make him gay.

Anyway, the job sounds very challenging to say the least and I can see why they pay a n00b like you (I mean, it IS your first job and all) such a nifty pay: that's no easy task you got there partner. Not that I doubt your abilities or anything... :ok:
Sander said:
You do realise the man's a published poetry and literature writer, right?

Correct. Which might give him an extra edge if competing with a mere plodding analyst. I am not much of a wordsmith myself, but if I was, I would find a job like this easier.
alec said:
The real challenge is to rewrite a complicated legal text so that it can still be understood correctly by, for instance, a warder, prisoners or people who dropped out of school at the age of sixteen.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to it.

Yeah, and you can idiot-proof it on NMA...

Also... optimalize... dude?
Big T said:
alec said:
It's "optimaliseren" in Dutch. Got those two mixed up somehow.
That's right, blame it on the Dutchies.

Flemish = Dutch, smartass.

They just retardify certain words by using the english equivalent and then pronouncing it like it's dutch.

A "baan" is not a "job", dumbasses!

Nah, I love the flemish. They are usually way more eloquent than the average dutch git.